
  • 网络corporate ethical culture
  1. 解释有道德的投资和企业伦理文化的含义。

    Explain the meanings of ethical investing and an ethical corporate culture .

  2. 浅析以企业伦理文化为核心的企业文化建设

    Simple analysis on enterprise 's cultural construction taking enterprise 's ethics culture as the core

  3. 论我国家族企业伦理文化的儒学意蕴及当代扬弃

    The research of Confucianism meaning in the household enterprise ethics culture in our country and its contemporary development

  4. 苏南日资企业伦理文化建设的理念及其借鉴

    About the Ethic Culture Building in Japanese Enterprises in the South of Jiangsu Province and Its Reference Significance

  5. 这些理念在苏南企业伦理文化建设中值得借鉴。

    These ideas can be used for reference in the ethnic culture building in enterprises in the south of Jiangsu province .

  6. 建构学校职业伦理教育文化,是职业伦理教育的关键,而重塑企业伦理文化则是职业伦理教育的拓展和深化。

    It is of vital importance to construct the school VEE , while to reshape Corporate vocational ethics culture is to develop and deepen VEE .

  7. 本文深入研究了企业伦理文化对于人力资源管理实践的影响,提出了利用企业伦理文化积极作用创新人力资源管理的建设性意见。

    This paper mainly discusses the impact of the business ethics culture in human resource management ; it also puts forward some constructive suggestions for the innovation of human resource management through business ethics culture .

  8. 论文首先介绍了什么是企业商业伦理文化,商业伦理所涉及的各种关系以及企业商业伦理危机的主要表现。

    Firstly , it is introduced what is enterprise business ethics culture , the various relations of business ethics and the main performance of enterprise business ethics crisis .

  9. 接着论文论述了企业商业伦理文化的构建的理论依据,并从中西方主流文化中提炼出商业伦理文化的信念和价值观标准,提出了企业商业伦理文化构建的一般流程。

    Then , this paper discusses the theoretical basis for the construction of business ethics culture , and extracts the standards of the values and beliefs of business ethics from the mainstream Chinese culture and Western culture , and proposes the general process of business ethics culture construction .

  10. 企业伦理是企业文化和企业价值观的核心。

    Enterprise ethics is the enterprise culture and the enterprise values core .

  11. 企业生态伦理从文化的角度来思考环境问题,它以价值理念的形式来影响企业发展。

    Enterprise ecological ethics takes environment issues into account in view of culture and affects enterprise development in form of value idea .

  12. 是建设企业伦理,完善企业文化的坚强保证;

    Is the strong guarantee to construct business ethic and to perfect business culture ;

  13. 这些人才为中国现代市场定下了基调,在这个市场中,企业在一种伦理文化氛围内获取利润。

    These players will set the tone for a modern marketplace in China , where companies make profits in a culture of ethics .

  14. 因此,探讨企业核心竞争力与企业伦理文化的关系是很有必要的。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to explore the relationship between the firm core competence and the firm ethical culture .

  15. 这些观念内化为企业的伦理意识,影响到企业家精神、企业伦理和企业文化的培育。

    These notions are internalized as the ethical awareness and affect the cultivation of entrepreneurship , corporate ethics and culture .

  16. 第二章分析了民营企业和民营企业伦理的含义,并将企业伦理与企业文化和企业社会责任等概念相比较,进一步界定了企业伦理的内涵。

    Chapter II of the private enterprises and private enterprises the meaning of ethics and business ethics and corporate culture and corporate social responsibility , the concept of comparison , and further defines the business ethics of its essence .

  17. 它既是企业的综合管理能力、发展潜力的反映,又是企业伦理和企业文化的重要标志。

    It is a comprehensive enterprise management capabilities to reflect the potential for development , is an important symbol of business ethics and corporate culture .

  18. 本文在对我国企业存在的诸多不道德现象进行反思和借鉴国外企业伦理研究,吸收优秀传统文化的基础上,试图对市场经济条件下的我国的企业伦理文化建设问题作以初步阐述。

    The article attempts to introduce some reflections and advise on the construction of enterprise ethic in China according to analyzing the problem of enterprise , referring the study on enterprise ethic abroad , and traditional culture .

  19. 我国企业要真正落实社会主义道德文明建设的要求,保证国家物质文明建设的顺利进行,以积极姿态参与国际竞争,就必须要在企业伦理文化建设上下功夫。

    For resolving the question existed in the enterprise , we think enterprise in China should pay more attention to the ethical and cultured construction so as to carry out the requirements of the socialist moral civilization , guarantee the material civilization and participate in international competition positively .