
  • 网络function of enterprise culture
  1. 基于行为科学的企业文化功能研究

    Research of the Function of Enterprise Culture Based on the Behavioral Science

  2. 本文运用行为科学的基本理论,对企业文化的功能进行了分析,从理论上回答了企业文化功能产生的原因和机理。

    In this paper , the author analyses the function of enterprise culture with the basic theory of behavioral science , revealing the mechanism on which the function of enterprise culture is produced .

  3. 对企业文化功能的思考

    On Limited Functions of Corporate Culture

  4. 长期以来,人们对企业文化功能的认识存在两个极端:一是企业文化无用论,造成这种认识的原因有企业文化虚无化、企业文化狭义化和企业文化政治化等。

    In a long term , there are two extremes about functions of corporate culture : corporate culture is omnipotent and corporate culture is useless .

  5. 我国要实现小康社会,实现现代化,达到人与自然、社会的协调可持续发展,就必须转变传统的管理模式,充分运用企业文化功能来进行管理。

    It is essential for us to change the traditional management mode and take the advantages of the function of corporation to manage a corporation , if we want to realize the dream of well-off society , modernization and sustainable development .

  6. 密切关注热点是发挥企业文化营销功能的关键;

    Building brand is essential to exploit marketing function of enterprise culture .

  7. 本文对企业文化的功能及其实现方式进行了阐述,有助于企业管理者更好地开展企业文化的建设与改造。

    The knowledge of enterprise culture functioning mechanism is helpful for managers .

  8. 企业文化激励功能及其完善途径研究

    Research on the Stimulation Function of Corporate Culture and Its Improvement Way

  9. 浅论现代企业文化的功能作用、创建途径与评价标准

    Discusses the modern enterprise culture shallowly the function , the foundation way and judgment standard

  10. 只有充分发挥家族企业文化这些功能,才能保障家族企业的可持续发展。

    Only by giving full functions of the family enterprise culture , it can guarantee the sustainable development of the family business .

  11. 其次,探讨了竞争优势与企业文化的功能,和两种功能的相互强化与相互补充,再次重点论述战略优势理论与企业文化理论在企业管理应用中的交互作用。

    And mutual strengthen and complement of two functions . The third . Emphasizes on the interaction of two theories in the practice of enterprise management .

  12. 博弈论(囚徒困境模型)论证了企业文化的重要功能,即坚定的共享价值观念(SharedValue)能够摆脱囚徒困境,解决囚徒两难问题。

    The paper mainly applies game theory ( Prisoner 's Dilemma Model ) to the significant function of corporate culture , namely the firmly shared value can help out of the Prisoner 's Dilemma to solve this problem .

  13. 论现代企业文化结构之功能

    On the Function of the Cultural Structure of the Modern Enterprise

  14. 企业文化的激励功能及其对员工工作满意度影响研究

    Organizational Culture 's Incentive Function and Its Influence on Employee 's Job-Satisfaction

  15. 企业文化的激励功能新论

    Discuss on Inspiriting Function of Corporation Culture

  16. 企业文化的约束功能新论

    Constraint function of corporate culture

  17. 分析了企业文化对一体化功能实现的可能影响,并探讨了动态一体化体系的构建模式。

    It also analyzes the possible influence of enterprise culture on realizing integration and approaches the framing modes of dynamic integration system .

  18. 企业文化的激励功能是实现经济价值的重要途径,因此在加强企业文化建设中要设定合理的激励模式和机制。

    Its inspiring function was the key way to realize economic value , so during the course of strengthen corporation culture buildin .

  19. 建立矿山企业体育文化多元化功能的基本定位体系,构筑矿山企业体育文化多元化功能定位的初步理论框架。

    Establish mine enterprises physical culture pluralism function of the basic positioning system , Mine enterprises to build s physical culture diversification of the initial functional positioning theoretical framework .

  20. 第四部分,为了更有效地发挥企业文化的管理功能,本文进一步探讨了与企业文化模式相对应的管理模式的构建,这个阶段是企业文化构建的完善阶段。

    In the fourth , due to exert the management function of corporate culture more effectively , we discuss deeply the construction of management mode , which is apt to the decided corporate culture , we perfect the construction of corporate culture in this period .

  21. 论企业文化的人才管理功能

    On the function of talent management in enterprise culture

  22. 第一章介绍企业文化的概念、功能与特征。

    The first chapter introduces idea , function and character of enterprise culture .

  23. 在分析金融企业文化的内涵、功能、意义等的基础上,论述了研究金融企业文化建设应注意的问题,并对如何加强金融企业文化建设进行了一些探讨。

    By analyzing the connotation , function and significance of the finance corporate culture , this paper will focus on how to strengthen the finance corporate culture establishment and solve the relevant problems .

  24. 本文探讨了以人为本的企业文化基本模式、功能及其运行机制,比较了它与一般企业文化的主要区别,指出了它以意义人假设作为自己的人性论前提。

    This paper discusses the main patterns of the human-oriented corporate culture , its function and mechanism , compares it with the ordinary corporate culture and points out that ' meaning man ' is its prerequisite .

  25. 本文从企业文化的内涵、企业文化的功能及培育企业文化的对策措施等方面进行了初步论述,以期能对我国企业如何做好企业文化建设有所启迪。

    This paper probes into the culture of enterprises from the aspects of basic connotation , main functions and the strategies to establish it , hoping that will enlighten the domestic enterprises .

  26. 虚拟企业对文化的影响主要表现在企业文化凝聚功能的弱化、跨文化协调、具有平等和开放的特征等。

    The influences of dummy enterprise on Culture mainly represented the weakened agglomeration function of corporation culture , Cross culture harmony and the character of equality and opening .

  27. 在论文的撰写中,本文认为企业文化激励是一个系统,企业文化激励功能的发挥,关键是这个系统整体要发挥作用。

    It is believed in this paper that the enterprise culture inspiration should be regarded as a system . The realization of inspiration function of enterprise culture is critically dependent on the exertion the system as a whole .

  28. 着重论述了企业环境和谐文化的定义,环境和谐企业文化的功能,和发展这种文化的相关策略。

    Finally some introductions are made to the definition of harmonious corporate culture environment , its function and the relative strategies of developing this culture .

  29. 然后在明确界定了企业文化的内涵后,重点回顾了企业文化的特质、功能、结构,明确指出热力企业文化的含义,为YQ热力公司企业文化建设提供了理论依据。

    Then after clearly define the meaning of corporate culture , I focus on reviewing the characteristic , function and structure of corporate culture , and interpret the meaning of the culture of thermal corporate , this provide theoretical basis for the construction of YQ corporate culture .

  30. 第二章介绍企业文化的定义、企业文化的基本结构和企业文化的功能。

    The second chapter describes the definition of corporate culture , corporate culture , the basic structure and function of corporate culture .