
  1. 论文第一章首次用BMCC企业文化模式说明了公司纲领的中心作用,以及代表中日双方文化的公司精神的基础作用。

    In Chapter One , a description of the BMCC enterprise culture mode is used to show the core effect of the company 's creed and basic effect which represents the company 's spirit and culture .

  2. 华北石化公司学习型企业文化模式研究

    The Study about Learning Corporation Culture Mode of Huabei Petrochemical Company

  3. 论西部企业文化模式的构建

    Discussion on the construction of enterprise culture model in th west

  4. 第四章,外国企业文化模式及其比较。

    Chapter 2 , general outline of the corporate culture .

  5. 隆源煤矿企业文化模式研究

    The Study of Corporate Culture Model of Long Yuan Coalmine

  6. 试论中国民航企业文化模式及选择

    Cultural Mode and Choice for Chinese Civil Aviation Enterprises

  7. 基于此,论文对企业文化模式之自主选择与构建进行了详细、系统地分析,力图为企业文化建设提供可操作性理论指导。

    This article analyze detailedly and systematically the choice and construction of corporate culture mode .

  8. 企业文化模式构建初探

    On Construction of Enterprise Culture Mode

  9. 探析了奇瑞企业文化模式,指出企业文化对奇瑞发展的促进作用。

    Analyse the corporate culture mode of Cherry and point out its promotion to Cherry 's development .

  10. 企业文化模式、企业精神、核心管理观念、创新制度、企业品牌等是培育企业文化应包涵的重要内容。

    In nurturing a corporate culture , an enterprise cannot dispense with these factors : cultural pattern , corporate spirit , core ideas of management , innovation system and brands of its mainstay products .

  11. 再次,重点以三层次论的企业文化模式构建了甘肃四建企业文化。最后,建立了甘肃四建企业文化模式的评价系统。

    Thirdly , it emphatically reconstructs the cultural establishment by the three-storey theory Lastly , the thesis set up the evaluation system for cultural establishment patterns in the construct in Engineering Company of Gansu .

  12. 新经济条件下企业文化管理模式重构研究

    Restructure Study of Enterprise Culture Management Mode under the New Economic Conditions

  13. 中国企业文化营销模式探析

    Study on Cultural Marketing Model for Chinese Enterprises

  14. 跨国并购中的企业文化整合模式:理论与运用

    The Theories and Practices of Integration Pattern of Corporate Culture in Transnational M & A

  15. 生产型外资企业文化建设模式研究

    Research on Foreign Enterprises Culture Building

  16. 根据这两种企业文化建设模式,得出了绿色企业文化是当代企业文化的战略选择的基本结论。

    According to the two corporate culture patterns , the paper arrives at the conclusion that the green corporate culture is the strategic choice of contemporary corporate culture .

  17. 本文探讨了以人为本的企业文化基本模式、功能及其运行机制,比较了它与一般企业文化的主要区别,指出了它以意义人假设作为自己的人性论前提。

    This paper discusses the main patterns of the human-oriented corporate culture , its function and mechanism , compares it with the ordinary corporate culture and points out that ' meaning man ' is its prerequisite .

  18. 国外企业兼并文化整合模式与选择理论及其启示

    Patterns & Theories Concerning Foreign Mergered Enterprises ' Cultural Integrity

  19. 浅谈虚拟企业文化及其目标模式的构建

    On Constructing Goal Mode of the Virtual Enterprise Culture

  20. 兼并企业文化整合:模式与关键环节研究

    Acculturation in the Management of Mergers : Study on Modes and Key Links

  21. 中国高成长性企业的文化战略模式探析

    The Cultural Strategic Model of Chinese High-growth Business

  22. 韩国企业文化及其管理模式浅析

    Korean Corporate Culture and its Management Pattern

  23. 再次,研究了企业实施文化管理模式的前提条件和实践方式。

    Again , we study the preconditions and practical methods for the enterprise cultural management pattern to be implemented .

  24. 为了使异质文化更好的融合,本文在文化冲突解决方法的基础上,提出了中外合资企业文化融合的模式以及具体的途径。

    In order to syncretize different culture , the essay advances the culture syncretism model and concrete ways on the basis of the way of solving conflict .

  25. 需要说明的是,本论文主要侧重点和创新点在企业文化整合的模式分析、风险控制与企业文化价值评估这三大块内容。

    What needs to explain is that the innovations in the thesis are the culture conflict ; risk control of integration ; integration models and so on .

  26. 本文运用比较研究和实证分析的方法,对建筑企业安全文化建设模式、评价方法以及系统化发展思路进行了初步探讨。

    This paper uses comparative research and real example to analyze , to discuss overall on construction enterprise safety cultural construction mode , appraisal method and systematized thinking of development .

  27. 在专业规范的管理模式基础上,该客户服务部又结合平安集团悠久精深的集团文化,形成了特色的企业文化与服务模式。

    The call center has formed its unique culture and service practice , based on both the standard and professional management model and the long and profound culture of Ping An Group .

  28. 本文尝试探讨了茶业文化营销的三种模式,即茶业企业产品文化营销模式、品牌文化营销模式、企业文化营销模式。

    The paper tried to discuss the three models on the tea cultural marketing , namely the model of tea product cultural marketing , brand cultural marketing , and enterprise cultural promotion .

  29. 提出适合建筑企业安全文化的模式,即安全文化体系,该体系旨在将安全管理中各要素有机地结合在一起,使安全文化以具体的形式体现出来。

    The proper construction enterprise 's safe cultural model was proposed , i.e. safe cultural system , which integrated all elements in safe management together , making safe cultural appear in the form of concrete .

  30. 中国现代企业文化建构理念与模式研究

    Research on Idea and Mode of the Construction for Chinese Modern Corporate Culture