
  • 网络Corporate Visual Image;Corporate CIsual Image
  1. 这种重视标志而忽略辅助图形的现状,会使视觉传达系统应用部分的设计遭遇瓶颈,而且之后的执行也会遇到很多困难,对于企业视觉形象的统一造成负面影响。

    This attention to signs and ignore the status of auxiliary graphics , visual communication system applications will design some bottlenecks , and after the implementation will encounter many difficulties for the unity of corporate visual image of the negative impact .

  2. 企业视觉形象的设计与管理研究

    Research on design and management of corporate visual identity

  3. 杭州部分老字号企业视觉形象现状的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Existing Visual Image of Some Hangzhou Time-Honored Brand Corporations

  4. 作为企业视觉形象建设中的重要部分,视觉识别系统(Ⅵ)越来越受到企业的重视,在日渐活跃的市场经济中扮演着重要的角色。

    As an important part of the construction of enterprises Visual Images , Visual Identity System (ⅵ) that plays a key role in market economy which is getting daily invigorated .

  5. 商业卖场环境中的导示图形不仅具有指示和引导功能,同时也是一般社会大众和消费者首先接触到的企业视觉形象。

    Symbol graphics is not only used for the function of instruction and guidance in store business environment , but also is the first visual image of the enterprise to the general public and consumers .

  6. 企业品牌的视觉形象极大地影响着企业的生存与发展。

    The brand key visual has a great impact on the survival and development of a company .

  7. 企业标志是企业视觉形象的核心,企业标志不仅是调动所有视觉要素的主导力量,也是整合所有视觉要素的中心,更是社会大众认同企业品牌的代表。

    Enterprise logo is a visual image of the core business , the corporate logo not only a mobilization of all the visual elements of the leading forces , but also integrate all the visual elements of the centre , the community is recognized brand representatives .

  8. 文章结合CI的相关理论和实际案例,从企业理念、企业行为和企业视觉形象三方面出发,阐述了CI策划在树立优良企业形象中的具体运用和现实意义。

    This dissertation , combined with uses correlative theories and actual cases of CI , starts from the three aspects , expands separately the uses and real meaning that Mind Identity system , Behaviour Identity system and Visual Identity system for the establishment of Corporate Identity .

  9. 企业形象包括内在的企业文化和外在的行为规范以及企业视觉形象。产品是企业的结晶,企业形象的确立离不开对产品的分析和统一设计;

    Outstanding Corporation Identity and creative product design are both important to a company 's development . Corporation Identity system is made up of internal culture , exterior visual identity and behavior criterion .