
  1. 企业生态伦理与营销绩效的相关性研究

    Study on Relevance between Ecological Ethics and Marketing Performance

  2. 论文剖析了企业生态伦理作用于企业发展的经济机制。

    The dissertation dissertates the economic mechanism of ecological ethics functioning on enterprise development .

  3. 树立企业生态伦理观,促进企业生产方式转变。

    3rd , sets up enterprise ecology morals view , the promotion enterprise economy transformation .

  4. 论企业生态伦理责任

    Enterprises ' Ethical Responsibilities for the Environment

  5. 企业生态伦理从文化的角度来思考环境问题,它以价值理念的形式来影响企业发展。

    Enterprise ecological ethics takes environment issues into account in view of culture and affects enterprise development in form of value idea .

  6. 企业生态伦理是企业应当具备的内在品质,它关系着和谐统一的人类社会的形成、市场经济体系的有效运作及企业自身的不断发展。

    Enterprise ecological ethic is the inside quality that the enterprise should have . It relates to the building of a harmonious society , the effective operating of the market economy system , and continuous development of the enterprise itself .

  7. 在实际生活中,企业承担生态伦理责任这一具有现实意义的道德思考可能遇到诸如投入与利润、成本差异与公平竞争、环境问题责任主体的确认等各种问题,相应解决办法也有所不同。

    Moral considerations of the responsibilities may in practice encounter issues of the investment and profit , different cost and equal competition , and the subject of the responsibilities .

  8. 以环境行政权保障公民环境权,防止权力侵害权利;企业树立生态伦理观念,实行环保化运作,另外还可以实行企业环境民事赔偿责任强制保险制度;

    Protect citizen environment right with administrative power , prevent administrative power from violating citizen environment right Business enterprises set up ecosystem ethics idea and practice environment-protection operation , can also practice compulsory insurance system for business enterprises in environment civil case indemnification duty ;

  9. 我们应该通过强化企业生态责任,构建企业生态伦理,实现企业管理生态化来培育企业生态文化。

    We should cultivate the enterprise ecological culture by strengthening the ecological duty of the enterprise , by establishing the ecological ethics of the enterprise , by realizing the ecology of the management of the enterprise .