
  1. 介绍加强企业文化核心层的建设,变工作过程为创新过程的实践和经验。

    The practice and experience of changing the work process into a creative process by strengthening the construction of the core of enterprise culture are introduced .

  2. 企业文化有三层结构,即精神层、制度层和物质层。

    Corporate culture includes a triple inner structure , namely , spirit culture , system culture and material culture .

  3. 企业文化包括精神层、制度层、物质层。企业文化的精神层即理念识别系统是物质层与制度层的思想内涵,是企业文化的核心与灵魂。

    The spiritual layer of enterprise culture-the system of ideal distinction is thoughtful connotation of material layer and system layer , and is centre and soul as well .

  4. 通过企业的精神文化层、制度文化层、行为文化层、物质文化层四个层面提出建设学习型企业文化的设想,将学习型企业文化作为一个理论体系进行系统化、体系化。

    In the sixth part , it comes up with the assuming of learning enterprise culture constructing from four aspects : spirit culture , system culture , behavior culture and material culture to make learning enterprise culture a system .

  5. 文章对思科公司的经营战略&企业文化和公司层战略、业务层战略中的竞争战略、技术创新战略和蓝海战略,结合我在公司工作七年的体会和当前实际进行了研究和分析。

    This article analyses the strategies of Cisco , including the cultures and strategy at corporate level , the competition strategy , technology innovation , blue sea strategy At operation level , while combining my seven years Cisco working experience and current situations .

  6. 施工企业的企业文化物质层探析

    Discussing and Analysing Substance Level for Enterprise Culture of Construction Enterprise

  7. 尽管企业文化是由管理层设定的,但如果公司所有者认同这一文化,就可以得到强化;反之,如果股东很容易退出公司,就会损害这种文化。

    While a culture is set by senior management , it can be reinforced if owners share it , or undermined by easy shareholder exit .

  8. 保险公司的企业文化建设应从精神层、制度层和物质层三大层面协调进行。

    The construction of enterprise culture of insurance companies should be coordinated in three aspects , namely , spiritual aspect , institutional aspect and material aspect .

  9. 作者在第四章分析了问题产生的四点原因,并在第五章提出了从企业文化的精神文化层到实体文化层的建设对策。

    In Chapter Four of the auther analyzes the four reasons of that problems , and puts forward the construction countermeasures from the cultural layer to the physical cultural layer in the fifth chapter .

  10. 第二章论述了企业文化的基本层次划分,并着重从企业文化的精神层方面论述有关出版企业的文化建设的问题。

    The second one is about the administrative levels of the enterprise culture which put emphasis on the spirit of the enterprise culture .

  11. 而作为企业质量文化核心的企业价值观,直接影响着企业质量文化的精神层、制度层和物质层等各个层面。

    As the core of enterprise quality culture , corporate value conception influences directly every layer of enterprise quality culture including spirit layer , system layer and material layer .

  12. 第五章,从在华韩资企业的产品服务、企业形象、企业环境、文化传播网络等企业文化物质层的相关内容出发,对在华韩资企业文化物质层的本土化进行了分析和研究。

    From chapter there to chapter five , by researching Korean multinational enterprise in China , such as Samsung , LG , Hyundai , etc , the author focuses on analyzing the localization of enterprise culture .