
  1. 人力资源管理是企业文化的载体,企业文化是人力资源管理的灵魂。

    The human resources are the support of the enterprise culture and the latter is the soul of the former .

  2. 基层党建工作要以企业文化建设为载体

    Party Construction Work at the Grass-roots level Taking Cultural Building of Enterprises as Carriers

  3. 科技同质化、质量同质化和功能同质化程度越来越高,通过产品细分和产品定位制造差异以获得竞争优势越来越艰难,品牌理论提供了一种解决之道,品牌是企业文化的重要载体。

    The increasing homogeneity of technologies , quality and functions makes it difficult to gain competitive advantages through segmenting product markets and positioning products . Brand theory offers a good solution .

  4. 包括设计二形态、三维度和四要素的企业安全文化建设现场载体体系结构,构建企业安全文化建设现场载体2线3面4点理论体系模型。

    The research is about to design the structure system of the on-site carriers of enterprise safety culture which includes two forms , three dimensions and four elements , and to build " 2 lines 3 faces 4 points " theoretical system model . 2 .