
  1. 价值工程思维在企业内刊建设中的作用分析:一个案例剖析

    Analysis on the Effect of the Enterprise Journal in the Organizational Culture Construction Based on VE : A Case Study

  2. 第二章重点分析了企业内刊的独特性、功能及影响性因素,三部分内容共同凸显了企业内刊的价值与意义。

    The second analyses three parts including the uniqueness , functions and influence factors of the publication which focus on the significance and value of the enterprise publications .

  3. 本文是从企业内刊的界定谈起,明确了企业内刊可以作为传播学所研究的对象,其所传播的文化核心是企业文化。

    This paper starts from the definition of enterprise non-magazine and specifies that enterprise non-magazine can be the object of the study of communication and cultural core is enterprise culture .

  4. 正文部分包括四个章节,第一章动态地呈现了企业内刊的系统概念、表现形式及国内外发展情况,对内刊有了比较现实的认识。

    The body contains four chapters , the first chapter shows a more realistic understanding by writing the system concept , forms and the situation of the domestic and foreign .

  5. 本文针对出版集团企业内刊的战略价值与发展方向做出系统研究,期待能对出版集团企业内刊的健康发展起到积极的指导作用。

    The paper study development direction and communication effects of the journal of the enterprise , looking forward to playing an active role in guiding the healthy development of the Journal Publishing Group companies .

  6. 我希望通过企业内刊的例子不仅仅向人们展示文化事件在我们当前生活中是怎样和为什么发挥着重要作用的,还希望向人们介绍一些进行文化传播研究的核心概念,思考和分析的方法。

    I hope this paper can not only show people that how and why cultural deeds play such an important role in our life , but also introduce some central conceptions of research of cultural propagation , and methods of thinking and analyzing through the examples of enterprise non-magazine .

  7. 借助积极思考以及一些国内外的案例解析,从中促使我们更深入地挖掘企业及企业内刊中的一些核心资源和新资源,积极传播,实现内刊的个性品牌价值。

    Background with positive thinking , and some of the domestic and foreign case analysis , from which can be prompted us more in-depth mining some of the core resources and new resources in enterprises and enterprise publications . It spreads positively to build a fresh brand of the publication .

  8. 文胜传媒创意工作室是一家专业从事期刊杂志设计、企业画册设计、企业内刊设计、企业海报设计的设计团体。

    Wen-Sheng Media is a creative studio specializing in design journals , business book design , Journal of the enterprise design , poster design corporate design groups .

  9. 在企业发展过程中,企业内刊作为一种特殊的企业媒介资源,被越来越多的企业所重视。

    As a special kind of media resource , the internal publication has been utilized by lots of enterprises through the process of expanding .