
  • 网络The spirit of enterprise culture
  1. 这是拓展训练对企业精神文化建设作用的内在细节体现。

    This is expanding training for the spirit of enterprise culture construction reflect role of inner details . 3 .

  2. 拓展训练对企业精神文化的作用,是通过提高参加者在团队中的人际间信任、群体交往对个体的吸引力和群体任务一致性等系列的社会心理指标来实现的。

    Expand training on the spirit of enterprise culture , is the role of the team by raising participants in " interpersonal trust ," " group of individual attraction communication " and " group tasks consistent " to realize social psychological indicator .

  3. 企业精神文化建设实施方法的研究

    On the Implementing Approach to the Construction of Enterprise Spiritual Culture

  4. 即:①整合企业精神文化,建立价值理念系统。

    That is ① Conformity of enterprise spirit cultural .

  5. 民营企业精神文化研究

    Research on Spiritual Culture of Nongovernmental Business

  6. 以企业精神文化为核心的企业文化建设,属于企业人本管理思想体系中的最新管理模式。

    The enterprise culture , which takes the spiritual culture as core , belongs to updated managerial pattern in human-centered managerial system .

  7. 而企业精神文化是企业文化的核心,搞好企业文化建设的关键在于搞好企业精神文化建设。

    Enterprise spiritual culture , however , is the core of enterprise culture , on which advanced enterprise culture is fundamentally based .

  8. 企业精神文化是企业文化的内核,它承载着企业的优秀传统,决定着企业的发展方向。

    Enterprises ' spirit culture is a kernel of the enterprises ; culture . And it bears excellent tradition of the enterprise , and determines the direction of enterprises ' development .

  9. 因此,本文对如何在企业精神文化建设中运用思想政治工作的方法进行了研究。

    Therefore , this thesis attempts to study the issue on how to give full play to the way in which the ideological and political education is conducted in promoting the spiritually cultural progress in enterprises .

  10. 将以人为本作为一本四维优化模式的核心,分别从石油企业精神文化、制度文化、行为文化、物质文化的四个维度对石油企业文化进行优化,并对优化的保障体系进行系统的探索。

    Respectively from the petroleum enterprise spirit culture , system culture , behavior culture and material culture of the four dimensions of petroleum enterprise culture were optimized , meanwhile optimizing the system of security system for exploration .

  11. 笔者在论述了企业精神文化建设运用思想政治工作方法的必要性和可行性的基础上,对如何在企业精神文化建设中运用思想政治工作方法进行了阐述。

    The author has elaborated the necessity and the feasibility of the utility of the strategies of the ideological and political education for promoting the spiritually cultural progress before the suggestions on how to use them are indicated .

  12. 其核心是企业精神文化的再造,重点是与企业生产经营活动的融合,并注重与社会文化建设的接轨。

    The core is the reconstruction of enterprise culture , and the emphasis is the combination with the production and management of the enterprise . On the other hand , the link with social culture construction should also be valued .

  13. 启示我们要树立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的道德体系和伦理观念,加强企业精神文化建设,不断推进传统文化向现代文化的转变;

    Proves the moral attribute of the human . This thesis inspires us to set up the moral system and ethic ideas that adapt the socialist market economy system , to enhance the enterprise cultural construction , and to promote the transition from traditional culture to modern culture .

  14. 因而,树立超越利润最大化的价值观是百年企业的精神文化基础。

    Therefore , establish beyond the profit maximization of values is the century enterprise spirit culture foundation .

  15. 本公司将以优质威宇、诚信威宇、发展威宇的企业精神与文化为指导方针。

    Our company always maintains " Weiyu of top quality , high sincerity and good development " of enterprise culture as its guideline .

  16. 通过企业的精神文化层、制度文化层、行为文化层、物质文化层四个层面提出建设学习型企业文化的设想,将学习型企业文化作为一个理论体系进行系统化、体系化。

    In the sixth part , it comes up with the assuming of learning enterprise culture constructing from four aspects : spirit culture , system culture , behavior culture and material culture to make learning enterprise culture a system .

  17. 第三,企业精神凝练的文化竞争优势。

    Third , the cultural competition advantage with condensed enterprising spirit .

  18. 企业文化是精神文化、制度文化和物质文化的复合体。

    Enterprise culture is a complex of the spirit culture , system culture and substance culture .

  19. 把企业的精神、文化、内涵体现在每一件值得骄傲的服装上。

    The spirit , culture and intension of the enterprise all can reflect on the each proud clothes .

  20. 我们以超越他人的智慧,坚忍不拔的耐力,无畏无惧的勇气,铸就了企业精神,企业文化和经营思想。

    Others beyond our intelligence , perseverance stamina , fearless courage , forged the entrepreneurial spirit , corporate culture and business idea .

  21. 企业精神是企业文化的核心,是企业兴旺发达的精神动力。

    The enterprise spirit is the main part of corporate culture , and the motive power of the growth and flourish of the enterprise as well .

  22. 中华传统文化所蕴涵的企业精神、商业文化、管理哲学及其现代价值,受到多学科的广泛关注。

    Different disciplines have followed with great interest the overseas entrepreneurship , merchant culture , management philosophy and their modern values implicated in Chinese traditional culture .

  23. 企业精神是企业文化的精髓和灵魂,企业精神是企业的发展历史写照,内涵丰富而深刻,意义重大而深远。

    Enterprise spirit , being rich in connotation and profound in significance , is the essence and core of the enterprise 's culture and the historical portrait of its development .

  24. 同时指出只有建立高效率的现代管理模式,培育具有特色的企业精神和企业文化,才能搞好我国建筑业的技术创新。

    Author point out that through establishing high efficient modern management pattern and cultivating characteristic enterprise 's spirit and culture the technical innovation of our construction industry can be do well .

  25. 作者在第四章分析了问题产生的四点原因,并在第五章提出了从企业文化的精神文化层到实体文化层的建设对策。

    In Chapter Four of the auther analyzes the four reasons of that problems , and puts forward the construction countermeasures from the cultural layer to the physical cultural layer in the fifth chapter .

  26. 文化差异的突出表现是东西方文化体系差异、民族传统文化差异;价值观差异表现在企业精神和企业文化理念两方面;企业管理差异则明显表现为权力距离方面的差异、管理者风格的差异。

    Cultural difference is the outstanding performance differences between Eastern and Western cultural system , national culture differences . Differences in values reflected in the concept of entrepreneurship and enterprise culture , two aspects ; Differences in corporate governance is evident from the differences of power , management style differences .

  27. 民营企业精神是民营企业文化的灵魂,是价值观的浓缩,而民营企业家精神是形成民营企业精神的基础。

    Corporate spirit is the soul of the culture , and closely related to the values of corporations .

  28. 致力于营造一种有利于默会知识传播并体现企业文化精神的学校文化。

    Dedicate to shaping the school culture contribute to the diffusion of tacit knowledge and embody the cultural spirit of enterprises .

  29. 我们相信,我们的企业精神是我们企业文化的重要构成部分,我们的员工就是我们的力量之源、生命力之源和信誉之源。

    We believe that our entrepreneurial spirit is an essential part of our culture , and that our people are the source of our strength , vitality , and reputation .

  30. 体现了企业的进取精神及文化内涵,象征企业蒸蒸日上的发展趋势,具有鲜明的时代感和国际化色彩。

    Has manifested enterprise 's enterprising spirit and the cultural connotation , the development tendency which the symbolic enterprise progresses day by day , has the bright time feeling and the internationalization color .