
  1. 传统的ERP注重对企业内部资金流和物流的一体化管理。

    The traditional ERP focus on enterprise inside captial and logistics 's whole mangement .

  2. ERP系统定位于企业内部资金流与物流的全程一体化管理,即实现从原材料采购到产品完成整个过程的各种资源计划与控制,主要目标仍是以产品生产为导向的成本控制;

    ERP is focus on the integration management of fund flow and material flow of an enterprise , aiming at the control of prime cost .

  3. 施工企业内部资金管理措施的思考

    Research on Management of Interior Fund for Construction Enterprises

  4. 利润分配也会影响企业内部资金情况,支付现金股利减少了自由现金流,从而减少了企业从事净现值为负的项目的机会,因此股利发放也可以在一定程度上减轻过度投资问题。

    The dividend policy could also affect the internal funds and free cash flow in business enterprise , reducing the chance of being engaged in negative net present value and over-investment .

  5. 低碳经济毕竟是高技术含量的新兴行业,所需资金量巨大,仅靠企业内部资金供给和国家财政支持,远远满足不了需求,国内资本市场的不成熟使众多低碳企业将目光转向了国外。

    After all , low-carbon economy is an industry of high technology , we need a huge amount of funds , enterprises can not satisfy the demand only by internal capital supply and national financial support .

  6. 从微观层面上看,将造成企业内部资金结构单一、抗风险能力差,市场资本流通体系不健全、社会闲散资金未能充分利用等弊端。

    At the micro-level , the structure of funds within a single enterprise , the ability to resist risks worse , The market circulation of capital system is not perfect , social idle funds have not been fully utilized .

  7. 负的融资缺口意味着企业有内部资金支持它们的资本支出。

    A negative financing gap means companies have the funds in house to support their capital expenditures .

  8. 研究发现,在微观上内部资本市场表现为企业的内部资金管理及多元化投资行为,在宏观上则表现出了与外部资本市场相类似的金融功能。

    Study found that the performance of internal capital market is a kind of diversified investment and internal fund management behavior within enterprises at the micro , and it shows the similar financial functions with external capital markets at the macro .

  9. 内源融资是企业从内部寻找资金的过程。

    Internal financing is the process that enterprise finds resources from the internal .

  10. 企业内部资本市场是企业内部所形成的资金流动和资本配置,是企业传统融资方式的一种有益补充。

    Internal capital market ( ICM ) is internally formed by funds flows and capital allocation , which is a useful supplement of traditional financing for enterprises .

  11. 由于科技型中小企业的规模小、抗风险能力弱,面对巨大的资金投入,仅有依靠企业内部资金能积累是难以为继的,因此需要有便利的和完善的外部融资体系来支持。

    As small-scale and weak anti-risk ability of Hi-tech SMEs ', in the face of enormous capital investment , only to rely on internal funds are difficult to accumulate , and therefore there is necessary to facilitate and improve the system of external financing to support .