
  1. 石油企业资金风险预警与控制问题探讨

    Warning and Control of Capital Risk in Oil Corporation

  2. 企业资金运营风险管理研究&企业销售过程的风险模拟

    Study on Risk Management of Enterprise Capital Running & Risk Simulation for Selling Process of Enterprise

  3. A外贸企业资金运行和风险管理探索

    The Exploration of Financial and Risk Management of a Foreign Trade Company

  4. 该模型表明企业自有资金与风险之间的关系,偿试从宏观角度来确定企业负债的比率。

    The model describes the relationship between the borrowed fund and the risk involved , and endeavors to determine the debt ratio of an enterprise from a macroscopic point of view .

  5. 受政策打压影响,中小房地产开发企业的资金链风险暴露无疑,行业集中度有明显上升趋势,这预示着大型房地产企业集团群雄逐鹿的时代即将到来。

    Medium and small-sized real estate enterprises start to expose financial risk in capital chain as a result of adverse macro policies . Real estate industry tends to be more centralized , which promises the competition between large-sized enterprise groups is heating up .

  6. 现代企业的资金筹集及其风险防范

    The Funds Raising and Risk Preventing of the Modern Enterprise

  7. 资金集中管理能有效降低企业资金成本,提升企业价值,控制资金风险。

    Centralized management of funds can reduce the corporate cost of capital to enhance corporate value , so as to control financial risk .