
  • 网络Merchandising Right;merchandizing right
  1. 这一新型的权利在法学理论界大都把它定义为商品化权。

    The new right is defined as merchandising right in the field of law theorists .

  2. 第二部分论述了商品化权之现有民法保护制度述评。

    The second part is mainly the comment of the present law on merchandising right .

  3. 商品化权本质论

    The Discussion on Merchandising Right On Nature of Merchandising Right

  4. 商品化权的正当性论析&基于财产权劳动学说的思考

    A Justification for Merchandising Right & Some Thoughts Based on Labor Theory

  5. 论人格标识商品化权及其民法保护

    On the Commercialization Right of Personality Mark and Its Protection by Civil law

  6. 论知名形象的商品化权保护

    A Study on Protection of Well-Know Image by the by the Merchandising Right

  7. 从人格向财产扩张的商品化权

    Right of Commercialization From Personality to Property Expansion

  8. 最后,对我国动漫形象商品化权侵权的执法和司法工作提出了几点建议。

    Finally , I give some three advises on law enforcement and the justice .

  9. 商品化权是一种新型的知识产权。

    Commercializing right is a kind of newly arisen and newly intellectual property right .

  10. 况且商品化权内容繁多,这种口袋型权利并不利于创意的保护。

    Moreover this kind of pocket right does not favor to protect the creative .

  11. 商品化权起源于美国,至今仍处于研究领域。

    The term of commercialized right originated from America and is still under discussion .

  12. 第三部分研究了虚拟角色商品化权法律关系的构成。

    The third part of the composition of the virtual character merchandising rights legal relationship .

  13. 论述立法模式的选择以及商品化权的法定与约定限制。

    It put forward the selection of legislative model and the lawful and appointed limitations .

  14. 动漫产业的困境与角色商品化权的法律体系构建

    The Predicament in Cartoon Industry and the Construction of the Legal System Concerning Right of Publicity

  15. 纵观域外诸国商品化权相关,商品化权的保护模式因国而异。

    Throughout the world , the protection patterns of the right vary from state to state .

  16. 商品化权是一种随着经济的发展而产生的新生权利类型。

    Merchandising right is a new type of right which comes along with the development of economic .

  17. 体育冠名权是一项无形财产权,属于知识产权,是商品化权的一种;

    Sport naming right is a kind of property right that is invisible and belongs to intellectual property .

  18. 知名形象商品化权研究

    Study on Merchandising Right

  19. 对商品化权的保护,国内外不同国家的司法者、法学家、立法者有不同观点。

    Round the word , jurors 、 legalists and legislators in different countries have different viewpoints about the protection of Merchandising Right .

  20. 值得注意的是,美国却采用单独的公开权制度来保护真实人物形象的商品化权。

    It is notable that the United States was using single Public right system to protest Merchandising right of the true figure .

  21. 商品化权由美国的形象权发展而来,并随着商品化经济的发展而不断扩张。

    Merchandising right was introduced from The Right of Publicity in US , and is expanding with the development of merchandising economy .

  22. 但是在我国现有的法律体系下引入商品化权,如何进行相关的制度安排就是一个难以解决的问题。

    But it is a hard question of arrangement of legal system if the merchandising right becomes one part of current law .

  23. 而对于商品化权的主体,根据主体的复杂性分为单纯性主体与复合型主体、按照取得方式分为原始主体与继受主体。

    The subject of merchandising right is composed of two parts : one is the simple object and the other is the compound subject .

  24. 此外,在全文中还对几个外较为典型的商品化权案例进行了介绍和评析,通过案例研究进一步阐明了商品化权保护的重要性。

    Moreover , some other typical cases about the merchandising right are introduced and analyzed , which demonstrates the importance of protecting the merchandising right .

  25. 商品化权的性质是一种无形财产权,其中承载着财产利益,因此,必须对商品化权进行保护。

    Merchandising right is a kind of intangible property and carrying the property interests . Therefore , it is necessary to protect the Merchandising right .

  26. 根据主体和性质的不同应该分为两部分比较合理,即形象权和虚拟角色商品化权,其保护对象分别对应真实人物形象和虚拟角色。

    The two parts are the publicity right and merchandising right of fictional character , and the object of protecting is real image and fictional character .

  27. 由商品化权的定义,笔者又对商品化权的基本属性进行了论述,并概括出商品化权的具体内容。

    Moreover , from the definition of Merchandising Right , the essay displays the nature and character of the right and summarizes the concrete contents of it .

  28. 商品化权是指对具有顾客吸引力的整体形象、标志等事物进行第二次开发利用所产生的权利。

    Merchandising right refers to the right generated by a second exploitation and utilization of the overall image , mark and some other things with customer attractiveness .

  29. 商品化权在我国是一个应然而非实然的新概念,这一概念的提出,基于市场经济导致的许多新的发展和变化,以及由此产生的一些新的权利现象。

    Merchandising right is one of the new concepts with the new developments and changes of the market economy . It is a substantial concept not unreal .

  30. 在目前没有明确立法的情况下,我们只有通过现有法律制度的改进和完善来逐渐实现对商品化权的保护。

    There is no specific legislation for the present , it is only through the existing legal system to gradually improve and perfect the protection of merchandising right .