
  • 网络quantity of value
  1. 劳动生产率与商品价值量变化关系探讨

    On Changing Relationships Between Labor Productivity and Goods Value Quantity

  2. 商品价值量的决定与使用价值

    The Determination of Magnitude of Value and Use Value

  3. 技术商品价值量的数学评估方法&成本效益法

    A Mathematical Method to Evaluate the Value of Technical Goods ─ Cost-benefit Method

  4. 论供给价值和需求价值对商品价值量的现实决定&两种含义的社会必要劳动时间与商品价值量决定原理

    Determination of Magnitude of Commodity Value by Both Supply Value and Demand Value

  5. 论新技术革命条件下的商品价值量来源

    The Resource of the Value Quality of the Commodity under the New Technological Revolution

  6. 论价值的本质&兼论商品价值量的决定因素

    On the Essence of Value & Concurrently on the decision of commodity value amount

  7. 论情报商品价值量

    On Magnitude of Value about the Information Commodity

  8. 论社会必要劳动时间与商品价值量的关系及其启示

    Discussion on the relationship between socially necessary labor time and commodity value and its enlightenment

  9. 资源利用效率与商品价值量成反比。

    The utilization ratio of natural resources is contrary to the amount of the commodity price .

  10. 后人没有注意到这一点,因此,传统的商品价值量公式就成了没有前提条件的永远适用的教条而未能与时俱进。

    Thus the formula of value to measure traditional commodity has become a dogma without premises .

  11. 社会必要劳动时间具有多种含义,决定商品价值量的社会必要劳动时间是多种含义的统一。

    To understand the social necessary labor time involves a general grasp in the process of its logical formation .

  12. 说高科技会创造和提高商品价值量,其实是贬低高科技的经济作用。

    The argument that hi-tech can create and increase value of commodities , in fact , debases the economic function of hi-tech.

  13. 其中,节省活劳动和降低商品价值量是先进非劳动生产要素的作用或贡献之一。

    Among them , sparing living - work and reducing magnitude of goods value is one of the contribution by advanced non-labor factor .

  14. 能够促发抽象劳动节省、商品价值量大幅降低的科学技术,才是名副其实的高新科技。

    The science and technology that can help to save abstract labor and decrease value of commodities greatly , is , indeed , hi-tech.

  15. 商品价值量的大小是不是由两种社会必要劳动时间来决定,始终象一个谜团一样,困扰着学术界。

    Whether the commodity value is decided by two kinds of socially necessary laber-time has always been a mystery which baffles the academic circles .

  16. 制度安排决定资源的利用效率,制度建设的完善程度与单位商品价值量成反比。

    System arrangement sets the utilization ratio of natural resources . The perfection of systems is opposite to the amount of unit commodity price .

  17. 市场供求关系的变化影响劳动的有效性,从而影响商品价值量;

    The change of the supply-demand relationship of the market influences the validity of working , thus influences the magnitude of value of the goods ;

  18. 建立科学的制度安排体系,能够提高资源利用效率,降低商品价值量,提高社会经济福利。

    The establishment of scientific systems can increase the utilization ratio of natural resources and social economic welfare , while decreasing the amount of commodity price .

  19. 马克思劳动价值论在坚持只有活劳动才创造新价值的前提下,对非劳动生产要素在商品价值量形成中的作用或贡献也作了科学阐述和客观评价。

    Based on the labor value theory , Marx also gave a scientific description and an objective evaluation over the contribution of value production from non-labor factors .

  20. 自上个世纪50年代以来,关于商品价值量由哪种意义的社会必要劳动时间决定的问题,理论界的争论颇为激烈且至今尚无定论。

    Since the 1950 's , people have been arguing the commodity value is determined by which socially necessary labor time , and there is still no conclusion .

  21. 马克思主义经济学的基本原理告诉我们:商品价值量是由社会必要劳动时间决定的。而社会必要劳动时间又受到多方面因素的影响。

    The principle of Marxism Economics reveals that the value quantum of goods is decided by the necessary labor time of the whole society , which is affected by various factors directly or indirectly .

  22. 本文运用实证分析方法,全面考察了劳动生产率和商品价值量的关系,以此作为分析劳动和商品价值量关系的基点;

    The paper uses positive methods to research the relationship of the productivity labor and the value quantity of the goods comprehensively to find the practical basic point that analyze the relationship of labor and value ;

  23. 在传统的劳动价值理论中,劳动生产率作为影响商品价值量的重要因素,与单位商品价值量的关系成反比,已是理论界长期广泛应用的定论。

    In traditional theories of labour value , labour productivity , as an important factor affecting the value quantity of commodity , is in inverse proportion to the value quantity of per unit commodity , which has been universally accepted .

  24. 但随着劳动生产率的普遍提高,单位商品价值量的普遍降低,商品价格并没有普遍降低,从较长时期看,反而是上升趋势。

    With the general improvement of the productivity of labor and the general decrease of the value per unit good , the prices of goods , instead of decreasing generally , have a tendency to rise in the long run .

  25. 然后从技术效率和劳动力结构效率两个角度,论证了技术、宏观调控劳动和信息劳动与商品价值量的关系,同时解决了物化劳动与价值创造的难题。

    And then from two angles of technical efficiency and structural efficiency of labor , the author demonstrates the relationship of the value quantity of the goods and technical , macro-regulating , information labor , solve a difficult problem regarding died labor and value producing .

  26. 对价值决定的再分析说明,商品的价值量由社会边际劳动时间决定。

    A new analysis of the determining elements of value show that the value of a commodity is determined by the social boundary laboring time .

  27. 传统的价值理论认为,商品的价值量取决于社会必要劳动时间,商品按照价值量相等的原则进行交换。

    The traditional value theory believes that the commercial values depends on labor time based on social need and commodities can be exchanged by the means of value equality .

  28. 房地产作为一种特殊商品,其有价值量大、独一无二、保值增值等特点。

    Real estate as a special commodity , its characters are high value , the one and only , increment .

  29. 在商品交换中,人们以商品的价值量为衡量标准,让渡自己的劳动产品换取他人的劳动产品,以满足自己生存和发展的需要。

    People with commodity value as a measure of standard , alienate their labor products for the products of labor of others , to meet the needs of their own survival and development In the exchange of commodities .

  30. 接着,介绍了商品的定义、商品的二因素和商品价值量的决定;

    Second , it introduces the definition of commodity , dual factors of commodity and making of commodity price .