
shānɡ pǐn jiāo yì
  • commodity transaction
  1. 侯马商品交易市场的发展与思考

    Thinking on the Development of Commodity Transaction Market of Houma City

  2. 农业技术商品交易机制创新的实施对策及政策建议。

    The countermeasure and policy of agriculture technology commodity transaction system to bring into effect .

  3. 他们将在商品交易会上展出他们新的设计。

    They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs .

  4. 许多经纪人被指控在商品交易中欺骗顾客。

    Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades .

  5. SET协议在数字化商品交易支付中的改进

    Improving SET protocol in DIGITAL-MERCHANDISE transaction and payment

  6. 文章对现在流行的安全电子交易SET标准进行分析,指出SET协议存在不满足数字商品交易的原子性以及确认发送原子性等缺陷。

    The popular protocol of the Secure Electronic Transaction ( SET ) discussed by this paper has the flaws of the goods atomic transactions and certified delivery atomic in transacting digital goods .

  7. 阿里巴巴的创始人和董事长马云(JackMa)在一封给员工的信件中称,年商品交易额将在5年后超过1万亿美元。

    Jack Ma , chairman and founder , predicted in a letter to employees that annual gross merchandise volume would exceed $ 1tn in five years .

  8. 随着信息化时代的不断发展,网络上商品交易的活动也越来越多,B2B网站应运而生。

    With the continuous development of the information age , commodity trading activities on the network , B2B websites come into being .

  9. 该命令发现,这种行为违反了反诈骗和虚假申报的商品交易法(CEA)和商品期货交易委员会法规的规定。

    The order found that this conduct violates anti-fraud and false reporting provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act ( CEA ) and CFTC regulations .

  10. 今年在汉诺威召开的Cebit科技商品交易会的一大主题就是主办方所称的“互联网社会(Webciety:WorldWideWebsociety)”。

    One of the main themes at this year 's annual tech trade fair CeBit in Hanover is what the organizers have dubbed " Webciety ", short for World Wide Web society .

  11. 10USAPatriotAct要求银行、投资公司、保险公司和股票及商品交易,在客户打开帐户时,能够执行收集客户信息的规程。

    The USA Patriot Act requires banks , investment firms , insurance companies , and stock and commodities exchanges to put in place procedures to collect information on customers when they open accounts .

  12. 据猎头公司阿姆斯特朗国际(armstronginternational)的一项调查显示,在兼并收购,私人银行和商品交易等行业的佼佼者,其年终奖将增加30%。

    The best performers in mergers and acquisitions , private banking and commodities trading are set to receive 30 per cent increases in their year-end pay packets , according to Armstrong international , an executive search firm .

  13. 世界贸易组织(WTO)估计,商品交易规模在2009年下降12.2%后,2010年上涨了13.5%,而中国正在亚洲、非洲和拉美快速拓展新的商业贸易路线。

    The World Trade Organisation estimates that merchandise trade volumes rose by 13.5 per cent in 2010 after falling by 12.2 per cent in 2009 , and China is rapidly extending new commercial trade routes between Asia , Africa and Latin America .

  14. constellation本周二开始努力寻找买家,或获取紧急注资,当时投资者已明显对其大宗商品交易业务的稳定性和信贷评级丧失了信心。

    Constellation started scrambling on Tuesday to find a buyer or secure an emergency capital infusion , when it became apparent that its investors were losing confidence in the stability of its commodities trading operations and credit ratings .

  15. 研究机构高德纳公司的分析师SandyShen指出,业界预估去年光棍节约有25%的在线购物遭到退货。她表示中国电商的商品交易总量虚高了同样份额。

    On Singles Day last year , about 25 % of merchandise purchased online was returned according to industry estimates , says Sandy Shen , an analyst at research firm Gartner Inc. That inflates GMV for Chinas e-commerce players by the same amount , she said .

  16. 今年,阿里巴巴表示会聘用会计师事务所普华永道(PwC)来审计光棍节的商品交易总额(GMV),确保该数据的统计中不含虚假订单。

    This year , Alibaba said it would hire accounting firm PwC to audit the Singles Day GMV ( Gross Merchandise Value ) to ensure it was free of fake orders .

  17. 在新加坡,大宗商品交易公司的税率低至5%;而在瑞士日内瓦和楚格(Zug),这一税率为10%,伦敦则达24%。

    Singapore offers trading houses a tax rate as low as 5 per cent , compared with 10 per cent in the Swiss hubs of Geneva and Zug and 24 per cent in London .

  18. 今年第1季度,阿里巴巴旗下零售平台的商品交易额(GMV)达970亿美元,同比增长40%,而2014年第4季度的GMV同比增长49%。商品交易额指的是阿里巴巴零售交易网站天猫(Tmall)和淘宝上的商品销售总额。

    Retail gross merchandise value on Alibaba 's platforms was $ 97bn . Gross merchandise value , the value of sales on Alibaba 's retail marketplaces Taobao and Tmall , rose 40 per cent year on year , compared with 49 per cent in December .

  19. 阿里巴巴的营收和商品交易总额(GMV)的增长出现放缓。2014年,该公司GMV的同比增幅超过50%,近几个季度已下滑至约30%。这种放缓加深了人们的一种看法:阿里巴巴的黄金时代已经过去了。

    Slowing growth in revenues and gross merchandise value - which has slipped from more than 50 per cent year-on-year in 2014 to roughly 30 per cent in recent quarters - has fed the perception that the company 's best days are behind it .

  20. 衍生性金融商品交易信息披露之探讨

    A Research on the Disclosure of Derivative Financial Instruments Trading Information

  21. 在这次春季商品交易会上有很多展品。

    There are many exhibits in this spring 's trade fairs .

  22. 从事零售交易的商人。国际商品交易清算所

    A businessperson engaged in retail trade . International Commodities Clearing House

  23. 商品交易会等重要活动吸引人数众多。

    Major events such as trade fairs attract a significant number .

  24. 人口老化问题协商会议中国出口商品交易会

    Consultative Meeting on Population Aspects of Aging Chinese Export Commodities Fair

  25. 亿元以上商品交易市场主要指标

    Major Indicators of Trade Markets with Sales over 100 million yuan

  26. 北京市商品交易市场发展中存在的九大问题

    In the Beijing commodity exchange market development has nine major problems

  27. 北京市商品交易市场的分布特征与发展趋势

    The distribution of beijing 's public market and its future development

  28. 数据仓库在商品交易中的应用

    Study and Application of Data Warehouse in Commodity Exchange System

  29. 中国商品交易市场的空间分布及其发展对策

    Spatial Distribution and Countermeasures of Development of Commodity Exchange Markets in China

  30. 信息商品交易系统中的多站点查询法

    An approach to multi - site queries in Information-commerce system