
  1. 基于供应链管理的商品整体包装解决方案设计

    Design of Overall Packaging Solution Based on Supply Chain Management

  2. 包装是商品整体不可缺少的一部。

    The packing is commodity wholeessential .

  3. 过去一年,在大宗商品整体价格走低的情况下,可可价格上涨70%。

    Cocoa prices have risen 70 per cent in the last year , bucking the weakness in overall commodities prices .

  4. 没错,第三方市场只占大宗商品整体市场的一小部分大多数交易直接在工业消费者和生产者之间完成。

    True , the third-party market is only a small part of the overall market for commodities most trades are done directly between industrial consumers and producers .

  5. 当股票或商品整体波动处于平衡状态时,其价格将保持恒定波动率(即价格形成趋势)。

    When the overall vibration of a stock or commodity is in balance , its price will maintain a constant rate of vibration ( i.e.prices will form a trend ) .

  6. 在我国出口商品整体质量水平不高,国外技术性贸易壁垒日益增多,而扩大出口又日益迫切的情况下,如何打破国外的技术贸易壁垒?

    The whole quality level of the export commodities is not high in our country , foreign TBT ( Technical barriers to trade ) increases day by day , and expand export under the urgent situation day by day , how to break the foreign technological trade barrier ?

  7. 笔者认为,商业外观可以定义为:能够被消费群体所识别,并给他们带来特殊视觉体验的,承载着产品或服务内在文化和价值的显著商品整体形象外观特征的组合。

    The author believes that trade dress can be defined as : trade dress can be identified consumer groups and give them a special visual experience , carrying the products or services value to the internal culture and the overall image of the appearance of significant features of commodity combinations .

  8. 对我国商品房整体空置率的分析与判断

    The analysis and judgment of the all vacancy rate of commercial housing in China

  9. 优秀的标志设计能够提升企业以及商品的整体形象与品牌价值。

    Excellent logo design could promote the integrated image and brand value of the enterprise and its products .

  10. CPI统计数据具有平均性的特点,它反映的是各大类商品和服务整体价格水平的上涨。

    The CPI data is the average of whole ; it reflects prices increase of whole commodities and services .

  11. 住宅商品化与整体居住环境意识

    Residential commercialization and overall living environment consciousness

  12. 直播过程中还穿插采访了在采购的外商,在购物的游客、市场导游等,全方位立体呈现了全球最大小商品市场的整体情况。

    Quite a few interviews with overseas purchasers , tourists and the market guide are added during the show , which allows for a comprehensive publicity for Yiwu , the world 's largest commodity market .

  13. 广告有两种类型:商品广告与厂商整体形象广告。

    There are two types of advertising : product advertising and institutional advertising .

  14. 事实上,调整商品进口关税是整体扩大进口战略一部分。

    In effect , import tariff reduction is part of a general strategy to expand import .

  15. 贸易依存度的持续增加,我国出口商品的国际竞争力整体较弱,一些主要发达国家、发展中国家对我国的贸易安全也存在一些影响。

    It is the increasing of the dependence on foreign trade , the weaker international competitive of our export commodities and the influence of the developed and developing countries .

  16. 商业外观是指商品或者服务的整体形象,除了包括商品的尺寸、文字、色彩、图案和装潢等元素之外,商品服务的营销手段等内容也包含其中。

    Trade dress generally refers to an overall image of goods and services , consisting of size , writing , color , design , packing of the goods and even sales techniques , and so on .

  17. 通过对大量商品评论文本的分析,发现用户不只关注商品的整体好坏,更关心商品特征属性的质量。

    We analysis a large number of review text on products , and discovery that the users not only concerned about the overall quality of a product , but also pay more attention to the product features .

  18. 论文重新梳理了旅游商品的概念、范围、基本特征等基础性问题,在此基础上分析了旅游商品整体概念、新产品开发战略、旅游商品文化性等内容。

    The paper tidies up the concept , coverage , and basic characteristics of tourism commodity . On this base , it analyzes the whole concept , thedevelopment strategy of new tourism commodity , and the tourism commodity culture .

  19. 这些结论说明金融危机的爆发对于商品市场与股票市场联动性产生了结构性影响;三地股市与国际商品市场相关性的整体趋势类似,但存在明显的深度和广度的区别。

    These results demonstrate that 2008 financial crisis certainly have structural effects on the linkage between commodity markets and stock markets ; correlations between three stock markets and commodity markets have similar trends , but there are some distinction on depth and breadth of various countries ' capital markets .