
  1. 电子商务在餐饮行业中的应用

    Industry He application of E-commerce in catering tarde

  2. 其主要功能为商务、餐饮和旅游。大量游客来此一睹曼哈顿令人赞叹的天际线。

    Inside are offices , restaurants and plenty of tourists , who come for the breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline .

  3. 西安曲江商务会所集餐饮、宾馆、购物、银行、休闲、会议等功能于一体,建筑造型独特。

    Qujiang Commercial Club Building in Xi'an is a multifunctional one that consists of the functions of restaurant , hotel , shopping , bank , recreation site and meeting centre etc.