
  • 网络Software Configuration Management;Software Configuration Manager;Scm;SCM Software Configuration Management
  1. CMM软件配置管理的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of CMM SCM

  2. 因此,项目经理需要和SQA专员共同工作,保证产品开发过程的正确性以及保证通过适当的软件配置管理(SCM),总是可以重新获得已开发好的产品。

    Therefore , project managers need to work with the SQA specialists and take the effort to ensure products are built right and that products can always be re-produced through the proper SCM methods .

  3. 软件配置管理系统XML数据模型及原型研究

    The XML Data Model of Software Configuration Management and Research on its Prototype

  4. 阐述了IBMRational的软件配置管理工具的功能、运行环境和软件配置管理策略。

    This paper explains the functions , running environment and management strategies of IBM Rational SCM .

  5. IBMRational的软件配置管理(SCM)

    IBM Rational Software Configuration management ( scm )

  6. 软件配置管理(SCM)工具可分为两类

    Software configuration management ( SCM ) tools fall into two basic categories

  7. 软件配置管理(SCM&SoftwareConfigurationManagement)是指通过技术及行政手段对大型软件产品的团队开发进行控制、规范的一系列方法、工具和过程。

    Software Configuration Management is a set of methods , tools and processes which control and standardize the parallel development of software products by technical and administerial power .

  8. 软件配置管理(SCM,SoftwareConfigurationManagement)是一项基本的软件工程任务,用于管理当今复杂和快速发展的软件开发环境。

    Software Configuration Management ( SCM ) is a basic task of software project , which is used in the complicated and developmental environment of software development .

  9. RationalClearCase是管理各个构件或文件的版本的软件配置管理工具。

    Rational ClearCase is the software configuration management tool that manages versions of individual artifacts or files .

  10. 另行改进的SCM(软件配置管理器)与RationalTeamConcert之间的集成支持测试资源的管理和共享。

    Additionally enhanced SCM ( software configuration manager ) integration with Rational Team Concert supports the management and sharing of test assets .

  11. Perforce是一种软件配置管理(SCM)系统。

    Perforce is a software configuration management ( SCM ) system .

  12. 许多的项目多年使用其他不同的软件配置管理(SCM)系统。

    Many projects haves been running for years that use various other software configuration management ( SCM ) systems .

  13. ClearCase有两个用于软件配置管理的使用模型

    ClearCase has two usage models for software configuration management

  14. 其他段落假设您熟悉具体的软件配置管理(softwareconfigurationmanagement,SCM)解决方案,但再说一次,这些讨论是针对那些还不具备这些知识的人。

    Other passages assume familiarity with specific software configuration management ( SCM ) solutions , but , again , the discussions strive to nurture those who do not already have such knowledge .

  15. 软件配置管理(SCM)系统跟踪构成最终产品的软件模块的不同版本。

    Software Configuration Management ( SCM ) systems track the versions of software modules that make up a software end item .

  16. 从实际工作出发,详细介绍了基于Release模型的版本管理解决方案,对软件配置管理工作的实践具有较强的指导作用。

    According to practice , this paper proposes a solution of version management based on release module of development in detail , which plays a guiding role in practice of version management .

  17. 然后用户可以指定使用源代码管理部分中的软件配置管理(SCM)工具。

    The user can then specify which software configuration management ( SCM ) tool is to be used in the Source Code Management section .

  18. 本文介绍了一些将集成开发环境(integrateddevelopmentenvironment,IDE)和软件配置管理(softwareconfigurationmanagement,SCM)工具集成到GDD环境中的技巧、技术和最佳实践。

    This article presents some of the tips , techniques , and best practices for integrating integrated development environment ( IDE ) and software configuration management ( SCM ) tools in a GDD environment .

  19. 软件配置管理(SCM)是软件工程化的重要部分,也是软件工程化中可以提供有效管理工具的一个方向。

    Software configuration management is an important part of software engineering , and is also a direction for providing effective management tools in software engineering .

  20. 基于CMM的软件配置管理模型CSCM研究

    The Study On CMM - Based SCM Model

  21. 从您的软件配置管理存储库提取自定义项目的源代码或从zip文件或本地文件系统导入这些源代码。

    Extract the source of the custom projects from your Software Configuration Management repository or import them from the zip files or local file system .

  22. 软件配置管理(SCM)贯穿于整个软件生命周期,是软件开发过程中质量管理的精髓所在。

    The goal of SCM is to establish and to maintain the integrity of the software product throughout the development lifecycle , and it results in software quality and productivity improvement .

  23. 一个好的软件配置管理(SCM)系统可以帮助你减少局部性的混乱,因为它提供了一个稳定的环境允许你控制你做了什么样的变更和什么时候做的变更。

    A good Software Configuration Management ( SCM ) system can help reduce that endemic confusion because it provides a stable environment that lets you control what changes you make and when .

  24. 通过集成RationalChange与RationalTeamConcert,RationalTeamConcert可以从一个源头管理新开发和遗留代码的必要变更,同时不必将代码基础转移到新的软件配置管理工具中。

    By integrating Rational Change with Rational Team Concert , Rational Team Concert can manage new development and required changes to legacy code from a single source , without the cost or effort required to move the code base into a new software configuration management tool .

  25. 首先介绍了组件标识问题,即如何用相关信息来充分描述组件,然后介绍了SCM(软件配置管理)对组件的管理以及组件间依赖性的管理。

    First , the article introduces how to describe the component with the component identify . Then SCM ( Software Configure Management ) is discussed . SCM is used to manage the components and the dependencies of components .

  26. 新的RationalRhapsodyContributor角色支持访问变更管理、报告自定义、规划、设计管理、软件配置管理、自动化(构建系统)、需求管理和测试管理功能。

    The new Rational Rhapsody Contributor role provides access to change management , report customization , planning , design management , software configuration management , automation ( build system ), requirements management , and test management capabilities .

  27. 这很成问题,因为没有哪种简单方法可以从软件配置管理(SCM)系统中搜索模型信息,也无法保证团队有权访问SCM系统中的模型。

    That was problematic , because there was no easy way to search the software configuration management ( SCM ) system for model information and no guarantee that the team had access to the models in the SCM system .

  28. UCM模型描述了团队是如何影响软件配置管理系统的,如开发人员何时、如何引入变更的策略。

    UCM models describe how the team interacts with the software configuration management system , such as the team 's policy on when and how a developer can check in changes .

  29. 而软件配置管理则是CMMI中的一个过程域,它贯穿于整个软件生命周期,为软件开发提供了一套管理办法和活动原则。

    The software configuration management is a key process in CMMI , it runs through the whole software lifecycle , and offers a set of management and activity principle for software development .

  30. 这里以DO-178B为指导,结合实践经验,详细阐述了开展各项软件配置管理活动的具体方法与策略。

    Based on the direction of DO-178B and the author 's engineering experience , this paper describes the detailed method and strategy of SCM .