
  • 网络non-taxable income;Tax-exempt lncome;exempt income
  1. 投资研究机构晨星公司(Morningstar)评选的最佳市政债券共同基金包括富达中级市政收入基金(FidelityIntermediateMunicipalIncome)和富兰克林联邦免税收入基金(FranklinFederalTax-FreeIncome)等。

    Investment research firm Morningstar 's top muni-bond mutual-fund picks include Fidelity Intermediate Municipal Income and Franklin Federal Tax-Free Income .

  2. 这个数目因人而异,叫做“免税收入额”。

    This amount varies from person to person and is called an " allowance " .

  3. 由于交易较少风险,于是其变得越来越赚钱。它吸引了部分寻找快速赚取免税收入的中产阶级女性。

    As the trade has grown less risky and more lucrative , it has attracted some middle-class women seeking quick tax-free income .

  4. 虽然前面的85700美元是免税收入,但你还有额外的负担,要为所有福利津贴交税,例如住房津贴、搬家费、子女的学费补贴等。

    While the first $ 85,700 are tax free , you have the added burden of paying taxes on any benefit received , including housing allowances , moving expenses and kids'schooling .

  5. 免去陪审团义务的人;免税的收入;永恒之美。

    Persons exempt from jury duty ; income exempt from taxation ; a beauty somehowexempt from the aging process .

  6. 但是随着国家经济的快速发展,消费品市场供求关系的急剧变化,以及消费需求和消费行为的改变,市场竞争日益激烈,中服公司的免税商品销售收入急剧下降;

    But , with the rapid development of domestic economy , the demand-supply relation in consumer goods market has made a great change , consumer behavior and consumer demand also have been changed , competition becomes more and more fierce .

  7. 不以盈利为目的的机构的资金是免税的;免税的收入。

    The funds of nonprofit organizations are nontaxable ; income exempt from taxation .