
miǎn shuì diàn
  • duty-free shop;tax-free shop;Tax free shopping;DFS;Duty Free Store
  1. 电商天猫国际宣布与韩国免税店集团新罗集团,泰国王权集团达成合作协议,该服务即将于7月28日启动。

    Alibaba 's Tmall.hk , an e-commerce website dedicated to foreign wares , is cooperating with South Korea 's Shilla Duty-free Shop and Thailand 's King Power Duty-free Shop to start the service on July 28 .

  2. 一位旅客在机场大厅的免税店买东西。

    A traveler is making some purchases at the duty-free shop in the airport lobby .

  3. 斩获头奖的“爆买”成为近来日本媒体上的高频词,形容大批中国游客乘巴士抵达东京购物区免税店、狂买电饭锅和高科技马桶盖等商品的行为。

    The top winning phrase , " Bakugai , " frequently appears on Japanese media in recent days , after busloads of Chinese travelers arrived at duty-free stores in Tokyo 's shopping districts , purchasing items including rice cookers and high-tech2 toilet seats .

  4. 梁楠的妻子、孩子、母亲和岳母还在Laox免税店福冈分店里兴致勃勃地逛着,他们正沉浸在购物狂热中。

    The rest of Mr Liang 's party - wife , toddler , mother and mother-in-law - are still roaring around the Fukuoka branch of Laox in a state of retail fervour .

  5. 法国酿酒巨头保乐力加(PernodRicard)的管理层上周向《华尔街日报》表示,他们面向亚洲富裕消费者推出了零售价2000美元一瓶的RoyalSalute62GunSalute等产品,销售地点有酒吧、会所,也有机场免税店。

    Executives at French drinks giant Pernod Ricard RI.FR 0.00 % told the Journal this week they are targeting affluent Asian buyers , whether at bars and clubs or at airport duty-free counters , with products like the Royal Salute 62 Gun Salute , which retails at $ 2000 a bottle .

  6. 我在免税店买了许多玩具和一套成衣。

    I bought many toys and a ready-made suit at the duty-free .

  7. 我喜欢去试用免税店提供的各种香水。

    I love trying out the different fragrances on offer .

  8. 陈红没有啊,我正好利用这个时间去免税店购物。

    No.I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops .

  9. 出发厅禁区设有免税店。

    Duty free shops available at the airside departure hall .

  10. 海南将新建两家离岛免税店,促进免税消费。

    Hainan will build two more offshore duty-free shops to promote tax-free spending .

  11. 你们公司是世界上最大的邮轮免税店的承包商。

    Starboard cruise service is the largest duty-free shipboard concessionaire in the world .

  12. 在免税店不用付税。

    In duty free shops , you don 't have to pay tax .

  13. 这些商店将于年内完工,并于明年开业。届时,海南省省会海口将拥有四家离岸免税店。

    The shops will be completed within the year and will open next year .

  14. 这个约翰走路厂商的活动是在机场的免税店中举行的。

    The Johnnie Walker event took place in the Duty Free hall at the airport .

  15. 我还想在登机前去一些免税店里面买些东西呢。

    I want to do some duty-free shopping before we go to our boarding gate .

  16. 这有免税店玛?

    Is there a duty-free shop ?

  17. 疫情爆发前,首尔免税店周边的街道通通被满载中国游客的巴士阻塞。

    Before the outbreak , buses loaded with Chinese tourists clogged the streets around duty-free shops in Seoul .

  18. 这里有大量的免税店、高等级的机场休息室、美食区和一个健身中心。

    There is an array of duty-free shops , high-quality airport lounges , food places and a fitness centre .

  19. 改造部分包括雇佣中国主管和将船上免税店面积扩大50%。

    Part of the transformation involved hiring a Chinese cruise director and expanding the duty-free shopping area on board by 50 % .

  20. 价格比较显示,机场免税店销售的饮品、香水和名牌商品会比网店更贵。

    Drinks , perfume and designer goods can be more expensive in airport duty free shops than online , price comparisons show .

  21. 同时,90毫升的范思哲晶钻香水,网上售价38.99英镑,而免税店卖54.85英镑。

    Meanwhile , a 90ml bottle of Versace Bright Crystal is £ 38.99 online as opposed to £ 54.85 in duty free stores .

  22. 此外,香港海关并无监察免税店的销售活动,确保这些商店遵从牌照条例。

    Besides , the customs and Excise Department did not monitor the sales activities at the duty-free shops to ensure compliance with the licence conditions .

  23. 对此类免税店及免税品的监管,另按海关有关规定办理。

    The administration of such duty free stores and their duty free items will shall be carried out in compliance with other related customs regulations .

  24. 乐购超市里,一升装的一瓶马利宝酒现价13英镑,比寰宇免税店便宜了不止3英镑。

    Tesco is currently charged £ 13 for a 1-litre bottle of Malibu , more than £ 3 less than it is at World Duty Free .

  25. 时尚配饰的网上价格也更低。一副宝格丽BV8144B款太阳镜,免税店售价207英镑,而太阳镜销售网站sunglasshut.com只卖174英镑。

    Fashion accessories are also less expensive online , with a pair of Bvlgari BV8144B sunglasses £ 207 in duty free , but £ 174 at sunglasshut.com .

  26. 希思罗机场贵宾服务为客人提供私人代购,帮他们去拥挤的机场免税店买东西,并承诺对狗仔队采取强硬态度。

    The Heathrow VIP service offers personal shoppers to go out and brave the mayhem of duty free on behalf of guests and promises to take a firm approach with paparazzi .

  27. 这种新品将首先在香港的免税店开售,500毫升一瓶的零售价约为260美元,随后将在中国一些饭店开始大规模推广。

    The beverage is initially being sold at a duty-free shop in Hong Kong , retailing for about $ 260 per 500 milliliter bottle , before a broader expansion in some Chinese restaurants .

  28. 在英国各大机场都开设免税店的寰宇免税集团,最近开始提供取货服务。顾客可以在线订购商品,然后在登机前到店取货。

    World Duty Free , which runs stores in airports around the UK , recently set up a pick-up service , meaning customers can order online before collecting their purchases ahead of their flight .

  29. 刘易斯先生还说:“免税店和所有商店一样,里面有些商品的价格很便宜,另外一些却不便宜。”

    Mr Lewis added : ' Duty free shops are the same as all shops , they have prices , it can be cheap for some things , it won 't be cheap for other things .

  30. 但机场“免税”店的一些其他商品,则不管旅客是否搭乘航班,都可以购买。

    However , a range of other items are sold in ' duty free ' stores in airports available whether passengers are flying .