
  • 网络income inequality
  1. 这一次,是因为最近的选举引发了社会对收入不公的讨论。

    This time , the recent election produced a debate about income inequality .

  2. 皮尤调查还发现,中国人对收入不公、污染、腐败和食品安全等许多问题的担忧日益加深。

    The Pew survey also found growing concern about income inequality , pollution , corruption , food safety and a host of other issues .

  3. 芝加哥大学的史蒂夫•卡普兰认为金融业在收入不公的形成中发挥了重要作用。

    Steve Kaplan of the University of Chicago thinks finance explains much of the rise in inequality .

  4. Equipay将会对此找出最合理的例证反驳,不论这些例证是有关收入不公的事实还是其他有趣的证据,都会让你在提出异议前三思。

    Equipay will find the best rebuttal possible , whether it is facts regarding income inequalities or something funny that makes you think twice about disagreeing with what you owe .

  5. 我觉得,这些导致这些变化的一个主要原因是自里根时期以来日益增长的控制。这种控制源于对收入不公持漠不关心或者是欢迎态度的思想理念。

    I think a major reason for these shifts has been the increasing dominance , since the Reagan era , of an ideology that is indifferent to or actively celebrates inequality of income .

  6. 于是一款新应用诞生,旨在解决这一问题。它了解人们收入不公的遭遇,根据每个人不同的种族与性别来计算各自在共餐后理应分摊的钱数。

    A new app aims to answer this question , and for others who fall victim to income inequality , by dividing the check up according to each person 's race and gender .

  7. 但在未来,我们应谨防企业家收入不公在中资跨国公司的出现,从而实现并维护我国国际企业家的收入公平。

    However , in the future , we should avoid the unfairness of incomes of entrepreneurs in Chinese multinational corporations , so as to realize and maintain the fairness of incomes of entrepreneurs in Chinese multinational corporations .

  8. 资源分配不公决定收入分配不公&再论公平与分配不能联姻

    Unfairness in Resources Distribution Determine the Unfairness in Income Distribution

  9. 运用马克思主义劳动价值论破解收入分配不公难题

    Using Marxism labor value theory to solve the problem of unfair income distribution

  10. 鉴于收入分配不公,利润出现一些下滑是合理的。

    Some decline in profits is desirable , given the maldistribution of income .

  11. 当前的社会收入分配不公问题及其思考

    Analysis on unfair social income distribution

  12. 为此,提出应着力解决因政策因素造成的初次分配中社会成员之间收入分配不公问题;

    Those are : resolving the unfairness caused by the income policy in the primary distribution ;

  13. 收入分配不公是造成我国社会不和谐的重要原因,极大阻碍了和谐社会的进程。

    Distribution of income is an important cause disharmony in our society because , greatly hindered the harmonious society .

  14. 面对再分配领域的收入分配不公,应健全税收调节体系,规范税收分配机制,强化税收的公平调节功能;

    Taxation adjustment system should be set up in redistribution to standardize taxation distribution mechanism and strengthen taxation adjustment function .

  15. 垄断性产业国有企业攫取的垄断利润使得国有部门职工的待遇远超出市场的公平水平,也是收入分配不公的重要原因。

    The monopoly profits and above-market wages in state-owned enterprises are an important cause of the unequal distribution of income .

  16. 代际贫困是贫困代际转移的产出,是收入分配不公的重要表现。

    The intergenerational poverty is the output of intergenerational transmission of poverty and is the important manifestation of unfair income distribution .

  17. 利用财政政策缓解收入分配不公的现状,是促进社会和谐不可回避的问题。

    Alleviating unfair income distribution via financial policy is an issue that cannot be evaded in the course of promoting social harmony .

  18. 第三章是文章的重点章节,论述收入分配不公对和谐社会构建的影响。

    The third chapter is the focus of the article section discusses the distribution of income on the building of a harmonious society .

  19. 要根治权力垄断造成的收入再分配不公,首要的任务是要建立权力制约体制。

    To tackle the unequal income distribution caused by the monopoly power , The key task is to establish the system of power restriction .

  20. 收入分配不公是市场失效的一个具体表现,因而属于宏观调节的范围。

    The imbalance in personal income distribution is one form of " market failure " . So it is within the scope of macro controls .

  21. 收入分配不公与收入差距过大制约着我国经济的可持续发展,甚至影响到社会的稳定并造成人们思想道德的滑坡。

    Unfair distribution and income gap restrict the sustainable development of our economy , and even affect social stability and cause people to moral decline .

  22. 中国经济的发展已经进入到了一个新的关键阶段,收入分配不公、居民收入差距持续扩大,势必会阻碍经济的进一步发展,影响社会的和谐安定。

    Unfair distribution , and the income gap of residents keep enlarge . will certainly hinder economic further development , influence social harmony and stability .

  23. 治理个人收入分配不公的措施主要有分配制度完善、分配政策创新和公平观念转换。

    The issue of unfair Personal Income Distribution can be solved by improving and perfecting distribution system , innovating distribution policy , and changing the concept of fairness .

  24. 勿庸讳言,我们现在的社会还存在许多不公平的现象,收入分配不公、司法不公,这些都应该引起我们的重视。

    Needless to say , our present society there are still many unfair , unequal distribution of income and miscarriages of justice , which should arouse our attention .

  25. 城乡二元结构的长期存在,导致了收入分配不公,进而呈现出社会保障水平的二元化发展。

    The long-standing urban-rural dual structure has brought the unfair distribution of income , which , in turn , has led to the dualization of our social security .

  26. 比如,就业问题、收入分配不公问题和地区差距扩大问题等,这些人民群众关注的热点都关系到地区发展的公正问题。

    For example , employment , income distribution , regional disparities and regional issues , which are the focus of attention of the masses to regional development justice .

  27. 正视收入分配不公,走向共同富裕&对我国当前收入分配不公问题的成因及解决对策的思考

    Facing the Unfairness in Income Distribution Squarely , Heading for Common Prosperity ── On the Contributing Factors and Solution to the Problem of Income Distribution Unfairness in China

  28. 但是近年来收入分配不公现象日益突出,其主要表现在两个方面:一是收入分配秩序紊乱;二是收入差距不断扩大。

    But in recent years , income inequality have become increasingly prominent , the main performance in two aspects : an income distribution disorders ; two widening income gap .

  29. 摘要社会主义和谐社会应该是一个富裕且公平的社会,由收入分配不公导致的收入差距不合理的持续扩大已经成为影响我国社会和谐的重大问题。

    Socialist harmonious society should be a wealthy and fair society the key problem that affects social harmony results from the unreasonable income gap enlargement because of unfair distribution .

  30. 由于产生收入分配不公的原因具有多样性,因此消除收入分配不公的措施也是多元化的,必须从多方面着手,努力消除收入分配不公,实现社会公平。

    Because the causes of unfair income distribution generated diversity , eliminating unfair income distribution measures are diverse , be from different areas , efforts to eliminate the distribution of income , achieve social justice .