
  1. 第四部分:理顺中央与地方国有资产收益分配权关系的对策建议。

    The second part depicts the situation of distribution rights between central and local government .

  2. 本文认为人力资源投资主体是组织和职工双方,并对双方从所有权、使用权、收益分配权来研究有关人力资源投资风险与规避问题。

    The paper discussed that the principal parts of human resource are both the organization and the employee . V .

  3. 股东的基本权利是收益分配权并以股东会的形式治理公司;

    The basic right of the shareholders is the claim to residue and govern the company in the form of shareholders ' meeting .

  4. 恶意欠薪行为产生的主观原因是企业忽视劳动者的劳动报酬权和收益分配权,忽视对劳动者权益的保护。

    The subjective reasons the malicious Wages behavior enterprises ignore the remuneration to the workers rights and income distribution rights , ignoring the protection of the rights and interests of laborers .

  5. 从投资主体的角度看,只有投资主体享有法定处置权和收益分配权的财产才能成为投资财产。

    From the viewpoint of the investment subject , only the property which the investment subject can , by law , enjoy the rights of disposition and earning profit can become investment property .

  6. 同时,采用信托贷款融资的贷款人对项目收益具有优先分配权,贷款人的利益得到优先保障,从而增强贷款银行对项目的融资信心。

    At the same time , the lenders in the TBS finance have priority in claiming the project income , which better secures their lending interest in the projects . This enhances the lender 's confidence in the project .

  7. 所有权结构的不同表现形式,不仅代表了各利益相关方对投资收益现金流的分配权,而且还涵盖了以所有权结构为基础的剩余索取权和剩余控制权的配置。

    The type of ownership structure stands for not only the cash flow that one can get , but also the residual claim rights and residual control rights .

  8. 股东投资于公司的目的是获取投资收益,股利分配请求权作为股东从公司获取利润的权利,对股东而言具有重要意义。

    Shareholders are aimed at obtaining returns by investing money in a company . Shareholders ' rights to dividend , as their right of obtaining profits from the company , is significant for shareholders .