
  • 网络Income approach;income method
  1. 以生产法和收入法为主,也开展支出法核算。

    We mainly use production approach and income approach , also develop expenditure accounting approach .

  2. 进而利用生产收入法和投入产出法等对长江流域经济贡献度进行定量分析和预测,深入分析长江航运发展与区域经济的协同效应。

    Based on the production and income approach , and input-output approach , it discusses and forecasts the economic contribution of the Yangtze River .

  3. 文章结合中国实际,对收入法进行修正和简化,估算出了中国1952~2003年以货币计量的人力资本存量数据,并将之与物质资本、GDP等进行比较。

    In this paper , we modified and simplified the income-based measure of human capital stock to corporate the China 's reality , and estimate the money value of human capital stock in 1952-2003 , and compare it with physical capital and GDP .

  4. [结论]应用WHO国民收入法评价指标可较好地对甲肝疫苗预防接种进行成本-效益分析,结果证明其经济效益显著。

    The results proved that its economic benefit was marked .

  5. 分期认列收入法;

    Instalment method of revenue recognition ;

  6. 在用投入产出技术作计划平衡时,目前一般采用最终产品法、总产品法及国民收入法等。

    When Input-Output method was used in program balance , now , there are ultimate product method , total product method and national income method .

  7. 国民经济核算的主要指标是国内生产总值,而国内生产总值具有3种计算方法,即生产法、收入法和支出法。

    The main index of national economy accounting is GDP , and GDP has three kinds of accounting methods of the production method , revenue method and expenditure method .

  8. 依据将于2008年生效的新的《企业收入法》,可减免的应纳税比例为投资额的17.5%(统一税率为25%)。

    According to the new Enterprise Income Law which will take effect in2008 , the deductible tax will be17.5 % of the investment amount ( 25 % as uniform tax rate ) .

  9. 目前从价值方面按收入法计量统计活动成果的方法是不科学的,因为其计算结果的大小和统计活动成果产出量的多少没有关系。

    The author thinks that it is not right to measure it only at its volume , because there is no relation between the quantity of statistical production and the result of the calculation .

  10. 采用WHO推荐的国民收入法评价指标,分析研究推广接种甲肝疫苗预防和控制甲肝的成本效益。

    This paper analyzed the economic benefit of prevention and control of hepatitis A by vaccinating HA vaccine in Rugao . The analysis adopted the evaluation index of national - income - method which WHO recommended .

  11. 幼龄林林分价格的评估应该采用材积预估算或成本费用法,而近熟林和成熟林林分价格最好采用市场收入法进行评估;

    The assessment of young stand price should adopt method of the intending volume of timber or method of cost expenses , and near ripe stand and ripe stand had better adopt method of market income ;

  12. 预期收入法被认为是最合理的人力资本测算方法,但是,大多数发展中国家由于对人力资本理论的认识不足,以及相关数据缺乏等问题,使得其估算难以取得进展。

    The income-based method is calls to be the most suitable but cannot be applied to measure human capital stock in developing country for many reason , such as no confidential realization on the human capital theory and lack of data .

  13. 而时间节省价值估算的方法大概可以归纳为两大类:一类是直接估算方法,有生产法、收入法、费用法、收入费用法和生产费用法等;

    The estimating methods of VTTS may be divided into two types , one of which is direct estimating method including the method of production , the method of income , the method of cost , the method of income cost , the method of production cost ;

  14. 这并不是说用收入衡量法不正确,不过用这种方法呈现出的画面要精细很多,联合国开发计划署《人类发展报告》办公室的比尔奥姆(BillOrme)表示。

    It 's not as if income measures do not have validity but this gives a much more fine-grained picture , says Bill Orme of the UNDP 's Human Development Report Office .

  15. 通过使用折现现金流法和收入乘数法开发评估模型。

    Developed valuation models using discounted cash flow and multiples .

  16. 应计制营业收入确定法

    Accrual method of revenue recognition

  17. 现金收付实现制营业收入认定法

    Cash basis of revenue recognition

  18. 但经营农场的收入没法供养两个家庭,所以他的儿子找了另外一份工作&看墓地。

    But farming cannot support two families , so the younger man has taken a job tending graveyards instead .

  19. 国际、国内运用成本收益率法和收入函数法计算,并对收益率的估算结果进行比较研究,从而提出了中国提高人力资本收益的对策。

    At last it brings forward the countermeasures of increasing the rates of investment returns by human capital in China .

  20. 非法经济活动对合法经济生活的宏观影响收入支出法在犯罪领域的应用

    The Macro-influence of The activities of Illegal Economy on The Life of Legitimate Economy & An Analysis on Crime in Paradigm of Revenue and Expenditure

  21. 对税收递延项目的成本估算,可以按收入放弃法原理计算损失的利息,也可以考虑引入现值法的做法。

    The cost estimate of tax deferred items can be implemented to measure loss interests by either the revenue forgone approach or present value approach .

  22. 其次,根据相关统计数据,运用城乡居民收入差距法对目前我国农村剩余劳动力的数量进行了估算。

    Secondly , according to relevant statistics , the use of urban-rural income gap between laws on the current number of rural surplus labor force was estimated .

  23. 1974年国会通过了“雇员退休收入保障法”,为私人退休金计划规定了标准,并由联邦政府机构“退休金保障公司”帮助实施这些标准。

    In1974 Congress passed the employee retirement income security act , which set standards for private pension plans ; a federal agency , the Pension Benefit Guaranty corporation , helps to administer it .

  24. 按照国民经济生产和收入核算法,初次分配中的收入总量来源于生产,是各产业增加值的总和。

    According to production and income approach of national accounts , the total income from primary distribution comes from production , which is the sum of value-added production from the three strata of industry .

  25. 财务内控由组织控制法、授权控制法、预算控制法、货币资金内部控制法、应收与暂付款控制法、固定资产控制法、教育事业收入控制法构成。

    Financial internal control is made up of organization control , authority control , budge control , currency fund internal control , due and temporary fund control , fixed assets control and educational income control .

  26. 在国外,公职人员财产收入申报法之所以成为防止腐败的一道不可逾越的法律屏障,是因为该制度有一道铁关:“阳光曝晒”。

    In foreign countries , laws related to the property declaration of civil servants have become an impassable legal protective screen against corruption because this system has a firm barrier - " exposure to the sun ", viz .

  27. 第四,运用收入来源分解法分别分解出浙江省居民收入来源中的各项收入对城乡收入差距的GE贡献率,并以此来研究各项收入对整个城乡收入差距贡献的大小及变化情况。

    Decompose different parts of income 's contribution to the net income inequality with Shorrock 's inequality decomposition by factor components method and make a further study on the degree and the changes in recent years .

  28. 现金比率法和潜在收入能力测算法是测算地下经济和公开经济中税收流失规模最常用的方法。

    Cash ratio and potential revenue capacity is the most commonly used method of measuring it .

  29. 其研究结论如下:(1)19年来,咸阳农民人均纯收入按水平法计算,年平均发展速度是1.112。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) During the past 19 years , we calculate the farmers ' net income in Xianyang according to the level approach ; the average developmental speed rate is 1.112 .

  30. 第一条为实行烟草专卖管理,有计划地组织烟草专卖品的生产和经营,提高烟草制品质量,维护消费者利益,保证国家财政收入制定本法。

    Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to exercising tobacco monopoly administration , organizing the production and management of tobacco monopoly commodities in a planned way , improving the quality of tobacco products , safeguarding consumers ' interests and ensuring the national revenue .