
  1. 论文对契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场之间的互动关系进行了全面系统的研究。

    This paper is an all-sided research on the interaction between contractual savings and capital market .

  2. 第三章主要探讨契约型储蓄金融机构对资本市场所产生的作用及产生这种作用的机制,同时分析发挥这种作用所需要满足的条件。

    Chapter 3 studies how contractual savings influences capital market , and analyzes the mechanism and condition of the influence .

  3. 第一章主要介绍20世纪中期以来契约型储蓄金融机构的发展情况及其产品和运作的相关原理。

    In Chapter 1 , the paper introduces the development of contractual savings and the principle of its product and operation .

  4. 第二章主要通过探讨契约型储蓄金融机构在资本市场中的地位,说明两者之间形成互动的基础。

    Chapter 2 gives a survey on the status of contractual savings in capital market , which is the foundation of their relation .

  5. 并进一步将契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场的关系放在一个宏观的层次,从经济发展、金融深化、人口结构的变迁的角度深入的分析这种互动关系所反映出的内在的规律。

    Then from a macro angle concerning economic development , financial development and demographic transition , the paper discusses in-depth the intrinsic meaning of the relation .

  6. 第五章探讨契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场之间形成互动关系的内在规律,从而研究如何实现两者的协调发展。

    Then in chapter 5 , the paper discusses the intrinsic meaning of the relation , and discusses how to develop contractual savings and capital market harmoniously .

  7. 提出了在现阶段实现我国的契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场的协调发展已经具有了必要性和潜在的可能性的观点。

    And the paper believes that to form a benign relation between contractual savings and capital market of our country is not only of necessity but also of potential probability .

  8. 论文通过研究得出了契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场之间的互动具有必然性,要使得两者形成良性的互动,实质上就是要实现人口结构、金融深化与经济发展之间协调发展的核心观点。

    The essentials of their benign relation are founded on the harmonious relation among economic development , financial development and demographic transition . This is the most important conclusion of the paper .