
  1. 安倍晋三(shinzoabe)对自己推出的刺激计划期望甚高。

    Shinzo Abe has great expectations for his stimulus package .

  2. 中川是日本首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)的保守派盟友。

    Mr Nakagawa is a conservative ally of Shinzo Abe , the prime minister .

  3. 安倍晋三当选也将意味着自民党(ldp)在下野三年后再次执政。

    It would also mean the comeback of the Liberal Democratic Party after a three-year absence .

  4. 接下来,日本首相安倍晋三(ShinzoAbe)预计将飞往韩国进行会谈。

    Next , Japan 's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is scheduled to fly to South Korea for talks .

  5. 上任60天以来(依日本首相的标准看这挺不错了),安倍晋三(shinzoabe)还没做过什么蠢事。

    After 60 days in office not bad for a Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has not yet screwed up .

  6. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)经济学家罗伯特•费尔德曼(RobertFeldman)表示,相比人们认为的那样,安倍晋三更加信奉日本经济须以市场为导向的观点。

    Robert Feldman , economist at Morgan Stanley , said Mr Abe was more committed to a market-oriented view of the economy than people realised .

  7. 日本央行(boj)与安倍晋三(shinzoabe)领导的日本新政府之间的“拔河游戏”仍在持续。

    The tug of war between the Bank of Japan and the newly installed government led by Shinzo Abe continues .

  8. 安倍晋三将其有关上调消费税的决定与修正GDP估值的结果以及其他数据联系在一起,例如日本央行(BankofJapan)将于10月1日公布的企业信心调查。

    Mr Abe has linked his decision on the tax to the outcome of the revised GDP estimate , as well as other data such as a survey of business sentiment by the Bank of Japan due on October 1 .

  9. 他补充称,自安倍晋三(shinzoabe)出任日本首相以来,日中两国的关系更加紧密,丰田对此感到高兴。

    He added that the company was pleased by the closer relationship between the two countries since Shinzo Abe became prime minister .

  10. 安倍晋三则将TPP与他的安倍经济学(Abenomics)改革议程、以及他恢复日本经济增长的努力直接挂钩。

    Mr Abe has also linked the TPP directly to his Abenomics reform agenda and his efforts to restore growth to Japan .

  11. 安倍晋三(shinzoabe)领导的新一届日本政府已表示,将考虑重启那些确认为安全的核反应堆,但重启的时间还不得而知。

    The new government of Shinzo Abe has said that it will look at restarting reactors deemed safe , but the timetable remains unclear .

  12. 如果新当选的首相安倍晋三(shinzonabe)“狠踩油门”的通货再膨胀政策能够成功,将对世界各国的后危机政策制定产生深刻影响。

    If the pedal-to-the-metal reflationary policies of Shinzo Abe , the recently elected prime minister , succeed , there will be a profound impact on post-crisis policy making everywhere .

  13. 在安倍晋三(shinzoabe)上任前几个月,田中教授就预测,中日双方将设法走出外交困局。

    Months before Shinzo Abe took office , Prof Tanaka was predicting that both sides would find a way out of the diplomatic dead end .

  14. 安倍晋三(shinzoabe)出任日本首相后,日本政府摆出新的干预姿态,公开施压日本央行(bankofjapan),要求放松货币政策,此举已导致日元相对于美元显著走低。

    A newly interventionist stance by the Japanese government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe , overtly pressuring the Bank of Japan to loosen its monetary policy , has seen the yen weaken considerably against the dollar .

  15. 自去年11月中旬市场第一次嗅到“安倍经济学”(abenomics)的气息以来,日本新任首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)推出的政策已推动日本股市上涨32%。

    Since the market had its first whiff of abenomics in mid-November , the policies of new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have driven it up 32 per cent .

  16. 继2006至2007年担任日本首相之后,安倍晋三将再度领导其保守派自民党主导的日本政府。自从他上次执政以来,日本的实际国内生产总值(GDP)变化甚微,失业率亦是如此。

    The prime minister in 2006-7 , Mr Abe once again heads a government dominated by his conservative Liberal Democratic party . The size of real gross domestic product is little changed since he last led the country , as is the unemployment rate .

  17. 安倍晋三一直在努力走出派头十足的前任小泉纯一郎(junichirokoizumi)那种“头发蓬乱”的影子,而安倍昭惠已轻而易举地成为人们关注的焦点。

    While Shinzo has struggled to step from the mop-haired shadow cast by Junichiro Koizumi , his flamboyant predecessor , Akie has slipped more easily into the limelight .

  18. 渡边恒雄指出,安倍晋三(shinzoabe)在竞选首相时曾是国家利益的强力支持者,但即便是他,在上任后也变得比较温和了。

    Even Mr Abe , who stormed the Premiership as a strong proponent of the national interest , is becoming more moderate as he settles into office , Mr Watanabe says .

  19. 尽管中国已抓住安倍晋三(shinzoabe)新任日本首相这一机会,全力修复对日关系,但两国在如何诠释历史的问题上仍积怨甚深。

    Though China has seized on the new Premiership of Shinzo Abe to try to repair relations with Japan , the issue of how both countries interpret history continues to fester .

  20. 日本新任首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)政府渴望找到与中韩两国的共同立场,这是仅有的两个对平壤尚有经济影响力的国家。

    The administration of Shinzo Abe , the new prime minister , is keen to find a common position with China and South Korea , the only countries with remaining economic leverage over Pyongyang .

  21. 日本公共广播电视台NHK之前报道称,预计安倍晋三将在周二晚间宣布提前选举。在这篇报道发表后的20分钟内,日元兑美元汇率下跌0.2%。

    The yen fell 0.2 per cent against the dollar in the 20 minutes following a report by the domestic broadcaster that Mr Abe would announce the election on Tuesday evening .

  22. 安倍晋三在国内外已做出承诺,如果得到允许,日本将加入《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》(TPP)谈判,并实施成为公平、完全参与者所需的结构性改革。

    The Japanese prime minister has made commitments at home and abroad that , if allowed , his country would enter the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations and make the structural reforms needed for it to be a fair and full participant .

  23. 更重要的是,这将表明,去年10月日本首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)率先访问北京带来的双方之间气氛的改善,可能转化为实质性问题上的切实进展。

    More importantly , it should show some signs that the improved atmosphere created by the trailblazing visit to Beijing last October by Shinzo Abe , Japanese Prime Minister , can be translated into real progress on substantive issues .

  24. 包括前首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)在内的这些高官提议,临时取消股息税和资本利得税,成立一只投资日本股市的主权财富基金,采取更严格的企业监管规定。

    The group , which includes Shinzo Abe , the former premier , proposes a temporary abolition of dividend and capital gains taxes , the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund that would invest in Japanese stocks and stronger corporate governance rules .

  25. 在外交和战略方面,与外在感情象征相反,安倍晋三与其鹰派外相麻生太郎(taroaso)继续着他们前任的工作,在与中国打交道时至少像前辈一样强硬。

    When it comes to diplomacy and strategy , as opposed to emotional symbolism , Mr Abe and Taro Aso , his hawkish foreign minister , have continued the work of their predecessors and are at least as robust in their approach to China .

  26. 该战略中至关重要的一步,是任命安倍晋三亲自挑选的央行行长黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)。黑田东彦承诺将不遗余力地让日本的通货膨胀水平涨至2%。

    A crucial part of that strategy was the appointment of Mr. Abe 's handpicked central bank governor , Haruhiko Kuroda , who promised to do whatever it took to get inflation up to 2 percent in Japan .

  27. 安倍晋三的内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)对福井法院判决的科学依据提出了质疑,称其不会改变政府对核电的支持。

    Yoshihide Suga , the chief Cabinet secretary for Abe , questioned the scientific rationale for the Fukui court 's decision and said it would not alter the government 's support for nuclear power .

  28. 安倍晋三首相背叛了黑田东彦和日本银行,选择了胜利而非大义,周三,著名政治评论家和记者田原总一朗(SoichiroTahara)在发表于《朝日周刊》(AsahiWeekly)网站上的一篇文章中说。

    Prime Minister Abe has betrayed Kuroda and the Bank of Japan and chosen victory over scruples , Soichiro Tahara , a prominent political commentator and journalist , wrote on Wednesday in a piece posted on the website of the Asahi Weekly magazine .

  29. 事实上,安倍晋三的外交政策与日本的目标是一致的,即逐步告别二战后宪法强加的和平主义,增加日本的国际影响力。前任日本首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)也追寻这一目标。

    Mr Abe 's foreign policy is in fact consistent with the Japanese goal , also pursued by his predecessor Junichiro Koizumi , of increasing Tokyo 's influence abroad by moving steadily away from the constitutionally imposed pacifism that has prevailed since the end of the second world war .

  30. 近几周,安倍晋三正确地强调了经济政策。

    Mr Abe has correctly emphasised economic policy in recent weeks .