
  • 网络Fault structure;Fracture;fracturing structure;fracture structure
  1. 应用Fuzzy相似优先比划分断裂构造产生的磁异常

    Application of Fuzzy Similar Priority Ratio to Differentiation of Magnetic Anomalies Caused by Fracture Zone

  2. TM资料在断裂构造及山地灾害调查中的应用

    Application of TM image in the survey of geological fracture and mountain hazards

  3. 作者认为该矿受NW向断裂构造控制,并有向SE倾伏延伸之趋势。

    The authors considered that this orebody is controlled by NW faults , with a dip of SE .

  4. 沿SN向和NW向的二级断裂构造控制含金石英脉型金矿。

    The second order faults of the SN and NW trending is related to gold bearing quartz veins .

  5. H、O、C、S、Pb同位素资料、断裂构造地球化学与矿床地球化学分析表明矿床形成于开放体系条件。

    Analyses of H , O , C , S , Pb isotope , fracture tectono-geochemistry and ore deposit geochemistry show that the ore deposit is formed in an open system .

  6. 根据处理结果,推断了数条断裂构造,其方向主要为NNE向和NW向;

    Several faults are infered from the processing result striking mainly in NW NNE and NW faults dominate to depth .

  7. 基于ASTER数据的断裂构造判读:以甘肃白银地区为例

    Fault Analysis Based on ASTER Imaging Information : Introduced by an Application Test in Baiyin Area , Gansu Province

  8. 杜荒岭金矿赋存于燕山晚期的石英闪长(斑)岩中,严格受近EW向断裂构造带控制。

    Duhuangling gold deposits occurred in the quartz diorite ( porphyry ) of Late Yanshan Epoch , the deposits are directiy controlled by EW trending fault structure zone .

  9. 该区早白垩世的主要构造行迹为NE向和NW向的断裂构造;这些断裂构造控制着火山沉积盆地的边界和一些火山机构的分布。

    The main structures of Early Cretaceous in the area are NE and NW faults , which control not only the major boundaries of the basins , but also some volcanic edifices .

  10. 次级的NW向(F985等)和近EW向(F14等)断裂构造为主要容矿构造,控制矿体的产出;

    The secondary faults with NW and nearly E-W strike are the main ore - bearing structure s , controlling the occurrence of orebodies .

  11. 断裂构造高频等值线星团是构造活动最强烈的地区,是成矿溶液活动的场所,地球化学梯度(pH,Eh)变化大,有利于铀成矿。

    Those areas covered by fracture structure frequency isopleth clusters represent the intense tectonic active areas and the ore-forming solution active places , where geochemical gradiants ( pH , Eh ) change in a wide range that is favourable for uranium metallization .

  12. 矿体严格受NNE-NE向断裂构造控制,直接产在石英-碳酸岩脉中,显示其形成环境为中性-近还原的条件。

    The orebody is strictly controlled by NNE-NE trending faults and exist directly in the quartz-carbonate veins showing its neutral-in reducing environment .

  13. 该区断裂构造发育,构造线以NNE-NE向为主,并控制着锡矿带的分布。

    Fault structures , mainly NNE-NE directions , are well developed in the deposit and control the distribution of tin ore belts .

  14. 研究区域的基底断裂构造十分发育.EW、NEE和NE向基底大断裂宏观上构成和控制区域地质构造的基本格架;

    Fault structures of basement in the study area develop well . The large basement faults in EW , NEE and NE directions construct and control the principle frame of the regional geological structure on a grand scale .

  15. 作者根据这一降低场的性质,对银山的蚀变矿化特征、NE向断裂构造的控矿作用以及找矿方向等进行了讨论。

    In the light of characteristics of this gold-depleted zone and its gradient , a discussion is given concerning the alteration-mineralization features of the Yinshan deposit , the ore-controlling action of the NE-trending faulted zone and the possible target area for further ore prospecting .

  16. 如下是对本次研究的主要认识:1、勐兴铅锌矿矿液活化运移可能受到SN向断裂构造的控制,明显受层位控制和构造控制的含矿层在一定地质环境下富集成矿。

    The following are the main study of this understanding : 1 , Meng Xing lead-zinc ore fluid migration and activation to SN faults may be controlled significantly by the layer containing the control and structural control of the seam under certain geological environment enriched mineralization .

  17. 矿床产于太古代建平群深变质岩中,矿体产出受NW向断裂构造控制,金矿化与中生代侵入岩关系密切,矿石类型主要为石英脉型。

    The deposit occurs in the deep metamorphic rock of Archean Jianping formation , with the orebodies controlled by NW fault structure . The gold mineralization is closely related to the Mesozoic intrusion rock and the ore is mainly of quartzite vein type .

  18. 中国东南部广泛发育的NE-NNE褶皱和断裂构造,与古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆之下的俯冲作用有关。

    The NE-NNE trending folds and faults developed in the extensive region of southeastern China were caused by the paleo Pacific plate subducting under the Eurasia plate with a low dip angle .

  19. CSAMT法对基性、超基性岩体的低阻和矿化体及矿体的特低阻能进行电性分层,同时也能反映断裂构造带、蚀变矿化带的异常特征;

    The CSAMT method can divid the electric property beds and reflect the anomalous features of fracture zone and altered mineralization zone based upon the low resistance in basic and ultrabasic intrusions and the specific low resistance in the mineralized rocks and ores .

  20. 断裂构造是柴北缘油气运移的主要通道。

    The fault structure is the main thoroughfare for hydrocarbon migration .

  21. 潘西煤矿断裂构造突水机制探讨

    Analysis on Water Inrush Mechanism in Fracture Tectonics of Panxi Coalmine

  22. 塔里木盆地断裂构造样式与油气关系探讨

    Fault structural styles in Tarim Basin and their relation with hydrocarbon

  23. 新汶煤田断裂构造特征分析及其预测

    Analysis and Prediction of Characteristics of Fracture Structure in Xinwen Coalfield

  24. 新疆主要断裂构造的分布及其地质特征

    Distribution and geological characteristics of the main fracture structures in Xinjiang

  25. 矿床(点)分布同时受沉积岩层和断裂构造两种因素控制。

    Their distribution is controlled by both sedimentary strata and faults .

  26. 注浆封堵断裂构造的施工参数确定方法

    Determination of construction parameters for the blockage of faults by grouting

  27. 断裂构造岩沿深度的变化

    On the change of tectonite stain feature along with depth

  28. 断裂构造研究进展对工程地质学的启示

    Significance of Advances of Fault Structure on Studying Engineering Geology

  29. 桂南断裂构造和微粒型金矿的关系

    Relationship between fault and micrograined disseminated gold deposit southern Guangxi

  30. 断裂构造是一种基本的构造型式。

    A fault is one of the basic tectonic types .