
  • 网络gulf air;Gulf Airline
  1. 海湾航空公司巴林国际机场的头等舱休息厅中弥漫着简约的阿拉伯风格。

    A minimalist Arabian theme dominates the Gulf Air first-class lounge at Bahrain International Airport .

  2. 据阿布巴克尔接受「生活报」独家专访时透露,一九八三年海湾航空公司一架自阿布达比飞往喀拉蚩的班机爆炸造成机上所有一百一十一人丧生的事件,也是尼达尔下令干的。

    During an exclusive interview by Al-Hayat newspaper , Abu Bakr disclosed that Abu Nidal ordered the bombing of the Gulf Air scheduled flight from Abu Dhabi to Karachi in1983.the explosion killed all of the111 passengers on broad .

  3. 有些人把原因归为海湾地区一些航空公司在国际航线上的崛起。

    Some blame the rise of Gulf airlines on international routes .