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  • Federal Express
  1. 联邦快递(FederalExpress)的创始人弗里德·史密斯(FredSmith)曾在越战时期参军。

    Fred Smith , the founder of Federal Express , served in the marines during the Vietnam war .

  2. 联邦快递(FederalExpress)是我最欣赏创业企业之一,而我最钦佩的人就是弗雷德•史密斯。

    One of my favorite company foundings , start-ups is federal express , and who I greatly admire is , Fred Smith .

  3. PVC单层防水屋面系统在广州联邦快递亚太转运中心工程的应用

    Application of PVC single-ply system in FedEx Asia-Pacific operations center , Guangzhou

  4. 联邦快递比UPS节约成本10%。

    Save 10 % on ground shipping at FedEx Office over the UPS store .

  5. 虽然国民银行、联邦快递公司和Bay网络公司没有什么共同之处,但他们确实共享一种技术。

    Though Nations Bank , FedEx and Bay Networks have little in common , they do share a technology .

  6. 联邦快递(FedEx)首席执行官弗里德•史密斯(FredSmith)。

    FedEx 's ( FDX , Fortune 500 ) Fred Smith .

  7. 而以UPS、联邦快递等为首的国际快递公司目前已占了我国国际快递市场一半以上的份额。

    More than one half market shares has been taken by such companies as UPS and Federal Express .

  8. 联邦快递,你的最佳商业合作伙伴。联邦快递比UPS节约成本10%。

    Fedex proud partner of visionaries , save 10 % on ground shipping at Fedex office over the UPS store .

  9. Q.什么时候——如果真的可能的话——互联网的传输带宽能够超过联邦快递(FedEx)的带宽?

    Q. When-if ever-will thebandwidth of the Internet surpass that of FedEx ?

  10. 请把上面提到的物品用FedEx(加急件)【联邦快递】或UPS【联合包裹服务公司】(蓝色件)快递给我。

    Please send above items by FedEx ( Priority One ) or UPS ( Blue ) .

  11. 尽管ups和联邦快递也在距本土较远的国家采取代理的形式,但它们的经营高度集中在亚特兰大和孟菲斯的总部。

    Ups and FedEx operate more centrally from their headquarters in Atlanta and Memphis , though they do use agents in far-flung countries .

  12. 中国没有类似联邦快递(FedEx)和UPS的快递服务公司,包裹经常不能及时到达,而且还被压得变形。

    With no Chinese equivalent of FedEx or UPS , packages often arrived late , in dented boxes .

  13. Fedex(联邦快递)的logo其实只是一个简单的公司名字:“Fed”是用紫色绘出的,而“Ex”是用大胆的橙色。

    The Fedex logo is basically just the company 's name : " Fed " in bold purple writing and " Ex " in bold orange .

  14. 联邦快递已拥有大量航空货运能力,而TNT快递在欧洲公路货运领域占有最高份额。

    FedEx already has plenty of capacity in air freight , while TNT Express has top share in European road haulage .

  15. 在美国,大部分航空货运业务由以ups和联邦快递(fedex)为首的专业货运公司负责。

    In the US , the bulk of air cargo is handled by the specialist freight industry , led by ups and FedEx .

  16. A.如果你想传输几百GB的数据,那么一般来说用联邦快递把硬盘直接快递过去要比你通过互联网传输更快。

    A. IF YOU WANT TO transfer a few hundredgigabytes of data , it 's generally faster to FedEx a hard drive than to send thefiles over the Internet .

  17. 后发生的UPS从当地的合作伙伴-中外运,联邦快递花4亿美元收购其余的股份,其合资公司与中国公司大田集团。

    After UPS broke from its local partner-Sinotrans , Fedex spent $ 400 million to acquire the remaining stake of its joint venture with the Chinese firm DTW Group .

  18. 2010年联邦快递杯(FedExCup)冠军,目前职业高尔夫巡回赛(PGATour)排名第12的吉米o福瑞克对这项运动的每况愈下感到困惑不解。

    Jim Furyk , the 2010 FedEx Cup champion currently ranked No. 12 in the world on the PGA Tour , finds the decline a bit puzzling .

  19. 联邦快递对TNT快递的现金收购出价为每股8欧元,联邦快递市值为470亿美元,TNT的市值为联邦快递的十分之一。

    FedEx has bid 8 per share in cash for a company worth a tenth of its own $ 47bn market value .

  20. 但一些非工业领域的非金融服务例如联邦快递(fedex)对扩张的需求应该同样明显。

    But non-financial services that are also non-industrial FedEx , for example should be equally prominent claimants for expansion .

  21. 而且这种模式也被其他公司采用或借鉴,比如道康宁公司(DowCorning)和联邦快递公司(FedEx)。

    And its model has been adopted or adapted by other corporations like Dow Corning and FedEx ( FDX ) .

  22. 不过,目前该公司与美国物流公司联邦快递(fedex)开展业务的3架货机仍在飞行。

    However , for now it is still flying three cargo planes in a tie-up with us logistics company FedEx .

  23. 但看看所有杰出的企业和品牌,都出现在低迷时期,如iPod、通用电气、联邦快递等。

    But look at all the phenomenal companies and brands that were born in downturns , names like iPod , GE and Federal Express .

  24. 联邦快递(FedEx,排名第20位)会向在客服方面表现突出的25位员工颁发PurplePromiseRewards奖。

    At FedEx ( FDX ) ( No. 20 ) , purple promise rewards are handed out to 25 FedEx employees who go above and beyond in providing customer service .

  25. 联邦快递,你的最佳商业合作伙伴。联邦快递比UPS节约成本10%。我们了解,你需要的是物美价廉的合作伙伴。

    Fedex proud partner of visionaries , save 10 % on ground shipping at Fedex over the UPS store , we understand you need a partner who can help you save money .

  26. 联邦快递的这项服务将与中国初创航空公司奥凯航空(okayairways)合作运营,并以在浙江省杭州萧山机场新建的包裹分检枢纽为中心。

    The service will be operated in partnership with Okay Airways , a start-up Chinese airline , and centred around a newly-built package sorting hub at Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport in Zhejiang Province .

  27. 联邦快递与TNT快递的合并将意味着,三大快递公司将占据欧洲快递市场的大约半壁河山,而任何一家公司的市场份额都不会超过五分之一。

    The FedEx-TNT Express combination would mean the three largest couriers would have roughly half the European market , with none having more than a fifth .

  28. 这个logo设计的巧妙之处在于对负空间的高度利用,在联邦快递的标志中有这么个细节,E和x之间的负空间组成了一个向右的箭头。

    For its use of negative space . In the FedEx logo , the " E " and the " x " are positioned in such a way that an arrow is formed in the space between them .

  29. 联邦快递、UPS快递和美国邮政本周三表示,其航空运输中将不允许运输Note7手机,对于陆路何时能运输这款手机也将有严格限制。

    FedEx , UPS and the US Postal Service said Wednesday that the phones will not be allowed on their planes and there will be tight restrictions on when their trucks will be allowed to carry the phones .

  30. 对客户秉承紫色承诺的美国快递公司联邦快递(FedEx)周二宣布,希望与总部位于荷兰的橙色精灵TNT快递(TNTExpress)合并。

    FedEx , the US delivery company with a purple promise to customers , announced on Tuesday that it would like to blend with the orange spirit of Netherlands-based TNT Express .