
  • 网络MTK;mediatek;Media Tek;mediatek inc
  1. 强大的模拟、混合信号、RF能力,这才是联发科过人之处。

    The powerful strength in analog , mixed signal and RF capabilities is the real superiority of MTK .

  2. 展讯则受益联发科转型,出货量大增。

    Benefiting from MTK 's transformation , Spreadtrum 's shipment has boosted up .

  3. 康佳几乎所有的平板电视都是晨星的IC,TTE、长虹则喜欢联发科。

    Nearly all the flat panel TVs of Konka adopts MStar Semiconductor 's IC , while TTE and Changhong prefer Media Tek .

  4. 联发科和晨星半导体最早开打。

    Media Tek and MStar Semiconductor initially launched the price war .

  5. 毕竟,联发科在付出代价后明白,要评判公司成功与否,只能看它最新一款革命性的产品。

    After all , MediaTek knows to its cost that it is only as good as its last revolutionary product .

  6. 联发科正寻求在更复杂的智能手机领域取得类似的成就,并将于今年发布首套智能手机芯片组。

    MediaTek is looking for a similar feat with more complicated smartphones and will launch its first smartphone chipset this year .

  7. 即使联发科放弃黑手机市场,联发科依然可以排到全球前三的位置。

    Even if MTK gives up the black market of mobile phones , it will be still among the top three globally .

  8. 2009年单论基频出货量,联发科如愿以偿取得全球第一的位置,并且2010年仍然能够保持全球第一。

    As far as baseband shipment is concerned , Mediatek ranked first worldwide in2009 and it continue its leadership in this respect in2010 .

  9. 和这种高风险客户为伍,不是一个眼光长远厂家所应该做的,这也是联发科谋求转型的原因之一。

    Such high risk is an obstacle for MTK development in the future , which is one of reasons that it seeks for transformation .

  10. 尽管如此,打入手机市场“非常困难,因为人们从未听说联发科也制造手机芯片”。

    Still , breaking into the mobile phone market " was very difficult because people have never heard of MediaTek making mobile phone chips " .

  11. 2000年,联发科成为这两个市场上最大的供应商之一后,蔡明介便将视线投向了移动电话。

    By 2000 , it had become one of the biggest suppliers of chips for both those markets and Mr Tsai began looking to mobile phones .

  12. 而联发科正在努力朝品牌客户、大客户转移,这自然给晨星和展讯留下市场空间。

    In comparison , MTK is striving to transfer to brand clients and big clients , which will out of question leave market space for Morningstar and Spreadtrum .

  13. 不过即便是三星也禁不住联发科低价的诱惑,AMD/ATI的消费类电子部门第一次出现亏损。

    The consumer electronics division of AMD / ATI had its first loss , while ATI with its target pinpointing at the ultra high-end produces suffered the least impact .

  14. 联发科早已因引爆智能手机产业革命而闻名,它向中国厂商提供芯片和几乎整套工程设计,使后者能够生产出大量廉价智能手机,这些智能手机如今正席卷中国和其他新兴市场。

    The latter is already known for revolutionising the smartphone industry by supplying Chinese manufacturers with the chips and nearly complete engineering designs that let them churn out the cheap smartphones now flooding China and other emerging markets .