
  • 网络Uni-President;Uni-President Group;Uni-President Enterprises
  1. 「永为」是指统一企业追求永续生存和发展。

    " all-time " refers to Uni-President 's pursuit for the long-lasting lives and development .

  2. 「食品交响乐」是指统一企业重视内部团队经营之效能与效率;

    " Food Symphony " states that Uni-President Enterprises Corp. emphasizes on the efficiency and effectiveness of internal teamwork .

  3. 介绍了使用EAI技术统一企业内部ERP,CRM和SCM等应用系统内的物料清单、物料主数据、客户和供应商等企业关键业务数据的实际应用方案。

    This article introduces a practical solution deploying enterprise application integration ( EAI ) technology to unify the key operation data such as BOM , item , customer and supplier among ERP , CRM , SCM and PLM applications .

  4. 北京一家超市中码放的康师傅和统一企业方便面。作为“康师傅”方便面品牌的持有者以及百事公司(PepsiCoInc.,PEP)的合作伙伴,康师傅控股在提交给香港交易所的中期财报中列举了今年以来的部分重要营销活动,具体如下:

    Tingyi , owner of the ' Master Kong ' noodle brand and a partner with PepsiCo Inc. , lists some of its promotional highlights so far this year in its report to the Hong Kong stock exchange , including :

  5. 统一企业所得税法的重大意义及其影响

    Impacts and Significance of a Unified Enterprise Income Tax Law in China

  6. 统一企业所得税推行平等竞争

    Unify the Corporate Income Tax and Pursue Fair Competition

  7. 必须统一企业所得税征管制度

    It Is a Must to Unify Tax Administration System of Enterprise Income Tax

  8. 统一企业所得税的法律思考

    Legal Reflection on the Unification of Enterprise Income Taxes

  9. 统一企业所得税法的若干问题

    On Problems Of Unifying Corporate Income Tax Law

  10. 对加快建立中国石油管道建设行业统一企业标准体系的探讨

    Discussion on Stepping up Establishment of Unified Enterprise Standards for China Pipeline Construction Sector

  11. 统一企业所得税法的必要性、改革趋势及其影响

    On Necessity 、 The Trend And Its Influence Of Integrating Corporate Income Tax Laws

  12. 统一企业迷航与反弹阻尼可调负荷。

    Uni-Trek adjustable preload with rebound damping .

  13. 同时,她亦为公司统一企业品牌形象,并建立市场推广标准及全公司应用的市场推广程序。

    She also standardised Fisher 's corporate brand identity and established marketing standards and corporate-wide marketing processes .

  14. 批评人士认为,合作失败不仅归因于战略失误,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒无法统一企业文化也难辞其咎。

    Critics cited strategic mistakes for the failure , but also DaimlerChrysler 's inability to unite the company cultures .

  15. 默克尔与萨科齐共同提议,要在欧元区17个国家实现财政平衡,统一企业税率并征收新的金融交易税。

    Among their suggestions were balanced-budget rules in all17 euro-zone countries , harmonised corporate-tax rates and a levy on financial transactions .

  16. 统一企业是国内的知名品牌,统一果汁更是果汁行业高速发展的领导者。

    Uni-President enterprise is a famous domestic brand , Uni-President juice is leader of the rapid development of fruit juice industry .

  17. 通过调查分析,再叙述统一企业的发展状况,其中包括市场定位、竞争对手分析。

    Through the research and analysis , it narrate the development of Tongyi enterprise , including market orientation and competitors analysis .

  18. 公司目前正处于建厂当中,它是统一企业在大陆投资的又一股新生力量。

    The company is still in the midst of factory expansion and is recognized as a new force for Uni-President in China .

  19. 统一企业亦将持续致力「以爱心和关怀来建构与现代人密不可分的食品王国」。

    Uni-President will keep on devoting itself to the idea of using love and care to build a food kingdom inseparable from today 's taste .

  20. 政府则可以在引导企业科学发展、统一企业与工人之间的利益分配矛盾方面发挥积极的作用。

    And the government may play an active role in guiding enterprises ' scientific development and harmonizing the conflict of benefit distribution between the enterprise and the labor .

  21. 统一企业中国有净负债,但相对于其盈利数额不大,那些貌似热爱这只股票的投资者应该让公司有一些回旋余地。

    Uni-President has net debt , but it is fairly modest as a proportion of earnings and investors who love the stock as much as they appear to should allow it some leeway .

  22. 品牌延伸可以节省促销费用,统一企业形象,有利于迅速提高企业知名度与经济效益,但也存在使企业失败的巨大陷阱。

    Brand extension can on one hand reduce the sales promotion fee , unify the image of an enterprise , and improve the popularity and economic benefit of an enterprise within a short time .

  23. 统一企业的乳类食品都是以统一牌子出售,在市场上长期以来无法突破二、三线商品的形象。

    President Enterprise 's dairy products were being sold under the President brand name , and for a long time had been unable to rise beyond second or third placed brand in the market .

  24. 统一企业将以每个省设立一个食品厂为目标,并以各厂为中心设立分厂,以点连结成全面性的网络,覆盖整个大陆市场。

    Uni-President will aim at establishing a food factory in every province and a sub-plant around every factory in order to link every base of operation and form a complete network for the entire China .

  25. 在挑战与机遇面前,为了提升自身的核心竞争力、实现企业的可持续发展、协调统一企业与员工之间的利益,在组织绩效考核工作方面开展了以平衡计分卡为主导的绩效考核思想和方法。

    In order to promote their own core competitiveness and realize the sustainable development , coordinate between the enterprise and staff of interests . In the organization performance evaluation , Lanzhou petrochemical company carry out the balanced scorecard for the leading performance evaluation methods .

  26. 食品饮料产业:我区拥有华润啤酒、统一企业、百事可乐饮料、乐百氏矿泉水、武汉烟草、双汇食品、蒙牛乳业、光明乳业、友芝友乳业、如意来福等一批知名企业和品牌。

    Food and beverage industry : the Development Zone has some famous enterprises and brands such as and Huarun beer , President enterprise , Pepsi beverage , robust drinking water , Wuhan tobacco , Shanghui food , Mengniu milk , bright milk , youzhiyou milk and ruyilaifu .

  27. 中资保险公司应从加快企业组织结构变革、加大风险控制体系建设和统一企业文化认识等方面入手,充分发挥金融控股优势,从根本上提升中资保险公司的核心竞争力。

    By accelerating the transformation of organizational structure in enterprises , strengthening the construction of risk control system and consolidating the universal identification of corporation culture , Chinese insurance companies should take advantage of financial holding so as to radically improve the core competitiveness of Chinese insurance companies .

  28. 本文示范了如何结合WorkplaceWebContentManagement和DB2ContentManager来提供统一的企业Web内容管理系统。

    In this article , we demonstrate how to integrate Workplace Web Content Management and DB2 Content Manager to provide a uniform enterprise Web content management system .

  29. 通过Portal技术,构建统一的企业门户,定制自己的工作平台。

    At last according to Portal technology , a unified enterprise portal is built and the work platform can be customized .

  30. 借鉴CIS理论提出了房地产实行统一的企业识别系统的设想。

    From CIS unified theory made real estate enterprises customary identification system vision .