
tǒng chēng
  • General term;a general designation;be called by a joint name
统称 [tǒng chēng]
  • [be called by a joint name] 总括起来叫

  • 武昌、汉口和汉阳常统称为武汉

  • [a general designation] 总称;总的称呼

统称[tǒng chēng]
  1. 社会科学是一个统称,涵盖一系列的独立学科。

    Social science is a collective name , covering a series of individual sciences .

  2. “痴呆”这一统称里包括多种不同的疾病。

    Within the umbrella term ' dementia ' there are many different kinds of disease .

  3. 绘画、雕塑、建筑等统称为造型艺术。

    Painting sculpture architecture etc. are collectively called the “ fine arts ” or “ plastic arts ” .

  4. Escapecall就是无聊会议期间接到事先安排好的同事来电,好让你佯装出紧急状况逃离那个会议;或是相亲过程中朋友打来将你从尴尬约会中救出的那通电话,我们统称为“解困来电”。

    Escape call is a planned call or beep from a co-worker blind date .

  5. 空怒(airrage)是飞机飞行期间,乘客和空乘人员引发的捣乱或暴力行为统称。

    Air rage is the general term for disruptive and / or violent behavior perpetrated by passengers and crew of aircraft , typically during flight .

  6. 粉色旅游,也叫同性恋旅游或LGBT旅游,是针对同性恋、双性恋以及变性人群(统称“同志”)开拓的小众旅游市场。

    Pink tourism , also known as gay tourism or LGBT tourism , is a form of niche tourism marketed to gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender ( LGBT ) people .

  7. 这些属性统称为ACID属性。

    These properties are collectively referred to as ACID properties .

  8. 文中笔者将之统称为交际教学法(CommunicativeTeachingApproach)。

    In this paper , the author considers Communicative Teaching Approach .

  9. IC(Integratedcircuit)为半导体元件产品的统称。

    IC ( Integrated Circuit ) is a general term for the semiconductor products .

  10. 这些模式被统称为SOA场景。

    These patterns are collectively called the SOA scenarios .

  11. 上述的极端响应和倾覆行为可统称为海洋结构物的极端行为(extremebehavior),本文研究用几种不同的方法来分析海洋结构物的上述极端行为。

    The above mentioned extreme response and capsizing behavior can be called the extreme behavior of an ocean structure .

  12. 蛋白水解酶(protease)是催化多肽或蛋白质水解的酶的统称,简称蛋白酶。

    Proteases are the enzymes that hydrolyze proteins or peptides .

  13. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会一致在制定一系列建议,统称为《巴塞尔协议III》。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has been a set of s known as Basel Three .

  14. 巯基蛋白酶抑制剂(CPI)统称为胱蛋白超家族。

    Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitors ( CPI ) compose of cystatin superfamilies .

  15. SSL/TLS(后面统称为SSL)是WebSphereApplicationServer安全性架构的一个关键组件,广泛用于安全通信。

    SSL / TLS ( hereafter referred together as SSL ) is a key component of the WebSphere Application Server security architecture , used extensively for securing communication .

  16. 在美国每逢感恩节,我们都会吃不同的菜肴:土鸡,土豆,南瓜派&这些统称dish(菜肴)。

    At Thanksgiving in the United States , we have different dishes : turkey , potatoes , pumpkin pie-these are dishes .

  17. 工作站非并发模式与服务器模式统称为阻塞式GC,因为GC运行时其它代码无法运行。

    The Workstation / Concurrency OFF and Server types are called blocking GC because there is no activity going on when the GC runs .

  18. 很多JavaWeb应用程序仍然在运行,这导致很多非常有用的、编写良好的Java代码(在本教程中统称遗留代码)具有良好的可用性。

    Many Java Web applications are still running , resulting in the ready availability of much useful , well-written Java code ( loosely referred to in this tutorial as legacy code ) .

  19. 这个问题统称为head-of-lineblocking(对头阻塞)。

    This problem is commonly referred to as head-of-line blocking .

  20. 目前从哺乳动物组织中已鉴定出至少五种水通道蛋白,统称为水蛋白(aquaporin,AQP),均属于主体内在蛋白(MIP)家族的成员。

    AQPs the members of major intrinsic protein ( MIP ) family .

  21. 人们一般把下一代移动通信技术统称为B3G或者4G。

    Generally , the next generation mobile communication systems are called B3G or 4G systems .

  22. 榕属植物(Ficus)统称榕树,是热带森林中的一类关键种植物。

    Fig trees are the keystone species in tropical forest .

  23. STL是标准库中容器和算法这一部分的统称,其目的是将不同的算法和数据结构相结合,并获取最佳效率,其最重要的语言新特性是采用了命名空间技术。

    Its aim is not only to combine different algorithm and data structure but also to get great efficiency .

  24. 网络技术的发展,特别是Internet/Intranet(互联网/内联网,统称因特网)技术的日趋成熟,促使企业的生产方式逐步从独立经营走向网络化生产和协同合作。

    With the development of network technology , Internet / Intranet technology is becoming ripeness gradually , which makes the produce mode of enterprises from independent into network and cooperative produce .

  25. 各国通常把法院以外的各种非诉讼纠纷解决方式统称为替代性纠纷解决方式(ADR)。

    In general , most countries name the non-judicial dispute resolutions outside of court to be alternative dispute resolution ( ADR ) .

  26. SCA代表了一些人们常常统称为“SOA”的具体步骤:重用、组合、策略管理和松耦合服务。

    SCA represents some very concrete steps for what people often vaguely describe as " SOA ": reuse , composition , policy administration , and loosely coupled services .

  27. 这些区域被统称为保护地(ProtectedAreas),它们是通过法律或其他有效手段进行管理,以便为人类提供长期经济利益和环境利益的地区。

    These areas are collectively referred to as " Protected Areas ", we through law or other effective means to manage in order to provide long-term economic benefits for human and environmental interests of the region .

  28. 安全标签和豁免权统称为LBAC凭证。

    Together , the security labels and exemptions are called LBAC credentials .

  29. Web页面中,一篇文章的主体内容四周,时常存在着混杂内容(对不相关的图片、导航条和指向外部的链接等内容的统称),这些内容常对用户造成干扰。

    Web pages may often contain " clutter " ( defined by us as unnecessary images , navigational menus , extraneous links , and so on ) around the body of an article that may distract a user from actual content .

  30. 介绍了最早的认证协议形式化分析方法&BAN逻辑及扩展的BAN逻辑,统称为BAN类逻辑。

    This paper introduces the earliest formal methods for the analysis of authentication protocols-BAN logic and the extended BAN logic , go by the general name of BAN like logic .