
tǒnɡ jì xiǎn zhù xìnɡ
  • statistical significance
  1. 检验能力对统计显著性检验的影响

    The influence of testing power on statistical significance test

  2. 从得到的10例数据中无一例外地检测到了具有高度统计显著性的非稳定周期1轨道。

    Unstable period 1 orbits with high statistical significance were identified in all 10 data sets .

  3. 增加N吸收,但没有统计显著性。

    And increased N uptake , but the difference was not statistically significant .

  4. 在统计显著性支持下,其结果与资源基础理论的研究一致。

    The statistical results were consistent to what the Resource-Based theory implies .

  5. 统计显著性标记的聚类分析算法与网络实现

    Algorithm and implementation of a cluster analysis with statistic significance

  6. 这没有达到被认为具有统计显著性的33%的目标。

    This falls short of the33 per cent target considered statistically significant .

  7. 鉴于此,本研究用随机化方法对分类进行统计显著性检验,建立了具有统计显著性标记的聚类分析算法,用于对若干个样品进行有显著性标记的聚类分析。

    An algorithm of cluster analysis with statistic significance test to classification was developed in this paper .

  8. 关于信号的统计显著性

    On Statistical Significance of Signal

  9. 针对经典气候跃变分析方法存在的不足,并对有序样品的聚类方法引入统计显著性检验后,得到了一种研究气候跃变的层次聚类方法。

    After introduced statistical significance test , a new method of analyzing the climatic abrupt change was advanced .

  10. 总而言之,我们的数据有效地做好了事先准备,并且找到了很多统计显著性的结果。

    To summarize , our data effectively stacked the deck against finding a large number of statistically significant effects .

  11. 科学家说这些结果具有统计显著性&疫苗组的感染风险降低了31.2%。

    Scientists say the results are statistically significant & with a31.2 per cent lower risk of infection for the vaccinated group .

  12. 虽然吸烟与精子动力学、精子总数之间存在关联,但无统计显著性。

    The results also showed that cigarette smoking was negatively associated with sperm motility and total sperm count but there were no statistical significance .

  13. 另外,运用交叉列表分析和列联系数检验的结果表明国家级贫困县和非国家级贫困县的农户对村级基础设施的需求偏好和参与意愿差异具有统计显著性。

    Additionally , The farmers ' demand preference is different dramatically between national-poor counties and non-national-poor counties by crosstab analysis and contingency coefficient test .

  14. 但是,类似于其他全球主要发达的资本市场,本文并不能拒绝上海证券交易市场的有效性假设,尤其当不考虑B股市场时,A股市场的假设检验没有统计显著性。

    Similar to findings for major developed capital markets , I cannot reject the efficient market hypothesis in the Shanghai Stock Exchange , especially excluding the B shares market .

  15. 由于试验选择的样本少,所以还没有达到统计显著性,但是大剂量组显示两年后确实有效。

    Because of the small number of patients in the trial , statistical significance was not reached , but the higher dose did appear more affective after two years , Quigg said .

  16. 研究的重点也从早期的相关性分析、协整检验和均值-方差有效组合边界的生成发展到了衡量多元化收益的大小和评估收益的统计显著性。

    Foreign research focus has developed from correlation analysis , co-integration test , and mean-variance efficient frontier spanning to size measurement of diversification benefits and assessment of the statistical significance of the benefits .

  17. 结果显示,实验组训练后在自信心、意志力和处理难题能力等方面较之控制组均有统计显著性,表明认知&情绪控制训练对于帮助运动员提高应对能力具有良好效果。

    The result showed that experiment group after training had significant different with control group at confidence , willpower and dealing difficulty ability . The recognition-emotion control training has good effect on promoting athlete coping ability .

  18. 对我国内幕交易案件的实证研究进一步表明,在公司重要未公开事件公告前,该公司股票异常收益率、累积异常收益率和异常交易量都表现出统计显著性。

    Further study on the insider trading cases punished by CSRC shows there is a statistical significance for abnormal rate of return , cumulative abnormal returns and abnormal trading volumes before the public release of substantial information .

  19. 第二章对影响煤价的各个经济变量进行筛选和分析,通过经济理论关系和格兰杰因果关系检验的统计显著性找出适合的解释变量。

    The second chapter establishes prediction model based on screening and analyzing various economic variables which affect the price of coal , according to economic theory causal relations and statistical significance test to find a suitable explanatory variable .

  20. 简式倦怠量表的同质信度为0.8036,分半信度为0.7818。简式倦怠量表与生活事件问卷、一般健康问卷和抑郁自评量表的分数均达到统计显著性水平(P<0.01)。

    Its homogeneity reliability is 0.8036 and split-half reliability is 0.7818.The correlations between Burnout Measure ( Short version ), Life Events Scale , General Health Questionnaire and Self-Rating Depression Scale are all significant statistically ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 对明目健脑操训练组实验前后视力是否有显著性提高进行秩和检验,实验前后两组视力提高程度的比较行多元统计显著性检验。

    Whether eyesight was improved before and after improving eyesight brain tonic exercise or not was analyzed with rank sum test , and improved degree of eyesight was compared with significance test of multiple-statistical analysis before and after study .

  22. 引入概率敏感性分析方法,同时考虑了随机变量的梯度和离散范围对结构响应的影响,通过统计显著性检验,定量地判断出随机输入变量对结构响应的影响程度;

    Probability sensitivities analysis , which combines the slope of the gradient and the width of the scatter range of the random input variables , is applied to evaluate how much the output parameters are influenced by the random input parameters .

  23. 研究表明:(1)在余震区西半部的分区中,主震前出现了持续时间为38个月的异常地震活动平静,异常在置信水平大于0.99上通过β统计显著性检验。

    The result shows that ( 1 ) there was anomalous seismic quiescence with a duration of 38 months in the subregion located in west part of aftershock area , which is significant statistically at confidence level of 0 . 99 and larger by β - test ;

  24. 对MUP大小指数(SI)等9项参数及其95%或99%可信限区间进行MUP水平统计和显著性检验。

    The normal values and the 95 % or 99 % confidence limits of the 9 parameters were calculated at the MUP level .

  25. IMF组患者治疗后血红蛋白较前明显上升,经统计有显著性差异,而白细胞、血小板数经检验无统计学差异。

    Hemoglobin compared with the previous the IMF group patients after treatment significantly increased , the statistical significant difference , and white blood cells and platelet count have no significant difference in the test .

  26. 通过对主营业务收入增长率和净资产收益率在IPO前两年到IPO后一年的4个期间内的描述性统计和显著性检验,证明了我国创业板市场IPO效应的存在性。

    By year after the two years before the IPO , the IPO on the main business revenue growth and return on net assets within a period of four descriptive statistics and test of significance , proved the existence of the GEM IPO effect .

  27. TM中VDR的表达与病例的年龄、性别、Dukes分期、组织学分型、分化程度、肿瘤生长方式、浸润深度之间无统计上显著性的联系。

    There was no significant correlation of the VDR expression of the TM with sex , age , histological classification , Dukes stage , the way tumor grows , infiltration depth and differentiation grade of the cases .

  28. 在上述标签排序算法中,为了判别图像是否存在显著区域,本文首次提出了一种基于灰度分布直方图统计的显著性分析方法。

    This paper proposes a gray distribution histogram method to analyze saliency of the image .

  29. 结果:两组下胫腓分离治疗经统计有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Result : There was a significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) in statistics between two groups .

  30. 纯合子组分别与其他两组小鼠间的差别均具有统计的显著性(P<0.005)。

    The differences between homozygous and other two groups were very significant ( P < 0 005 ) .