
lián hé ɡuó jūn
  • United Nations Command
  1. 停战委员会联合国军部分秘书长;

    Secretary of the United Nations command component of the military armistice commission ;

  2. 联合国军朝鲜司令部

    Headquarters of the United Nations Command in Korea

  3. “联合国军司令部欢迎与朝鲜的这一会谈,它带来了双方建立互信、防止误解的前景,”联合国代表团团长、美国空军少将约翰尼达(johnnyweida)说。

    " The UN command welcomed this discussion with North Korea which holds the prospect for building trust and preventing misunderstanding between the two sides , " said major general Johnny Weida of the US air force , who lead the UN delegation .

  4. 他要选择不被联合国军掌握的路径。

    He takes the route away from the u.n.enclave .

  5. 前联合国军朝鲜/美国联合部队朝鲜司令部总司令。

    Former Commander-in-Chief United Nations Command Korea / U.S.

  6. 道格拉斯麦克阿瑟被任命为南朝鲜境内联合国军的司令。

    Douglas MacArthur was appointed commander of the United Nations forces in South korea .

  7. 1951年的今天,朝鲜战争:联合国军第二次占领了首尔(前汉城)。

    1951-Korean War : For the second time , United Nations troops recapture Seoul .

  8. 实施援助的主体为联合国军司令部。

    The main body of the implementation of aid was the United Nations Command .

  9. 但是联合国军至今没有在伊拉克找到大杀伤性武器。

    But so far the coalition has found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq .

  10. 决议草案要求解散驻扎在朝鲜的联合国军。

    The draft resolution called for the dissolution of the United Nations command in Korea .

  11. 联合国军司令部军事停战委员会

    United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission

  12. 抗美援朝战争中志愿军对联合国军战俘心理转化问题研究

    Researches on Psychological Transformation of Prisoners of War by Chinese People 's Volunteers during the Korean War

  13. 联合国军司令部总司令

    Commander-in-Chief , United Nations Command

  14. 韩国则认为1953年联合国军司令部制定的界限为合法边境。

    South Korea regards the line , created by the United Nations Command in 1953 , as the legal boundary .

  15. 美国的理由是中国在朝鲜与联合国军作战。

    America claimed its objection was because of the fighting between China and Armed forces for United Nations in the North Korea .

  16. 1951年的今天,朝鲜战争之“撕裂行动”&在朝鲜,联合国军在马修·李奇微将军的带领下开始了一项针对中方军队的袭击。

    1951-Korean War : Operation Ripper-In Korea , United Nations troops led by General Matthew Ridgeway begin an assault against Chinese forces .

  17. 中国出兵后,联合国军在朝形势急转直下,杜鲁门发出了原子恐吓,这使英国看到战争有扩大的危险。

    After China dispatched troops to the Korea , the posture of the United Nation Army took a sudden turn and became worse rapidly .

  18. 美国为首的联合国军将战火燃至鸭绿江边,新中国的国家安全与正常的生产生活受到严重威胁。

    The US-led Untied Stated led the flame to Yalu River , which made the national security and the normal production and living of China be under threat .

  19. 朝鲜战争爆发以后,因美国为首的联合国军的介入,是这场战争由内战演变为局部地区的国际战争。

    After the Korean war , due to the intervention of the United Station led by the American , it became a partial international war from a civil war .

  20. 联合国军已经并将继续使用我们无匹的实力创设最好的条件,以使我们和盟邦尽可能执行联合国授权的各项举措。

    The United States military has and will continue to use our unique capabilities to create the conditions from which we and our partners can best enforce the full measure of the U.

  21. 随后,联合国军又发动了一系列名为“勇气”和“印第安战斧”的陆军和空军联合军事行动,对在朝鲜喀山和汉城之间的中国和北朝鲜军队展开进攻,将其赶回朝鲜北部。

    A further series of attacks slowly drove back the communist forces , such as Operations Courageous and Tomahawk , a combined ground-and air-assault to trap communist forces between Kaesong and Seoul .

  22. 1945年8月15日,日本接受《波茨坦公告》,宣布无条件投降。美军便以联合国军的身份进驻日本,对日实行全面占领。

    The emperor of Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation and surrendered at discretion in August 15 , 1945 . The American army garrisoned Japan in the name of Allied Forces , which drove Japan 's English education into a critical period .