
  • 网络ADFS;Federation Service;United Services;joint service
  1. 在这个场景中,承租者部署了一种联合服务,它为该承租者自己的用户目录服务提供了接口。

    In this scenario , the tenant deploys a federation service that interfaces with the tenant 's own user directory service .

  2. MalcolmChalmers是伦敦“皇家联合服务研究院”(RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute)的研究人员。

    Malcolm Chalmers is an analyst at London 's Royal United Services Institute .

  3. 皇家联合服务研究院(RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute)主任TobiasFeakin表示,恐怖主义的本性现在正在发生变化。

    Tobias Feakin is Director of National Security & Resilience at the Royal United Services Institute . He said the nature of terrorism is changing .

  4. 架构开发方法(ADM)可应用于SOA、安全、云、混合型服务、联合服务生态环境等。

    The Architecture Development Method ( ADM ) can be applied to SOA , security , cloud , hybrids , and federated services ecologies .

  5. 本文介绍了运用Java技术来设计与实现高校图书馆与大型书店间的网上联合服务系统。

    The paper introduces how to design and accomplish the united service system on the net between library in the university and large-scale bookstore and gives its resolvable scheme with Java technology .

  6. 本文详细介绍基于微软Windows平台的有着领先技术的活动目录联合服务(ADFS)的单点登录方案。

    This paper describes a single sign-on solutions based on the Microsoft Windows platform with leading technology ADFS .

  7. 一站式服务、联合服务等将是实现e-Science环境下文献情报服务的主要手段。

    Finally , one-stop service , collaboration service and so on will become primary methods to supply services .

  8. Eugenio:身份联合服务最让人兴奋的应用场景之一就是针对基于云的应用系统。

    Eugenio : One of the key scenarios where identity federation shines , is for cloud based applications .

  9. 我们还应该期待在2010年下半年一些品牌推出的联合服务,而预计在2011年在全球这样的合作会更多。

    We should also expect some co-branded services from the second half of2010 , with global availability expected in2011 .

  10. 我们进一步建议使用联合服务注册中心和存储库,为企业范围的管理和可重用服务的治理提供帮助。

    We further recommend using a federated service registry and repository to assist enterprise-wide management and governance of reusable services .

  11. 基于网络的开放联合服务系统建设&中国科学院文献情报服务系统的发展模式

    The Construction of the Networked , Open and United Service System & The Development Model of the CAS Information Service System

  12. 正和美国联合服务组织一起在阿富汗喀布尔劳军的罗宾·威廉姆斯收到了最受欢迎喜剧男明星奖。

    Robin Williams accepted his award for favorite funny male while on tour with the United Service Organizations in Kabul , Afghanistan .

  13. 此外,很多组织将小部件用于直接商品化联合服务,可以将小部件设置为在工作前必须提供许可证密钥。

    Additionally , many organisations use widgets to directly commercialise syndicated services ; you can set up a widget to require a license key before it functions .

  14. 丰富馆藏内容,扩大利用范围、采取联合服务方式,利用现代化手段,是强化农业科技档案利用的有效途径

    The effective ways of strengthening the utilization of agricultural sci-tech achieves include enriching the contents of the holdings , enlarging the scope of the utilization , adopting the method of cooperative service and utilizing the means of modernization

  15. 最后针对我国现行条件,构建了我国医学知识化服务模式框架,主要包括循证医学服务、医学情报研究服务、医学信息资源整合管理服务和联合服务、协同建设四方面内容。

    According to our country 's condition , the author builds up a medical knowledge service model of our country , the framework includes service of evidence-based medicine , medical intelligence research , management of medical information resource , united service and co-construction .

  16. 据服务雇员联盟、联合服务工人西部工会的报告显示,这些员工没有进行过处理紧急事件的适当培训,当乘客惊恐地向跑道方向逃跑并跳上行李传送带时,通讯不畅妨碍了他们的工作。

    The SEIU United Service Workers West reports that the workers were not properly trained to deal with an emergency , and that they were hampered by poor communications , as panicked , fleeing passengers ran onto the tarmac and jumped onto the luggage conveyer belts .

  17. 引入一个中间层服务缓存加速、转换和联合SOA服务。

    Introduces a mid-tier service cache to provide SOA service acceleration , transformation , and federation .

  18. ITFIM为联合Web服务提供基于策略的集成安全性管理。

    ITFIM provides policy-based integrated security management for federated Web services .

  19. 请把上面提到的物品用FedEx(加急件)【联邦快递】或UPS【联合包裹服务公司】(蓝色件)快递给我。

    Please send above items by FedEx ( Priority One ) or UPS ( Blue ) .

  20. 对于部署面向服务体系结构和Web服务的公司,TFIM为联合Web服务提供基于策略的集成的安全管理。

    For companies deploying Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) and Web services , TFIM provides policy-based integrated security management for federated Web services .

  21. 如今的UPS,或者称为联合包裹服务公司,是一家全球性的公司,其商标是世界上最知名、最值得景仰的商标之一。

    Today UPS , or United Parcel Service Inc. , is a global company with one of the most recognised and admired brands in the world .

  22. 包裹托运公司联合包裹服务公司(UPS)警告华尔街称,预计第四季度利润会降低,此前该公司表示度过了一个艰难的节日购物季。

    Pack shipper UPS is warning Wall Street to expect a lower fourth quarter profits after the company says it was a difficult holiday shopping season .

  23. 与联合包裹服务(UPS)运送图书或耐用品不同,生鲜食品快递需要选择最短的线路、进行周密的计划、采用先进的技术,还要与时间赛跑。

    Unlike shipping books or durable products via UPS , fresh food delivery requires specific short routing , planning , technology , and a race against the clock .

  24. 一个dependency性能定义了一个单元(例如,数据源)为它的同类单元进行操作的能力,可能是联合托管服务或者在不同的单元进行托管服务。

    A dependency capability defines the ability for a unit ( for example , datasource ) to do work for its peer units , which may be co-hosted or hosted on different units .

  25. 为记录在大规模网格环境中发生的事件,提出了一种联合使用服务和Chord协议的日志服务系统。

    To record the events happened in the large scale grid environment , a log service system was proposed , which combined both of web service technology and Chord protocol .

  26. 一个联合“服务业革新者”如zappos、星巴克(starbucks)或户外服饰零售商rei的全国行动,将是一个良好的开端。

    A national initiative , bringing together " service innovators " such as Zappos , Starbucks or outdoor clothing retailer REI would be a good start .

  27. 联合包裹服务公司既没有确认也没有否认《凯撒健康新闻》的报道。

    UPS neither confirmed nor denied the Kaiser Health News report .

  28. 论学科馆员馆际协作联合保障服务机制

    On Joint Guarantee Service Mechanism of Subject Librarian in Library Cooperation

  29. 提出了学科化联合信息服务的概念。

    Propose a concept of subject-oriented joint information service .

  30. 学科化联合信息服务合作系统的构建

    On the Construction of Subject-oriented Joint Information Service Systems