
  • 网络Modern Management Science
  1. 现代管理科学的集成创新&六西格玛管理模式

    Integration and innovation of modern management science : Six-sigma management model

  2. 运用现代管理科学理论,加强和改进高校的教务管理工作

    Strengthen and Improve Educational Management Work Through the Theory of Modern Management Science

  3. CRM是现代管理科学与计算机科学结合应用的产物,网络技术、数据库技术、通信技术的飞速发展推动CRM的不断变化。

    As combination of modern times management science and computer science , development of CRM is derived by network technology , database technology and communications technology .

  4. 现代管理科学热点&浅析精益生产方式

    Hot point of modern management scientific ─ analysis forms of lean production

  5. 智能管理是现代管理科学技术发展的新动向。

    Intelligent Management is a new trend of developing of modern management science and technology .

  6. 工程造价是随着商品经济的发展和现代管理科学的发展而产生和发展的。

    The construction cost is developing along with the generation and development of modern managerial science .

  7. 认为管理科学应该紧密结合中国国情,应该创建有中国特色的现代管理科学。

    We hold there that management science should combine with China situation to build China-feature Management science .

  8. 现代管理科学中最大的问题便是如何在不确定性环境下进行高效率的决策。

    The most important question of modern management science is how to make high efficient decision under uncertainty environment .

  9. 项目管理作为现代管理科学的重要组成部分,在项目实施过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    As an important part in modern management science , project management plays a pivotal role in the project implementation process .

  10. 管理人才的知识结构问题,是现代管理科学中的一个重要命题。

    How wide a scope of knowledge should a manager have ? This is an important project in the modern management science .

  11. 韦尔奇的管理智慧作为现代管理科学理论与实践的卓越成果之一,对于改善现代警察管理具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The morality of the police contains important value in police management and it should become a new direction of police management .

  12. 随着现代管理科学的不断发展,项目管理已逐步运用在服装行业的日常工作中。

    As the continuous development of modern management science , project management has been utilized into the daily work of apparel industry .

  13. 作为现代管理科学一大重要成果,团队管理理论已越来越引起了人们的重视。

    As one of significant achievements of modern management science , Theory of Team Management has more and more aroused people pay attention .

  14. 施工现场要建立起符合现代管理科学的安全管理体系,首先要建立完善的安全管理组织机构,全面贯彻安全生产责任制。

    Safety management organization must be established at the beginning of the project in which the safety production duty system is most important .

  15. 运用现代管理科学的理论和方法对企业人力资源管理各环节的薪酬战略进行科学决策。

    This paper makes a scientific decision in enterprise compensation of each section through using the modern scientific management theory and methods of human resource .

  16. 战场频谱管理系统是根据战场无线电频谱管理的实际需要,综合运用先进的信息技术、计算机技术、网络技术和现代管理科学技术所建立的一体化管理信息系统。

    In the actual need of management , the Frequency Spectrum Management synthetically adopts the information technology , computer technology , network technology and modern management technology .

  17. 方法按照现代管理科学的系统论理论,从系统的整体性、目的性和系统最优化方面着手,对手术室护理进行有效的管理。

    Method Application of the essence viewpoints of system theory to the effective management of operation-room nursing care , in whole situation , working goal and best performance .

  18. 公共关系作为一门现代管理科学,近年来取得了快速发展,已被广泛应用于企业、政府、学校等组织。

    As a modern science of management , public relation ( PR ) has developed rapidly . It is widely used in enterprises , governments , schools , etc.

  19. 在此基础上,论文着重讨论了现代管理科学的思维范式。思维范式是观念性的东西,是哲学思考的内容。

    On the basis of those examining above , the thesis emphatically discussed the thinking way in the modern management science . Thinking way is a important content of philosophy .

  20. 新时期的管理教育工作,不应把注意力和兴奋点仅仅放在对现代管理科学的追求上,还必须和我军的优良传统有机地结合起来。

    General Fu Quanyou in this exposition emphasizes that such administration should , instead of just focusing on the pursuit of modern administrative sciences , combine with PLA 's valuable traditions .

  21. 非线性算子不动点理论作为现代管理科学与经济学理论研究的重要工具,在经济管理领域的均衡问题中得以广泛的应用。

    The fixed point theory of nonlinear operators is applied widely in equilibrium problems of economic management fields as an important tool of the modern management science and economics theoretical research .

  22. 从现代管理科学的角度去理解五种能力建设,将有助于我们学习领会其深刻的内涵和在实践中应把握的重点。

    We should comprehend the building of the Five Capabilities from the view of modern management , which can help us understand their profound meanings and grasp their key points in practice .

  23. 运用现代管理科学指导广播电视宣传工作,是新时期广播电视事业发展的需要。

    Utilizing the modern scientific administration to guide the propaganda work of broadcasting and TV is to meet the need of the development of the broadcasting and TV cause in new period .

  24. 现代管理科学和技术的飞速发展、市场对人才要求的不断提高,众多高校骨干专业课程的实践性教学环节面临着发展滞后的局面。

    With the rapid development of modern management science and technology , and unceasing requirement for talented person from market , the processes of internship practice in discipline curriculum are facing lagging behind .

  25. 客户是企业的赢利主体,基于信息构建的客户关系管理系统是现代管理科学与先进的通信技术结合的产物。

    Customers are enterprises ' profit subjects . Based on information architecture , the customer-relationship managing system is the combination of the modern managing science and the advanced technologies of communication and information .

  26. 在这过程中,通过不断吸收现代管理科学新方法,它的理论和方法逐渐成熟和完善,一些方法在企业中的运用效果也很显著。

    It started in the early of the20th century , the theory and method has been maturating and developing gradually for a century , with continually absorbing new methods of modern management science .

  27. 随着现代管理科学的发展,供应链管理作为价值链在空间上的前后延伸成为企业整合其竞争能力的重要内容。

    Along with the development of modern management , supply chain management , which extends the space of value chain management , becomes increasingly important for a business to construct its overall competitive ability .

  28. 不受制约的权力必然产生腐败,现代管理科学的一个重要内容,就是强调权力与责任的有机融合和相互制约,尤其重视责任对权力的影响和制约。

    An important content of modern administrative science is to emphasize the organic integration and mutual restraint of power and responsibility , especially attaches great importance to influence and restraint of responsibility on power .

  29. 项目管理是现代管理科学中的一个重要分支学科,从引进到我国到现在已有三十年的时间了,但在通信工程建设中的应用还不是很成熟。

    Project management in modern management as an important branch of scientific disciplines , has been thirty years since it was introduced into China , but in communications engineering construction is still in its infancy .

  30. 高校教育评估是以马克思主义哲学、高等教育学、心理学、现代管理科学为理论基础,以教育测量学与教育统计学和应用数学为基础工具。

    Higher education evaluation is based on the Marxist philosophy , higher education , psychology and modern management science in theory , with educational surveying and educational statistics and applied mathematics as the basic research tools .