
  • 网络clarity;clearness;clear;perspicuity;Clarify
  1. 它们无法衡量有效书面表达的基本要素:准确性、逻辑、充足的论据、完整的意义、伦理立场、令人信服的论证、有意义的结构和清晰性等等。

    " Computers cannot ‘ read ' . They cannot measure the essentials of effective written communication : accuracy , reasoning , adequacy of evidence , good sense , ethical position , convincing argument , meaningful organization , and clarity , among others . "

  2. K是一位哲学家,也许者也可以部分的说明他论述的条理清晰性和有效性。

    Kitcher is philosopher , and this may account , in part , for the clarity And fectiveness of his arguments .

  3. 但为了实现总体简单性和清晰性,我们认为DOM将更容易理解。

    But for overall simplicity and clarity , we decided DOM would be easier to understand .

  4. JavaScript是一种完全面向对象的语言,虽然可能不使用class和interface关键字,但仍然可以保持代码的清晰性和可维护性。

    JavaScript is a fully object-oriented language , and although it might not use the class and interface keywords , it keeps your code clean and maintainable .

  5. 在前几篇文章中,我提倡我自己的Pythonxmlobjectify模块的清晰性和简明性。

    In several previous articles , I have advocated the clarity and simplicity of my own Python xml_objectify module .

  6. 您不必改变想法(或编码!),就可以提高Perl代码的清晰性。

    You don 't have to revolutionize your thinking ( or coding !) to get increased clarity with Perl .

  7. 比较发现,XML的模板描述的清晰性、可读性、可扩展性及网络协同方面的指标显著优于txt文件;

    By comparison , template description base on XML has remarkable predominance on clarity , readability , expandability and collaboration of network .

  8. 输出显示了这个特定合作伙伴的配置,包括相关的业务ID和目标信息(为了保持清晰性,删除了一些元素)

    The output indicates the configuration for this particular partner , including the associated business IDs and destination information ( some elements have been removed for clarity )

  9. 虽然真正的应用程序不会这么短,但是从代码的清晰性、模块性和可管理性来说,Libglade带来了巨大的提高。

    Although real applications won 't be that short , Libglade gives you tremendous gains in terms of the legibility , modularity , and maintainability of your code .

  10. 通过对导向产品的标准化设计,达到保证清晰性、醒目性的目标。

    Through standardization of design-oriented products achieve ensure clarity , eye-catching goal .

  11. 文化代数和解析运算中的清晰性远远胜过任何缺点。

    Its clarity in algebraic and analytical operations far outweighs any drawbacks .

  12. 是否需要补充插图以增加清晰性?

    Are there any additional graphics that would add clarity to the text ?

  13. 正是这种清晰性对应用程序的安全性施加了直接的压力。

    Clarity of this sort bears directly on the security of an application .

  14. 那叫清晰性梦境。我非常喜欢做那样的梦。

    Daren : That 's called lucid dreaming . I love dreams like that .

  15. 在词汇层面,谈判英语具有专业性,清晰性与简洁性的语用特点。

    At the lexical level , negotiation English features specialization , clarity and conciseness .

  16. 这种嵌套方式既可以减少重复键入,又可以确保相关设计的清晰性。

    This nesting both reduces repetitive typing and makes it clearer which settings are related .

  17. 本研究探讨了自我概念清晰性、自尊和心理调适之间的关系。

    This research explored the relationship between self-concept clarity ( SCC ), self-esteem and psychological adjustment .

  18. 它对服务的清晰性和内聚性,乃至总体的可重用性都有所贡献。

    It contributed to the clarity and cohesiveness of the services , and thus to overall reusability .

  19. 模糊集的清晰性

    Distinct of Fuzzy Set

  20. 创建价值流图主要有三个原因:客观性,清晰性以及说服力。

    There are three primary reasons to create Value Stream Maps : objectivity , clarity , and persuasion .

  21. 研究对象确定之后,作者根据原有的英文修改稿从准确性、清晰性、简洁性、衔接性的角度进行分析,并举例说明。

    Then , the author analyzes the samples in terms of accuracy , clarity , conciseness and cohesion .

  22. 自尊和自我概念清晰性都表现出压力缓冲作用;

    It seemed that both self-esteem and self-concept clarity alone served as a buffer for stressful life events .

  23. 对教学难点的理解影响着教师教学任务设计的清晰性和有效性。

    Lastly , the understanding of the teaching difficulties also affects the clarity and effectiveness of teachers ' teaching task design .

  24. 统一性和清晰性、以及与业务方向的一致,使得完成新举措很容易。

    Uniformity and clarity , and alignment with the direction of the business , make it easier to complete new initiatives .

  25. 我们最后来看看清晰性谬论,我想留点时间让大家提问。

    And finally we 're going to look at fallacies of clarity and I want to leave some time for questions .

  26. 阿克塞尔罗德认为该策略的善良性、报复性、宽容性和清晰性是其取胜的内在原因。

    Axelrod thought the goodness , the retaliatory , the tolerance and the clarity as the intrinsic reasons for it to win .

  27. 自我概念清晰性和个体心理调适的关系我们正在努力对发生的事情形成一个清晰的概念。

    Research on the Relationship between Self-concept Clarity and Psychological Adjustment ; We are trying to build up a picture of what happened .

  28. 针对模糊数学如何正确认识其模糊性、清晰性、随机性及近似性与模糊性之间的区别与联系进行了讨论。

    This paper discusses the relationship between fuzzy mathematies and traditional mathematies , some easy mixed definitions its clarification , stochastic and approximation .

  29. 甲方对提供给乙方的产品设计图纸和制造技术材料的完整性、正确性、清晰性负责。

    Party A shall be responsible for the completeness , correctness and legibility of the product design drawings and manufacturing technical documentation sent to Party B.

  30. 本文从两个维度来界定预算目标特点:一是目标清晰性,二是目标难度。

    This article from two sides to define the budget target characteristics : One is clarity of goals , and the other one is goal difficulty .