
  • 网络clean technology;clean tech
  1. 测试版还提供了一个平台,以便与用户分享创新性方法及解决方案等关键知识。利用清洁技术基金(CleanTechnologyFund)的那些试点项目就是此类创新性方法及解决方案的例子。

    The beta also provides a platform for sharing critical knowledge about innovative approaches and solutions , such as those being piloted under the Clean Technology Fund .

  2. 该校结合可再生能源,面向mba学生推出了清洁技术和能源金融的选修课。

    The school offers its MBA students electives in clean technology and energy finance that incorporate renewables .

  3. 大量有力证据表明,化石燃料的高价会强烈刺激清洁技术的创新和使用。

    There   is   strong   evidence   that   both innovation   and   adoption   of   cleaner   technology   are   strongly   encouraged   by   higher   fossil   fuel prices .

  4. 与MMH钻井液配伍的降滤失剂的研制新一代应用于聚合物熔体过滤器的清洁技术

    Amphoteric polymer filtration reducer HY-1 used in MMH drilling fluid

  5. 清洁技术将处在发展的前沿,主要是对粉尘、炉渣和有机排放物(VOC和二氧引哚)的处理。

    Clean technologies will be at the forefront of the development , with emphasis on dust , slag and organic emissions ( VOC and dioxins ) .

  6. 通过Masdar科技研究所(MasdarInstituteofScienceandTechnology,简称MIST)了解到,阿布扎比希望无论是他们的理念,还是产品都贴上清洁技术的标签,而不仅仅是博爱主义和绿色凭据。

    Through the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology or MIST , Abu Dhabi wants its stamp on the clean technology chain from concept to product . It 's not all about philanthropy and green credentials .

  7. 但是Hashim说,该国从清洁技术转移中受益甚少。

    But the country has benefited little from the transfer of clean technologies , said Hashim .

  8. 据调查公司CleantechGroup最近公布的数字显示,2012年,风投公司在全球清洁技术公司投资额达到65亿美元,比之前一年减少了33%。

    According to the latest numbers from the research firm the cleantech group , venture capital firms globally invested $ 6.5 billion in clean tech companies in 2012 & down 33 % from the previous year .

  9. 风险投资行业追踪机构风险资源(VentureSource)的资料显示,清洁技术行业在此期间共进行了986次种子融资或首轮融资。

    A quick venturesource search indicates 986 seed / series a rounds done in Cleantech during that period .

  10. 安永指出,韩国与墨西哥等国家在清洁技术领域的投资也在迅速增长。联合国(UN)的气候变化谈判正在墨西哥坎昆举行。安永指出,罗马尼亚与埃及也拥有快速增长的风电行业。

    Ernst & Young also pointed to burgeoning investment in clean technology in countries such as South Korea and Mexico , which is hosting the United Nations climate change talks in Canc ú n. Romania and Egypt also boast fast-growing wind sectors , the consultancy noted .

  11. 埃及还参与了一个建议的、由清洁技术基金共同资助的地区性方案,目的是在中东和北非地区(MENA)推广集中的太阳能发电厂。

    Egypt is also a participant in a proposed CTF co-financed regional program to scale up concentrating solar power plants in the Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) .

  12. 据数据提供商Dealogic统计,去年私募、风投和其它类型的投资对在华清洁技术公司的投资降至19.6亿美元,低于2011年的39.1亿美元和2010年的40.4亿美元。

    Last year , investments from PE , VC and other types of investors into China-based clean technology companies fell to $ 1.96 billion , compared to $ 3.91 billion in 2011 and $ 4.04 billion in 2010 , according to figures from data provider Dealogic .

  13. 新一代应用于聚合物熔体过滤器的清洁技术

    Filter cleaning technologies of the next generation applied for polymer filtration

  14. 农村地区室内燃烧清洁技术研究

    Control Technology on Indoor Pollution of Coal Combustion in Rural Area

  15. 开发了一种生产型制革综合清洁技术。

    A productive integral clean leather technology has been developed .

  16. 我们可以向公司利用现代化的清洁技术。

    We can ask companies to use modern clean technology .

  17. 这组作者说,这就需要清洁技术的革命性改进。

    This requires revolutionary improvements in clean technology , say the authors .

  18. 制革清洁技术与环境Ⅲ、准备工段的污染控制

    Clean Technology and the Environment ⅲ Pollution Control in Beamhouse

  19. 易拆卸、易清洁技术在分体壁挂式空调器上的应用

    The Easy to disassemble and Clear Technique Application in Split Type Air-conditioner

  20. 新建超超临界机组锅炉及系统的清洁技术

    Discussion on the cleaning technology for newly constructed ultra-supercritical boiler and its systems

  21. 从国内讲,中国必须保证新安装的设备要使用最新的清洁技术。

    Internally , China must ensure that new installations use the latest clean technologies .

  22. 制革中清洁技术的研究与实施&第四届亚洲国际皮革科学技术会议论文评述Ⅱ

    Research Implementation of Clean Technology in Leather Industry

  23. 节能减排中清洁技术应用的策略分析

    Strategy Analysis of Application of Clean Technology in China 's Energy-saving and Emission Reduction

  24. 此外,他们希望成为清洁技术的主要提供国之一。

    Moreover , they want to be one of the leading providers of clean technologies .

  25. 两年前,我投身风险投资行业,重点关注清洁技术类初创公司。

    I entered the venture capital business two years ago , focusing on cleantech start-ups .

  26. 清洁技术投资增至1170亿美元,比2005年增加了41%。

    Clean technology investments rose to $ 117bn , 41 per cent up on 2005 .

  27. 综合制革清洁技术的研究

    Research on the integral clean leather technology

  28. 激光清洁技术及其应用

    Laser cleaning technology and its applications

  29. 作为风险投资家,莱茵目前最关注的是资本密集型的清洁技术公司。

    As a venture capitalist , Lane currently focuses most of his efforts on capital-intensive cleantech companies .

  30. 煤的清洁技术即指在煤燃烧前后,甚至燃烧时,通过一些化工过程解决污染问题。煤清洁技术目前主要包括三方面:1.烟道气净化工艺;

    The technique for clean utilization of coal consists of three aspects : 1.purification of flue gas ;