
xiàn kuànɡ yán jiū
  • prevalence study
  1. 某高校在校医学生AIDS相关KAB现况研究

    Prevalence study of AIDS KAB among medical students in a college

  2. 深圳市一般人群输血传播病毒感染的现况研究

    Prevalence study on transfusion transmitted virus ( TTV ) infection in general population of Shenzhen

  3. 方法1998年对14组35~59岁人群进行整群抽样调查,测定空腹血糖并询问DM史及治疗史,用于现况研究。

    Methods We collected data on history regarding DM and fasting serum glucose in 14 Chinese subpopulations aged 35 to 59 in 1998 , under cluster sampling .

  4. 结论拉米夫定联合苦参素具有协同抗HBV效应,能明显改善慢性乙型肝炎患者临床生化指标。浙江、广东省耐药监测项目中耐药肺结核治疗现况研究

    Conclusion lamivudine combined oxymatrine had synergistic treatment efficacy for treating HBV . Research on treatment efficacy of the patients with drug resistance in the project for drug resistance surveillance in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces

  5. 郑州市贫困群体生存质量现况研究

    Prevalence Survey of Quality of Life of Poverty Colony in Zhengzhou

  6. 不同避孕方法与育龄妇女贫血关系的现况研究

    Cross-sectional study on relation of anemia among fertile women to contraceptives

  7. 江苏省社区卫生服务机构建设现况研究

    On the Organization Construction of Community Health Service in Jiangsu Province

  8. 饮绿茶预防中年人高脂血症和肥胖症的现况研究

    Green tea consumption prevents hypercholesterolemia and obesity : a cross section study

  9. 农村留守儿童孤独感现况研究

    The current situation of loneliness of left-behind children in countryside

  10. 方法人群为基础的横断面现况研究。

    Methods A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in 2 ?

  11. 某医药商学院大学生自杀意念现况研究

    The Cross-sectional Study on Suicide Ideation in Commecial Medical Students

  12. 山东省农村卫生室现况研究

    Study on Basic Station of Rural Clinics in Shandong Province

  13. 杭州市住院医疗费用现况研究

    Study on the Present Condition of Hospitalization Expenses in Hangzhou

  14. 湖北省农村妇女生育状况的现况研究

    A cross-sectional study on childbearing condition of rural women in Hubei province

  15. 护理人群职业性肌肉骨骼疾患的现况研究

    A Cross-sectional Study on Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nurses

  16. 人工流产妇女中家庭暴力现况研究

    Study on domestic violence among women asking induced abortion

  17. 洲滩型流行区光辉村血吸虫病疫情及其流行因素的现况研究

    Study on the epidemic situation and factor in insular area of Guanghui Village

  18. 舟山渔民膳食营养及肥胖现况研究

    A survey on dietary nutritional status and obesity in fishermen of Zhoushan Islands

  19. 全国新型农村合作医疗试点现况研究

    A study on New Cooperative Medical Scheme in China Going to the countryside

  20. 城市学龄儿童心血管疾病危险因素的现况研究

    A Cross-Sectional Study on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Urban Schoolchildren in China

  21. 城市婴儿喂养中喂养人与婴儿交流现况研究

    The Study on Infant Feeding Interaction in Urban Beijing

  22. 医学生网络成瘾者心理健康状况的现况研究

    An epidemiological study on the psychological health of internet addiction disorder among medical students

  23. 蚌埠市高中生危险行为现况研究

    Risk Behaviors among High School Students in Bengbu

  24. 四川省农村育龄妇女生殖道感染现况研究

    Study on the epidemical actuality of women 's reproductive tract infections in Sichuan province

  25. 某中学肥胖青少年心理健康水平的现况研究

    Analysis of mental health status of obesity students

  26. 不同等级医院护士的生命质量现况研究

    A study on status quo of living quality of nurses from different levels hospitals

  27. 包头市三所综合性医院门诊病人乙型肝炎流行病学现况研究

    Study on Current Status of Hepatitis B Outpatients from Three Tertiary Hospitals in Baotou

  28. 上海市某街道外来流动人口生存质量的现况研究

    Study on the quality of life among floating population in a community of Shanghai

  29. 试论农民健康现况研究的社会经济效益

    Study on the Social and Economic Benefits of Investigation on Farmers ? health conditions

  30. 合肥市郊区骨质疏松症的现况研究

    A surver osteoporosis in the suburbs of Hefei