
  • 网络modern architecture;Modernism Style;modernism;modernist architecture
  1. 贝聿铭:现代主义建筑的泰斗

    Bei Yuming : An Eminent Scholar of Modern Architecture

  2. 新现代主义建筑论(上)

    Comment on New Modern Architecture (ⅰ)

  3. 总体规划及建筑群设计是由对现代主义建筑做出巨大贡献的著名建筑师瑞查德·梅尔(RichardMeier)所做。

    The master plan and architectural design were made by Richard Meier who is famous for his contributions to Modernistic Architecture . The Getty Center is draped over two hill ridges .

  4. LaTrufaNegra酒店坐落于前者(当地人称为莫拉村),特别时尚(着实出人意料),由现代主义建筑风格设计而成,它与本地区的诸多“乡村酒店”(rustichotelitos)建筑风格大相径庭。

    La Trufa Negra is in the former ( known locally as Mora ) and is surprisingly sleek , designed in a modernist style that contrasts sharply with the rustichotelitos of the area .

  5. 在不到十年之后,现代主义建筑的时代宣告终结。

    Within a decade , the era of modernist architecture was over .

  6. 现代主义建筑力图克服自然而不是与自然合作。

    Modernist architecture tries to conquer nature instead of working with it .

  7. 浅谈现代主义建筑与后现代主义建筑的差异

    Differences between modernism architecture and post - modernism architecture

  8. 西方现代主义建筑由理性到浪漫的蜕变

    Transformation of Western Modernist Architecture from Rationality to Romance

  9. 现代主义建筑的抽象空间和形式探源

    The abstract space and form origin of modernism architectures

  10. 在观念的比较中认识新现代主义建筑

    The Neo-Modernism : an Interpretation in the Idea Comparison

  11. 现代主义建筑是建筑历史发展中一次深刻的革命。

    Modernism was a profound revolution within architectural history .

  12. 后现代主义建筑的社会历史文化背景分析

    On the Cultural and Social Background of Post-modernism Architecture

  13. 现代主义建筑思潮与室内设计

    Modernist Architecture Trend of Thought and Interior Design

  14. 新现代主义建筑潮流浅析

    Simple analysis of neo-modernism architecture trend CONSTRUCTION QUERIES

  15. 晚期现代主义建筑的课件教学

    Course ware Study of Late - Modernism

  16. 概述后现代主义建筑特征

    General Outline of Post - modernism Architecture

  17. 现代主义建筑之父,他塑造的界定美国建筑:摩天大楼。

    The father of architectural modernism , he shaped the defining American building : the skyscraper .

  18. 现代主义建筑的本土化策略&上海闵行生态园接待中心解读

    Strategies of Localization of Modernism : Interpretion of the Reception Center of Minhang Ecological Garden , Shanghai

  19. 他们反对现代主义建筑那不顾历史,忽视文脉,超然于一切之上的精英主义式的清高,他们在关照人性归属感的同时,试图运用隐喻等手段创造出有意味的形式。

    Meanwhile they cared for human belongingness trying to create meaningful form through means such as metaphor .

  20. 谈运用于现代主义建筑设计中的符号

    Symbols in Modernism Architecture Design

  21. 现代主义建筑运动以来,空间成为引领建筑学发展的主要概念。

    Since Modernism architecture movement , " space " has become the main conception that leads architecture development .

  22. 在计划,这是一个后现代主义建筑美学,但在“英雄”的现代意识。

    In plan , this is a post-modernist building but aesthetically modernist in the " heroic " sense .

  23. 而现在中国的建筑师在传承中国传统文化和吸取西方现代主义建筑手法方面都存在很多缺陷。

    Now Chinese traditional culture has many defects , and designing skills of modernist architecture have many defects .

  24. 席卷了上个世纪的现代主义建筑运动可以称作是人类历史上最为剧烈的一次建筑变革。

    The architectural movement of modernism in the last century is almost the strongest revolution in the history .

  25. 白玉有瑕魅力无穷&库哈斯新现代主义建筑理论的最初影响

    THE GREAT CHARM OF A INPERFECT JADE the initial influence of the koolhaas ` architectural theory of modernism

  26. 尤其是地域性与时代性相结合的创作形式成为新时期现代主义建筑的重要发展方向。

    Especially the combination between regionality and times is the important direction of modern architectural development in the future .

  27. 文章主要以建筑为中心,从大文化视角,阐述了现代主义建筑的美学渊源。

    The present paper mainly deals with the aesthetic origin of architecture of Modernism in the perspective of big culture .

  28. 但在现代主义建筑产生发展之后,类型学在建筑设计领域的使用有了新的意义。

    But after the modernism trend appeared , the using of Typology in architectural design area had been endowed with a new meaning .

  29. 卡罗·斯卡帕是意大利现代主义建筑大师,家乡威尼斯的历史传统是斯卡帕独特的设计哲学得以发生并成长的土壤。

    The Italian modern master Carlo Scarpa came from Venice , Italy and his particular design philosophy was deeply influenced by the Venetian traditions .

  30. 中国传统建筑与西方现代主义建筑的类比分析

    Analogous Analysis Between Chinese Traditional Architecture and the West Modern Architecture On differences in Chinese and Western religious buildings caused by traditional architectural views