
  • 网络Modern City;Contemporary city
  1. 噪音是现代城市生活的一大祸根。

    Noise is a curse of modern city life .

  2. 地理学家G·泰勒首次把有关北京城的建址问题提到现代城市地理学的研究上来进行。

    At the first time Geographer G.Taylor studied the problem about choicing place of Beijing City from the angle of geography of modern city .

  3. 现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。

    Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle .

  4. 谈到他想去哪里,舒尔茨说:"与现代城市相比,中国西部的文化更吸引我。"

    Speaking of where he wants to go , Schultz says , " Compared with modern cities , the culture in western China attracts me more . "

  5. 作为社会先行资本(SocialOverheadCapital),城市基础设施是城市经济和社会各项事业发展的重要基础,是现代城市赖以生存和发展的基本条件。

    As a Social Overhead Capital , urban infrastructure , urban economic and social undertakings an important basis for the development of modern urban existence and development of the basic conditions .

  6. 作为一个新建的现代城市公园,ThamesBarrier公园流露的历史感较为含蓄。

    As a newly built modern urban park , Thames Barrier Park has shown a sense of history in an implied manner .

  7. 从现代城市交通管理的特点和传统控制方法的不足出发出发,提出了一种基于多agent的智能化交通管理系统,阐述了它的工作方式并给出了结构设计。

    According to the features of modern urban traffic management and the drawbacks of the traditional control methods , this paper presents an intelligent transportation manage system which based on multi-agent cooperation . The general working manner and the structure designing of this system are described as well .

  8. 现代城市草坪节水技术初探

    A brief discussion on the water saving technology of urban turf

  9. 现代城市防噪声屏障的发展现状和应用展望

    Development Situation and Application Prospect for Sound Barrier in Modern Cities

  10. 现代城市静态交通规划建设新探讨

    New Discuss on Static Transportation Layout and Construction in Modernized Urban

  11. 西方近现代城市规划中社会思想研究

    Studies on Social Thoughts of Western Urban Planning in Modern Times

  12. “绿色城市”是现代城市发展的必然趋势。

    Green City is the main development trend of modern cities .

  13. 论现代城市环境中的色彩污染及其改造

    On the Color Pollution and Its Remedies in Modern Urban Landscapes

  14. 中国现代城市景观设计的原创性问题解读

    On the Originality of the Modern City Landscape Design in China

  15. 防震减灾与太原城市发展浅谈地震次生灾害对现代城市的影响

    Prevention and Reduction of Earthquake Disaster and Development of Taiyuan City

  16. 精密设计&现代城市住宅合理化研究

    Delicate Design & Research on the Rationalization of Modern Urban Housing

  17. 这是现代城市节庆经营的一个焦点话题。

    This is a focus topic of modern urban festivals .

  18. 现代城市文明与图书馆现代服务理念

    On Modern City Civilization and Modern Service Idea in Libraries

  19. 现代城市管理:21世纪管理学的重课题

    Modern Urban Management : the Important Topic of Management in 21st Century

  20. 现代城市市政隧道的防排水技术措施

    Waterproofing and Drainage Measurements for Municipal Tunnel in Modernized City

  21. 单位社会化城市现代化&浅谈单位体制对我国现代城市的影响

    On role and its influence of Dan-wei in modern Chinese unban societies

  22. 现代城市公路隧道设备配套的设计和施工

    Design & Construction of Complete Equipment for Urban Road Tunnel

  23. 美就在我们身边&现代城市建筑风景写生技法

    Beauty Around Us & Architectural Landscape Representation in Modern City

  24. 人文、生态、社会&现代城市广场设计初探

    Humanity , ecology , society & Probe of modern urban square design

  25. 浅谈现代城市建设中的岩土工程问题与对策

    Geotechnology Problems and Its Solution for Construction in Modern City

  26. 数字规划是现代城市规划的必由之路。

    Digital planning is newly period of modern urban planning .

  27. 城市森林公园在现代城市建设中的作用

    Positive Action of Forest Park in Modern Building of City

  28. 中国现代城市设计实践类型分析

    Analysis on the Category of Practice of Modern Urban Design in China

  29. 其实质是对现代城市文明的向往和追求。

    In essence , it is a pursuit of modern urban civilization .

  30. 论民族传统体育文化在现代城市社区的传承

    On the Inheritance of National Traditional Sports Culture in Modern Urban Communities