
  • 网络Greek Olive Oil
  1. 一个深秋的周六,他对一种小青椒赞不绝口,其烹饪方法是快速过油,然后洒上希腊橄榄油、海盐和漆树果粉。

    A late-fall Saturday found him extolling the splendor of a crop of pimientos de padron , which he had flash-fried and dressed with Greek olive oil , sea salt and a sprinkling of sumac .

  2. 希腊橄榄油的加工技术

    Manufacturing technique of olive oil in Greece

  3. 温州爱琴海贸易有限公司是一家专门进口及销售希腊橄榄油和橄榄系列产品的企业。

    WenZhou Aegean Trade Company Ltd is a company which import and sale olive oil and something about olive oil professionally .

  4. 最具特色和古老的元素希腊菜是橄榄油,这是常用于菜肴的希腊美食。

    Themost characteristic and ancient element of Greek cuisine is olive oil , which is frequently used in the dishes of the Greek cuisine .

  5. 在古希腊,荷马称橄榄油为液体黄金。

    In ancient Greece , Homer called olive oil liquid gold .