
  • 网络Olympic sports
  1. 该机构委托的一项调查报告发现,从2011年末至2015年8月,“绝大多数”夏季和冬季奥运会项目中,俄罗斯选手的尿样都被动过手脚。

    A Wada-commissioned report found urine samples of Russian competitors were manipulated across the " vast majority " of summer and winter Olympic sports from late 2011 to August 2015 .

  2. 跳台滑雪是奥运会项目吗?

    Is ski jumping an Olympic sport ?

  3. 在周日给北京奥运会项目上的NBC环球员工发送的消息中,他强调了公司内部的放松感&他们进展顺利,没有遇到任何许多评论员曾预见的障碍。

    In a message sent out last night to NBCU staff who had worked on the Beijing Games , he underlined the sense of relief within the company that they had gone off without any of the hitches many commentators foresaw .

  4. 竞技武术进入2008年奥运会项目设置的研究

    Research on item-setting of competitive Wushu entering Olympic games in 2008

  5. 1990年度奥运会项目综述和各国实力对比

    A'Summary of 1990 Olympic Games and Actual Strength Comparison of Various Countries

  6. 摔跤是奥运会项目,真是有趣极了。

    It is interesting that wrestling is an Olympic sport .

  7. 排球运动有什么要球吗?排球是奥运会项目吗?

    Does volleyball require something ? Is volleyball included in the Olympics ?

  8. 排球和柔道何时成为奥运会项目?

    From which Olympic Games were volleyball and judo introduced ?

  9. 北京预计将在奥运会项目上花费多少美元?

    How much is it estimated Beijing will spend on Olympic projects ?

  10. 我喜欢重大的、观的奥运会项目。

    A : I like the big , dramatic events at the Olympics .

  11. 现代五项在1912年被列为奥运会项目。

    Modern pentathlon became an Olympic event in 1912 .

  12. 英灵级作为奥运会项目将在2004年首次登场。

    The yngling will make its Olympic debut in2004 .

  13. 乒乓球球什么时候被列入奥运会项目?

    When did table tennis become an Olympic sport ?

  14. 但是,击剑、射箭、撑杆跳高和标枪就没有获得批准进入奥运会项目。

    Fencing , archery , pole vaulting , and javelin were not allowed .

  15. 我国竞技体育备战2008年奥运会项目结构调整与布局研究

    Research on the Item Structural Adjustment and Arrangment of Sports for 2008 Olympic Games

  16. 击剑是何时成为奥运会项目的?

    When did fencing become an Olympic sport ?

  17. 夏季奥运会项目设置与大型化问题的研究

    Research on Summer Olympic Events and Great Issues

  18. 击剑是奥运会项目吗?

    Is fencing included in the Olympics ?

  19. 手球是奥运会项目,分男女进行比赛。

    Handball is one of the events of Olympic Games for both men and women .

  20. 我希望有一天冲浪运动能成为奥运会项目。

    I hope that one day surfing will be an event of the Olympic Games .

  21. 中国武术成为奥运会项目是中国武术发展的最高目标。

    The highest target of Wushu development is that Wushu can be one of the Olympic events .

  22. 奥运会项目总体发展态势和运动员竞技能力发挥率的探讨

    Research on the Tendency of T & F and Athletes ' Developing Ratio of Sport Performance Ability

  23. 对,可是羽毛球被列入奥运会项目才八年。

    Ye , but it has been only 8 years since badminton was included in the Olympics .

  24. 一些英国人如此喜爱在教堂敲钟,以致觉得它该被列为奥运会项目。

    Some Britons love ringing church bells so much that they think it ought to be an Olympic sport .

  25. 尽管瑞士在夏季奥运会项目方面实力并不强,但凭借其马术传统,它迄今已经赢得了15块盛装舞步奖牌。

    Although the Swiss are summer Olympic minnows , their equestrian tradition has won them 15 medals for dressage .

  26. 高尔夫再次成为奥运会项目,世界竞技高尔夫步入一个新的发展时期。

    Golf became an Olympic sport again , the development of competitive golf in the world entered a new era .

  27. 一些人在问,他们下一个奥运会项目在什么时候,因为这将会是“决不能错过的电视节目。”

    Several people were asking what time their next event at the Olympics was because it would be " can 't miss television . "

  28. 我。我还期待着马拉松比赛。这是重大的奥运会项目。它是经典的比赛项目。

    So do I.I 'm also looking forward to the marathon . It 's one of the biggest events . It 's a classic race .

  29. 正如我先前所说,我们认为高尔夫的全球影响力,受欢迎程度和献身精神使得它有必要被列入奥运会项目。

    As I 've said , we believe that golf has the global reach , popularity and dedication necessary to be included in the Olympic programme .

  30. 去年还是前年,公开水域游泳成为奥运会项目后,人们更关注它了。

    In about the last year and a half or so , since open water became an Olympic event , people are really starting to embrace it .