
  • 网络Orphous;Oepheus
  1. 关于来生的教义,在西方首先为奥尔弗斯教徒所传布;继而为希腊哲学家们所采用。

    As regards the doctrine of a future life , in the West it was first taught by the Orphics and thence adopted by Greek philosophers .

  2. “纯洁”是一个奥尔弗斯派的观念,原来有着一种仪式上的意义;但对柏拉图来说,它却是指免于肉体与肉体需要的奴役的自由。

    " Purity " is an Orphic conception , having primarily a ritual meaning , but for Plato it means freedom from slavery to the body and its needs .