
fù quán zhì
  • patriarchy
父权制[fù quán zhì]
  1. 妇女儿童受压迫的主要原因是父权制。

    The main cause of women 's and children 's oppression is patriarchy .

  2. 自然与女性都沦为父权制统治下的牺牲品。

    Therefore , women and nature become the victims of patriarchy .

  3. 她们是父权制的真正反抗者。

    They are the real rebels against the harsh Puritanical rules .

  4. 这与中国古代的父权制统治是密不可分的。

    This is inseparable with the patriarchal domination in ancient China .

  5. 他们和女性携手,共同反对父权制的压迫。

    Men and women work together to go against patriarchal oppression .

  6. 反抗父权制苔丝与艾德娜:父权制度下的悲剧

    Revolt Against Patriarchy Tess and Adana : the Tragedies in Patriarchy

  7. 在一定情况下,女译者没有完全从父权制统治中脱离出来。

    Female translator has not escaped from the patriarchy dominance completely .

  8. 在这个白人至上的父权制社会里,黑人女性的生活充满艰辛。

    The white supremacist patriarchal society has never favored black women .

  9. 大谷仓暗示着父权制社会的传统。

    The great barn implied the traditions in this patriarchal society .

  10. 父权制的社会中的性别系统有利于男性的个人发展,在男性看来,女性的全部价值就是女性的性功能。

    Gender differences in patriarchy society is beneficial for males .

  11. 以父权制为核心的家庭模式、社会模式的存在巩固着女性的从属地位;

    The paternal family form and society form consolidate their subordinate status ;

  12. 他们的社会一直是而且到今天仍然是父权制社会。

    Their society always was and remains to this day a patriarchy .

  13. 从肖邦作品看传统父权制社会对女性的压迫与束缚

    Oppressed and Fettered Females in Patriarchy Society in Kate Chopin 's Works

  14. 女性主义学者开始以语言为利器向传统的父权制语言发起挑战。

    Feminists began to take language as their weapon against patriarchal language .

  15. 作者描述了残酷的父权制:强迫婚姻;

    He describes the cruel patriarchy : the forced marriages ;

  16. 正是由于父权制的双重控制,才导致自然与女性的悲惨境遇。

    That is , patriarchy system controls nature and women .

  17. 十九世纪的美国是一个典型的父权制社会。

    The United States in the nineteenth century was a typical patriarchal society .

  18. 第一章主要分析女主人公玛丽在父权制的影响下的悲剧生活。

    Chapter one illustrates her miserable life under patriarchy .

  19. 第三是对父权制文化的批判和对女性价值的肯定。

    Criticizing to patriarchy and commending to female value .

  20. 在反抗父权制过程中女性的自我实现&关于《简·爱》的女性主义研究

    Women 's Self-fulfillment Against Patriarchal Figures : A Feminist Study on Jane Eyre

  21. 她为父权制社会树立了理想的生态女性主义典范。

    Pearl S. Buck sets an ideal example for eco-feminism in patriarchal society .

  22. 第二章,本论文展现了处于父权制压迫下的女性与自然的困境。

    In Chapter Two , the plights of nature and women are presented .

  23. 在父权制社会,男孩始终是男孩。

    in a patriarchy , boys will be boys .

  24. 西方父权制文化与女性主义心理学

    Patriarchy Culture and Feminist Psychology in the West

  25. 它描写了受压迫妇女的逐渐觉醒和对父权制的反抗。

    It described the women under repression and gradually awake to revolt the patriarchy .

  26. 第二章具体论述自然和女性在父权制社会中的困境。

    Chapter two elaborates the dilemma of nature and female in the patriarchal society .

  27. 因而妇女写作隐含着推翻父权制文化统治的女性的颠覆性力量。

    Thus woman writing implies the female subversive force to overturn patriarchal cultural reign .

  28. 此外,贝基对父权制社会发起了挑战。

    Secondly , Becky challenges the patriarchal society .

  29. 父权制是男人在家庭中对女人和孩子实行统治的一种制度,是妇女受到性别奴役的主要根源。

    Patriarchy is a system under which women and children are governed by men .

  30. 挑战父权制:简·奥斯汀小说的女性主义评析

    A Challenge to the Patriarchy : A Feminist Critique of Jane Austen 's Novels