
  • 网络Kingdom of Greece;hellenistic kingdoms
  1. 我把所有的希腊王国联合到一起。

    I brought all the Greek kingdoms together .

  2. 托勒密二世占领了埃及,在那儿建立了自己的希腊式埃及王国,有时候会用叙利亚帝国,或者希腊-叙利亚帝国,或者直接希腊帝国。

    Ptolemy II took Egypt and set up his own sort of Greco-Egyptian kingdom there , sometimes you 'll hear us talk about the Syrian Empire or the Greco Syrian Empire , or simply the Greek Empire .

  3. 然而随着罗马对外大征服,特别是在公元前2世纪征服富庶的希腊和东方诸王国后,情况却发生了很大的变化。

    However , with the great conquests , espescially the conquest of weathy Greece and Eastern Kingdoms in the2nd century bc , great changes took place in them .

  4. 涉及古代希腊雅典、马其顿王国、托勒密埃及、古罗马帝国、阿拉伯世界以及中世纪欧洲的科学技术成就,并结合本校特色,关注了各个时代的农业成就。

    Of ancient Athens , Macedonia , Egypt of Ptolemy and , Roman , the Arab world , Medieval Europe , and with the university of science and technology , attention of every time .