
  • 网络Scylla;Thera;Fira;Thira
  1. 昔兰尼是锡拉岛希腊人的殖民地,是希腊最主要的城市之一,它当时已经完成了罗马化。

    A colony of the Greeks of Thera , Cyrene was one of the principal cities in the Hellenic world .

  2. 格雷琴告诉T-Bag,他必须帮助迈可打通至“锡拉”的通道。

    Gretchen tells T-Bag that he will need to help Michael tunnel his way to Scylla .

  3. 凭借那些成绩,他赢得了锡拉丘兹大学的奖学金。

    On the strength of those grades , he won a scholarship to Syracuse University .

  4. 美国纽约州立大学上州医科大学(SUNYUpstateMedicalUniversity,位于锡拉丘兹市,又译雪城)的精神病学教授史蒂芬·法劳内(StephenFaraone)表示,存在注意问题的患儿的家长无需因该研究结果而感到恐慌。

    Stephen Faraone , a professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse , said the findings should not panic parents of children with attention problems .

  5. 1968年,当这对夫妇的第三个孩子朱莉,因为不明原因猝死之后。这对悲痛的夫妇找到了锡拉丘兹的阿尔弗雷德·斯坦因施耐德博士,他专门研究婴儿猝死综合症(SuddenInfantDeathSyndrome),简称S.I.D.S。

    It was only after the couple lost a third infant , Julie , in 1968 , that Tim and Waneta turned to Alfred Steinschneider , a medical researcher in Syracuse who specialized in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome , or S.I.D.S.

  6. 女儿玛丽(Mary)是锡拉丘兹地区的一名内科医生;多萝西是室内设计师,和丈夫迈克尔·斯特劳斯(MichaelStrauss)一起在VanguardConstruction建筑事务所工作,该公司前不久刚建好丹尼尔·布鲁德(DanielBoulud)的最新餐馆DBGBKitchenandBar。

    his daughter Mary is a physician in the Syracuse area , and Dorothy , an interior designer , works with her husband , Michael Strauss , a principal with Vanguard Construction , which recently completed DBGB Kitchen and Bar , Daniel Boulud 's latest restaurant .

  7. 纽约州锡拉丘兹的埃弗松艺术博物馆;

    The Everson Museum of Art , Syracuse , New York ;

  8. 手术的代价是把锡拉完璧归赵。

    The price of operation is the safe return of Scylla .

  9. 说话这当口儿锡拉就已经悄悄从指尖溜走了。

    Scylla 's slipping through our fingers as we speak .

  10. 格雷琴查出对方将从海路带走“锡拉”。

    Gretchen says that they will try to move Scylla by boat .

  11. 该女子转而搭乘了随后一架飞往锡拉丘兹的客机。

    The woman boarded a later flight for Syracuse .

  12. 另一场对决将在锡拉丘兹大学橘子人队和密歇根大学狼獾队之间展开。

    In the other matchup , the Syracuse Orange will face the Michigan Wolverines .

  13. 几年后,罗马将军马尔塞鲁斯攻陷锡拉丘兹。

    Several years later , Syracuse was captured by Marcellus , the Roman general .

  14. 在锡拉房间的墙外,苏克雷正在给墙钻孔。

    In an Interior Tunnel / Wall Outside Scylla Hallway , Sucre is continuing to drill .

  15. 在隔壁房间,丹发现不能与“锡拉”建立连接。

    In the next room , Downey finds he isn 't getting a connection to Scylla .

  16. 门齐奥解释称,“另一种语言”其实是他准备到锡拉丘兹演讲的数学方程式。

    Menzio explained that " other language " was a math equation for his speech in Syracuse .

  17. 他告诉迈可,必须在下午5点到德克兰广场的行人天桥,将“锡拉”交给一位联合国专员。

    He tells Michael to get Scylla to a U.N.attache at5pm at the footbridge in Declan Plaza .

  18. 文森特发誓称不知道“锡拉”在哪,但他给出了克里斯蒂娜的所在地。

    Sandinsky swears he doesn 't know whereScylla is , but he gives them Christina 's location .

  19. 门齐奥抵达锡拉丘兹后会继续飞往安大略,将参加在加拿大皇后大学举办的一场宏观经济学研讨会,并发表演讲。

    Menzio was headed to Syracuse to Ontario to speak at Queen 's University at a macroeconomics workshop .

  20. 迈克尔在“锡拉”上寻找接线口,“将军”和保安朝他所在的位置过来。

    As Michael searches for the seams on Scylla , Pad Man heads down to where he is .

  21. 你不听我们的,固执己见想要转移锡拉,结果弄巧成拙了,您就直说呗。

    You tried to move Scylla over our better judgment , and it backfired , so spill it .

  22. 斯坦顿给迈可打了个电话,迈可向他解释是赛尔夫偷走了“锡拉”,并冷血地杀死了翠珊。

    Stanton calls Michael , who explains that Self stole Scylla and killed two agents in cold blood .

  23. 赛尔夫带着“锡拉”逃离,但当他看见格雷琴和苏克雷正在恶斗,他返回了楼上。

    Self flees with Scylla , but when he sees Gretchen and Sucre fighting , he heads upstairs .

  24. 好吧,你先告诉我锡拉在哪,然后我们再讨论细节。

    All right , you tell me where Scylla is , and we 'll work out the details later .

  25. 时间不多了,迈克和林肯该自救还是保全锡拉?

    As time runs out , Michael and Lincoln are left with few options to save themselves and Scylla .

  26. 赛尔夫命令格雷琴快点帮他卖出“锡拉”,他必须在今晚上飞机出国。

    Self orders Gretchen to sell Scylla and have him on a plane by the end of the day .

  27. 迈可打电话给她并说,他会把“锡拉”交给她,约定45分钟后在一个货运场见面。

    Michael calls and says he 'll give her Scylla ; just meet him at a shipping yard in45 minutes .

  28. 迈可说,市里的每个联邦警探和警察都在找他,会影响他归还“锡拉”。

    Michael says that every Fed and cop in town is looking for him , and it 's impeding his return ;

  29. 他后来进入锡拉丘兹市纽约州立大学,攻读生物工程博士学位。

    That 's when he enrolled in a doctoral program in bioprocess engineering at State University of New York in Syracuse .

  30. 迈克告诉莎拉,如果其他人为锡拉丧命他却因病告假,他又怎能独活?

    Michael tells Sara that if everyone dies and he survives because he called in sick , how can he live with himself ?