
xiàn dài jiàn zhù
  • modern architecture
  1. 现代建筑何去何从?

    Whither modern architecture ?

  2. 他是学现代建筑的。

    His speciality is modern architecture .

  3. 城里大多是现代建筑,不过教堂是个例外。

    Most of the buildings in the town are modern , but the church is an exception .

  4. 休闲中心是一个狭长而低矮的现代建筑。

    The Leisure Center is a long and low modern building .

  5. 所有这些图片都取材于现代建筑。

    All these pictures are about modern construction .

  6. 对荷兰人来说,希尔弗瑟姆的一切都与纺织业、传媒业和现代建筑有关。

    For Dutch people , Hilversum is all about textileand media industries , and modern architecture .

  7. 这些现代建筑杰作实在太多了,希尔弗森感觉很像个露天博物馆。

    These modern architectural masterpiecesare so many that Hilversum almost feels like an open air museum .

  8. 王的作品表现出对现代建筑的深刻理解和对传统的良好认识。

    Wang 's works show a deep understanding of modern architecture and a good knowledge of traditions .

  9. 一年后人们拆了老房子,随后一座漂亮的现代建筑矗立在那里。

    That house was demolished16 only one year later , and a nice shiny new modern split-level was erected17 in its place .

  10. 近年来,BIM已经逐渐被应用于众多现代建筑的设计与施工当中,并有一些项目开始应用其进行仿古建筑的设计与施工。

    In recent years , BIM has been applied in designing and constructing of many modern buildings .

  11. 随着现代建筑材料的大量使用,建筑装修过程中粘结剂、涂料和油漆等建筑材料释放出来的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)已经成为影响室内空气质量主要根源。

    VOCs which is released by building materials , such as binder , paint and so on , has been the source of bad indoor air quality with large-scale use of modern building materials .

  12. 近些年的研究结果表明,现代建筑装饰材料中释放出的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是引起室内空气污染的主要因素之一。

    Recently , some of the research results show that the indoor air pollution caused by modern building decoration materials in release volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) is one of the main factors .

  13. 现代建筑膜结构材料在我国的开发及应用

    The Development and Application of Architectural Membrane Material in Our Country

  14. 民俗风俗与现代建筑艺术设计的结合

    The combine of the folk customs and the building arts design

  15. 它是现代建筑中重要的组成部分。

    It is one of the important constructions in modern architecture .

  16. 现代建筑的发展对结构工程师的挑战

    Challenges Faced by Structure Engineers from the Development of Modern Architecture

  17. 以科学发展观应对现代建筑技术的应用

    Dealing with application of modern construction technology by scientific development view

  18. 现代建筑中中央空调系统节能设计方法初探

    Energy-saving design methods of central air conditioning system in modern buildings

  19. 窑洞的生态优势及其在现代建筑中的体现

    Ecological advantages of cave dwellings and embodiment in the modern architecture

  20. 现代建筑是在近代建筑的基础上发展起来的。

    The modern architecture is developed on the basis of modern building .

  21. 对现代建筑智能化技术可持续发展的探讨

    Discussion on Sustainable Development of Intelligent Technology of Modern Architecture

  22. 日本传统建筑与现代建筑关系之我见

    On the Relationship Between Japanese Traditional Architecture and Modern Architecture

  23. 如何落实现代建筑教育宗旨和思想?

    How to implement the ideas of modern architecture education ?

  24. 20世纪中国现代建筑史研究发凡

    Research on Chinese Modern Architectural History in the Twenty Century

  25. 基于现代建筑设计创新的几点构想

    Several ideas of innovation which is based on design of modern architecture

  26. 后现代建筑理论及其对中国建筑设计的影响

    The Influence of Postmodern Architectural Theories to Chinese Architectural Design

  27. 现代建筑中噪声振动影响及其控制对策

    Analysis of the Noise Control and the Vibration Mitigation in Modern Buildings

  28. 对中国现代建筑艺术情结的质疑

    A Query of the Artistic Complex of Modern Chinese Architectural

  29. 谈陶瓷壁画对现代建筑环境的介入

    On the Application of Ceramic Murals in Modern Architecture Environment

  30. 现代建筑壁画艺术创作谈

    The Creative View about the Art of Modern Architectural Fresco