
xiàn zài jìn xínɡ shí
  • present continuous;present continuous, present progressive
  1. 现在进行时的基本结构是:be+动词-ing。

    The present continuous tense is formed using the auxiliary verb be + ( verb ) ing .

  2. 我只是暂时在这帮忙,一直帮到来了新秘书。现在进行时的句式结构

    I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives .

  3. 现在进行时可以表示将来计划好安排好的事情。

    What are you doing for the coming summer vacation ?

  4. 我相信我的未来,也正享受着现在进行时的新鲜大学生活。

    Life belongs to those who believe in the beauty of future .

  5. 我们用现在进行时的否定形式来讨论

    We use the negative form of the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE to talk about

  6. 那小孩在哭,因为他被蜜蜂螫了。(用于现在进行时)

    The child is crying because he 's been stung by a bee .

  7. 以前是,现在进行时不是。

    Phoebe : Yeah , she was bald , she 's not now .

  8. 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。

    Present the structure of present progressive tense .

  9. 在现在进行时中这些问句由

    In the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE these questions look like

  10. 强化现在进行时问答句子的句型结构。落实句型的书写教学。

    Have Ss write down the question and the answers according to the text .

  11. 用现在进行时表示将来。过不了多久我们就会想出办法来战胜困难的。

    It won 't be too long before we a way to overcome the difficulties .

  12. 我们使用现在进行时谈论现在正在发生的事情。

    We use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now .

  13. 用的是现在进行时。

    The weather is getting colder .

  14. 大学校园广告的现在进行时

    Campus Advertisings at Present

  15. 从词义角度谈现在进行时言外之意

    A Talk on the Implication of the Present Continuous Tense from the Angle of the Sense of Words

  16. 当你已经毕业了,你就不能再用现在进行时了,应该用过去时来表达。

    If you have graduated , then you have to say ," I majored in English ," using past tense .

  17. 我们应该思考自己如何投入到这一中国现代文学史的“现在进行时”中去。

    We should think of how to put into " present progressive tense " of this Modern Chinese Literature history ourselves .

  18. 清欠永远的现在进行时&山西省建设厅副厅长张立光谈清欠

    Payoff of Arrears Eternal Present Continuous Tense & Opinion of Vice-Director of Shanxi Department of Construction Zhang Liguang on Payoff of Arrears

  19. 用括号中所给的动词的现在进行时完成句子,必要时变化词序。

    Complete these sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets , changing the word order where necessary .

  20. 例如,你是否知道现在进行时需要助动词Tobe的帮助?

    For example , did you know that the present continuous tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb to be ?

  21. 例如,你是否知道现在进行时需要助动词“tobe”的帮助?

    For example , did you know that the present continuous tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb " to be " ?

  22. 这就说明,中国现代性构想在其发生与发展过程中始终不是完成时而是现在进行时的,体现了百余年来中国社会文化现代发展的转型特色。

    This shows that China 's modernity is not " perfect tense " but " present tense " presenting the transition of the development of the Chinese society and culture .

  23. 现在进行时的被动语态,这是本单元的语法重点。在这一课中我们将会遇到大量的例句。

    Tell the students that today we are going to practice grammar item : First of all tell the students something about the grammar-the passive voice of present continuous tense .

  24. 可是我发现快乐是一个充满新挑战、现在进行时的过程,即便一切都顺利,也需要良好的态度和行为活动来继续快乐。

    But I learned that happiness is an ongoing process of fresh challenges , and that even when everything is in place it takes the right attitudes and activities to continue to be happy .

  25. 我认为自己体验了一次“造物行为”,在写实的基础上进行了一丁点的不同以往的尝试,捕捉现在进行时中的物象。

    I think I experienced an " act of creation " and make a little attempt which is tiny different from before on the basis of realism & to capture the images in the Present Continuous Tense .

  26. 归纳结论的来源主要是现场观察和田野工作的经验,在资料使用上主要采用第一手田野资料,除了为归纳性结论提供物证之外,也意在提供一种具有历史学意义的现在进行时的描述。

    The conclusion mainly comes from site and field work experiences . The research materials are mainly first-hand , in addition to providing evidence summary conclusion , it also intendes to provide an on-going description with historial meaning .

  27. 本文通过分析人称代词、现在进行时、被动语态、疑问句的语用含义,指出语法教学完全可以和语用知识相结合,这种语法教学法有助于培养学生的语用能力。

    By analyzing the pragmatic meaning of personal pronoun , present progressive tense , passive voice and interrogative sentence , the author points out that grammar teaching can be combined with pragmatic knowledge , which will contribute to the improvment of pragmatic competence .

  28. Havebeenpracticing是现在完成进行时,表过去到现在某一段时间一直进行的动作。

    As we have been practicing regularly , we are sure of winning the game this time .

  29. 现在完成进行时中国有2000年的造纸历史。

    The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years .

  30. 现在完成进行时没有被动语态。

    What has Mary been doing in the classroom ?