
yī bān jiānɡ lái shí
  • will do;future indefinite
  1. 把下列句子变成一般将来时的被动语态。

    Turn the following sentences into the future passive voice .

  2. 从功能语法的角度看一般将来时中时的非一致性

    Time Inconsistency in Simple Future Tense : A SFL Perspective

  3. 一般将来时中则要用willhaveto.她不得不乘公汽上学。

    e.g. She has to go to school by bus .

  4. 而后者是对将来的推测,故用一般将来时。

    People will have their own robots in the future .

  5. 我到星期五下午再造作业。一般将来时。

    I will do my homework on Friday evening .

  6. 注意,这里常用一般将来时。我的接任者是伦敦分公司的总经理亨里埃塔?布林克利女士,她刚刚被调回来。

    She has just returned from her position as Managing Director of the London Branch .

  7. (一般将来时)今晚在阿尔伯特会堂举行音乐会,将要进行实况转播。

    There is to be a concert at the Albert Hall tonight . It is to be broadcast live .

  8. 本研究的目的是研究三种输出活动对英语学习中一般将来时的被动语态的摄入与习得的影响,以及摄入与习得之间的关系。

    The aim of the current study is to investigate the effects of three production activities on uptake ( immediate performance ) and acquisition of future passive voice in English . It also investigates the relationship between uptake and acquisition .

  9. 将来是时制系统中的一环,从绝对时制的角度说,事件发生在说话时间之后为将来时,我们称之为一般将来时。

    The future tense is a part of tense system . From the viewpoint of absolute tense , if a event happened after the saying time , we could say it happened in the future , which is called simple future .

  10. 条件状语从句,一般现在时表示将来时。

    If she comes , she will get a surprise .