
  • 网络A New World;A New Earth
  1. 作者埃克哈特托尔(在他的书一个新世界中)谈论我们会通过一些事去有倾向的找出我们自己,和我们的自我价值。啊,你不是你的东西!

    In his book A New Earth , author Eckhart Tolle talks about our tendency to identify ourselves , and our self worth , by our things . Well , you are not your things !

  2. 选择欢乐,并在我们给自己彩绘一个新世界的同时,让颜色散播出去吧。

    Choose joy , and let the color spread as we paint ourselves a new world .

  3. 罗布森的班主任特丽莎杰斐(TrishaJaffe)表示,对三、四十岁的人而言,Twitter和其他的一切就好像是一个新世界,但在年轻人眼中,它并不是特别新奇。

    To people in their 30s and 40s , Twitter and all the rest of it feels as if it is a new world , but for youngsters it 's not staggeringly amazing , says Trisha Jaffe , Mr Robson 's head teacher .

  4. 准备好迎接一个新世界的到来吧!

    Prepare yourself for the first step toward a new world !

  5. 她鼓舞我们要创造一个新世界!

    She has inspired us to build a New World !

  6. 沉静下来,你会发现一个新世界。

    Come down , and you will find a new world inside .

  7. 我们不应通过简单重组旧世界来创建一个新世界。

    We will not make a new world simply by remaking the old .

  8. 我们正在一个新世界。

    We 're living in a whole new world .

  9. 它为了打开了一个新世界。

    It has opened a new world for me .

  10. 今晚你们在开创一个新世界。

    Tonight you are launching a new world .

  11. 明天将会是一个新世界。

    Tomorrow will bring a new world .

  12. 如果你能这样做,就能打开一个新世界;

    If you can do so , the way lies open to a new Paradise ;

  13. 探索一个新世界&意识流手法在福克纳的《喧嚣与骚动》中的运用

    EXPLORING A WHOLE NEW WORLD On the Application of the Stream-of-Consciousness Technique in Faulkner 's The Sound and the Fury

  14. 力量一直取决于你们,并且很快你们就会看到一个新世界的愿景的实现。

    The power has always rested with you , and soon you will see your visions of a new world fulfilled .

  15. 如果我们看到中国海军在地中海巡逻,那感觉真的像进入了一个新世界。

    If we see the Chinese navy on patrol in the Med , it really will feel like a new world .

  16. 你被推到一个新世界,要迎接挑战,学会独立生活。

    You are thrust into the world and tasked with the challenge of figuring out how to live on your own .

  17. 王文明,30岁,来自云南昆明,说他的梦想是去探索一个新世界。

    Wang Wenming , 30 , from Kunming in southwest Yunnan Province , said his dream was to explore a new world .

  18. 睡一觉,第二天你就会在一个新世界中醒来,而能量将再把带你到一个新的水平。

    You will wake up to a new world tomorrow , and the new energies will take you to the next level again .

  19. 它在旧世界的废墟上建立一个新世界。

    those very actions will create a circle of higher consequences able to found a new world on the ruins of the old .

  20. 新年到来之际,投资者发现他们身处一个新世界,其中大片大片的地段上竖立着“未知”的标示。

    At the start of this new year , investors find themselves in a new world where vast swaths of territory are marked'unknown . '

  21. 永不满足现状,具有好奇心、上进心,是建立一个新世界的必要条件。

    Never satisfied with the status quo , with curiosity , self-motivated , and the establishment of the necessary conditions for a new world .

  22. 这会降低技术员的薪资,但同时也会开启一个新世界,技能水平低的工人也可以有效地使用信息技术来工作。

    That could lower the wages of technicians , while opening a new world where less skilled laborers could work with information technology effectively .

  23. 有开始就有结束,此刻这样的世界必须终结,以便出现一个新世界。

    Every beginning requires an ending and the world as it is in this moment must end in order for a new one to manifest .

  24. 这个事件也允许在群众面前揭开真正的教法的面纱,事实上是允许一个新世界的建筑。

    The event will also allow the unveiling of the true dharma to the people , in turn allowing the construction of a new world .

  25. 和上一个新世界秩序不同,这个最新版本不是基于以美国为核心的单极世界,也不是为西方所主导。

    Unlike the previous new world order the latest iteration is not based on a unipolar world centred around the US and dominated by the west .

  26. 因此,为了全国和解,建设国家,为了一个新世界的诞生,我们必须团结成为一个民族,共同行动。

    We must therefore act together as a united people , for national reconciliation , for nation building , for the birth of a new world .

  27. 想象让人构建起某种关于一个新世界的富有理性的视觉,通过暗示出一些令人喜悦的意图而使生活热情得以维持。

    It enables men to construct an intellectual vision of a new world , and it preserves the zest of life by the suggestion of satisfying purposes .

  28. 这表明,我们开始进入一个新世界,在这个世界里,人们会在获得了更多信息的基础上,做出更明智、更理性的决定。

    It demonstrates that we are moving into a new world in which people make more informed and rational decisions on the basis of greater access to information .

  29. 庆祝旧世界的终结吧,要为你们的努力成果而高兴,用爱、感激和欢乐带来一个新世界。

    Celebrate the end of the old world , be glad for the proof of your efforts and bring the new world in with love , gratitude and joy .

  30. 他和他的家人跪下来,感谢上帝让他们安全度过这场可怕的洪水,并给予他们一个新世界的崭新开始。

    He and his family knelt down and thanked God for keeping them safe during the terrible flood and for giving them a fresh start in a new world .