
yī zhì xìng
  • consistence;consistency;uniformity;homogeneity
一致性[yī zhì xìng]
  1. 以DNA位点纯合率评价小麦品种的一致性和稳定性

    Evaluating Uniformity and Stability of Wheat Cultivars Based on Ratio of Homozygous DNA Locus

  2. X射线散射成像系统中散射图像一致性校正实验研究

    Study of the Uniformity Correction of Scatter Image in X-Ray Scattering System

  3. 在翻译菜单项和对话框时,需要全盘考虑,确保翻译的界面保持整体的一致性很重要

    Menu items and dialogs , when they are translated , to be considered holistically .

  4. 科学哲学和西方经济学之间存在着内在一致性和思想方法论关联。

    There are inherent consistencies and relations of ideal methodology between philosophy of science and western economics .

  5. 威尔士教育部部长柯丝蒂·威廉姆斯认为这个变化是必要的,以给学生提供一个公平的竞争环境。每所学校的评估结果将参照经过商议决定的“全威尔士地区指导方针”,以保证威尔士各地评估标准的一致性。

    The Education Minister Kirsty Williams says the change is needed to allow for a level playing field , and that the result from each school will be played into an agreed ' national approach ' to provide consistency across Wales .

  6. 单击Run按钮启动一致性检验。

    Click the Run button to start the consistency check .

  7. GAS具有鲁棒一致性。

    GAS possesses robust consistency .

  8. WEB缓存的一致性是WEB缓存研究的难点之一,其决定缓存的可用性和正确性。

    WEB cache consistency is one of the most difficult question in the research area of web cache .

  9. 进程迁移中X连接一致性的研究

    Research of the Consistency of X Connection during Process Migration

  10. 当震级的一致性很差时,b值的误差也很大。

    Big b error is usually introduced when the magnitudes of the events are not well measured .

  11. MR首过心肌灌注成像与99mTc-MIBISPEC具T有很好的一致性,两者符合率为:92.5%。

    First-pass MR imaging was considerably coher - ent to 99mTC-MIBI SPECT , with an agreement rate of 92.5 % .

  12. 所以本课题的主要研究内容就是构建Office安全功能并验证设计与实现的一致性并消除实现与设计原形的歧义。

    So the main idea of the subject is how to construct Office security functions and verify the design .

  13. 当前,绝大多数分布式共享存储系统采用基于目录的Cache一致性协议。

    Most DSM ( Distributed Shared Memory ) systems use directory-based cache-coherent protocols .

  14. 华北地区大地震矩释放率和GPS应变率的一致性研究

    On the Consistency of Large Earthquake Moment and Strain Rate Inferred from GPS Data in North China

  15. 保持各个光电倍增管的增益一致性对正电子发射断层成像(PET)的质量至为重要。

    To make all PMTs'gains identical through auto-adjustment is important for ensuring the PET imaging quality .

  16. VISUALFOXPRO的数据一致性设计

    A Design of Visual Foxpro 's Data Consistency

  17. 利用SSR标记进行玉米品种一致性检测研究

    Uniformity Analysis of Maize Varieties by a Set of SSR Markers

  18. VaR、ES与一致性风险测度

    VaR , Expected Shortfall and Measurement of Consistency Risk

  19. 研究了区间DEA模型向确定型DEA模型转化过程中的数据一致性问题。

    The data consistency of transforming interval DEA into exact DEA was studied .

  20. 改进的基于目录的Cache一致性协议

    Improved Directory-based Cache-Coherent Protocol

  21. 目的分析影响凝血酶原时间国际标准化比值(internationalnormalizedratio,INR)一致性的因素。

    Objective To investigate the factors that influence the consistency of international normalized ratio ( INR ) of prothrombin time .

  22. 结果显示,三种方法的检测结果具有较好的一致性,其中肿瘤细胞的DNA指数和DNA倍体分布最具有价值。

    The results suggested that DNA index of tumor cells and distribution of DNA were of great value to assess cellular proliferative activity of nasopharyngeal carcinoma .

  23. IPv6基本描述协议一致性测试的探讨

    Conformance Test of IPv6 Specification Protocol

  24. TD-SCDMA移动终端协议一致性测试技术的研究

    Research of TD-SCDMA Mobile Terminal Protocol Conformance Testing Technology

  25. PowerBuilder中父子窗口数据一致性编程

    Making Window Data of Father and Son Reach Consistency in PowerBuilder

  26. 通过对访谈时间和字数、归类一致性、信度系数和Person相关系数指标的信度分析,评价编码效果。

    Analysis the reliability of the valid interview texts on interview length and time 、 category agreement 、 reliability 、 person correlation , then evaluate interview effect and agreement .

  27. IPv6协议一致性测试系统

    IPv6 Protocol Conformance Test System

  28. 另一个经常出现的问题是URI不一致性。

    Another often occurring issue is URI inconsistency .

  29. 结果发现ER与和β-HCG表达有高度一致性(P<0.001)。

    The results showed expression of ER was highly consistent with β - HCG ( P < 0 . 001 ) .

  30. 应用ODS技术解决电子政务系统数据一致性问题

    ODS Solution of the Coherence Matter in E-government